I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 586 Tang Ye’s mental ability

Before Niu Xiaosan could finish his words, he was interrupted by Tang Ye with a wave of his hand, and Chen Zhouan just opened his eyes and glanced at him sideways, without saying anything.

The people outside gave Tang Ye the feeling that a zombie was wrapped in a living body, but Tang Ye was not sure what it was.

At the same time, Tang Ye also discovered that Chen Zhouan seemed to be caring about something. There were some things that he did not dare to say directly, so he could only give some clues for Tang Ye to think about.

"I don't know what you're trying to say. If you're afraid of that thing, I guess it doesn't matter at all."


Chen Zhouan smiled strangely and continued: "Although you are very powerful, you can't protect me."

"It's also powerful?"

"I don't know, but at least it is stronger than me. My life is no longer in my hands from then on. Once it knows that I said something that I shouldn't say, then..."

Deep fear flashed in Chen Zhouan's eyes. The fear in his heart was like a piece of extremely sticky dog ​​skin plaster. He could never get rid of it for the rest of his life. It would be like a nightmare that would accompany him for the rest of his life, destroying him every night. The torture was unbearable.

"I heard that you cannibalize people? You also like to eat virgins?"

As if he felt that he could no longer get any clues from Chen Zhouan, Tang Ye changed the topic.

Chen Zhouan also opened his eyes after hearing this.

"Is he okay with you?" Chen Zhouan asked, pointing at Niu Xiaosan, and Tang Ye nodded.

"I do eat people, but this is not me, that is it..."


Tang Ye pursed his lips. He already had an idea in his mind, but he just couldn't sort it out.

"Hmm, have you figured it out?"

"Kind of."

"You are that kind of thing too?"

"Yes, I am of the same type as that one." Tang Ye smiled, a scary smile.

"Then... I want to see what you really look like..." Chen Zhouan was silent for a while and asked hesitantly.

"you sure?"


Chen Zhouan nodded, and then carefully observed Tang Ye's face.

And Tang Ye did not disappoint him. The muscles on his face squirmed, his skin began to turn pale, black and purple blood vessels bulged, and his hair turned white slightly, but did not grow longer. But just like that, one piece after another A terrifying zombie face appeared in front of Chen Zhouan.

Tang Ye raised his hand and exposed the brown-red corpse claws with rock texture in front of Chen Zhouan.


Seeing Tang Ye's condition, Chen Zhouan stood up in shock, opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to utter two hesitant words.


"Oh, you've seen me?"

Tang Ye became interested, and he was a little curious. Why did so many people call him the Corpse King?

Chen Zhouan smiled bitterly and said: "White-haired Corpse King, who in China doesn't know you now? Your appearance in Linshi has spread all over the country."

"It's so popular..."

Tang Ye turned into a human and felt strange in his heart. He glanced at Niu Xiaosan and saw that this guy also called himself the Corpse King at the beginning. Did he already know about him?

Niu Xiaosan fell into a daze after hearing Chen Zhouan's words "King of Corpses". After discovering that Tang Ye was looking at him, he was speechless for a long time in a hurry.

There was panic in his eyes, and his face turned pale. Niu Xiaosan had been following Tang Ye for the past few days. Did he know that Tang Ye was the corpse king in Linshi?

The reason why I call him the Corpse King is because I think that even a zombie that can disguise itself as a human must be very powerful. In order to show your respect, you must use the honorific title when calling the other person!

What name should be used to call a zombie? That must be the word "Zombie King". Look, how domineering it is!

It feels like a breath of fresh air to be called a zombie like this.

However, when he thought that he had stayed with such a terrifying existence for so many days, Niu Xiaosan didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

"I...I...don't know. It turns out, sir, that you are the Corpse King. I thought...you...were you not in Linshi? You were not bombed by...a nuclear bomb..."

Realizing something, Niu Xiaosan stopped talking. After all, that word was very unlucky for Chinese people.

"Hmph, do you think I will be killed by a mere nuclear bomb?"

Tang Ye snorted coldly. Although this sentence contained some pretentiousness, it also gave the two people in front of him an unprecedented shock.

No, no, not even afraid of nuclear bombs?

"What? Do you still doubt me now?"

Chen Zhouan shook his head. He naturally knew what Tang Ye meant, but some things couldn't be solved with fists.

"No, but you still can't protect me. Besides, I don't eat people, it eats..." After thinking about it, Chen Zhouan didn't know what to call Tang Ye, but thinking of what Niu Xiaosan said just now, he felt that he should learn from it. Niu Xiaosan.

"My lord should have told me from his mouth that it is true that it eats people, but it does not eat men, only women. Another thing is that it does not eat ugly women... As for how to eat..."

Later, Chen Zhouan paused and pointed at his body.

This meaning is very clear.

Tang Ye frowned and Chen Zhouan said that he already understood what he was referring to, but he was very doubtful.

Do you really have this ability? Isn’t it a bit beyond the scope of science?

Although some zombies have incredible abilities, they are far from the level of ghosts and gods, and many of them can be guessed at their principles.

According to Chen Zhouan's description, the guy who wanted to control himself was indeed a zombie who took the mind control route, and his abilities were extremely weird.

Xu Haihai is also a zombie who takes the mind control route, and can also have the ability to graft consciousness.

However, Xu Haihai's consciousness grafting can only be used on zombies, and cannot be used directly on people.

Every high-level zombie can control low-level zombies, just like Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye's mental control is as simple as a person holding a remote control and controlling the zombies. It cannot be stretched freely.

And consciousness grafting is like a person temporarily taking over another person's body, and then controlling the other person's body to do whatever they want.

Although the two are essentially the same, the technical gap is too big.


Suddenly Tang Ye thought that the intelligent zombies he encountered seemed to be spiritual zombies? I just don’t know if Ah Fu was there before.

When I first met Ah Fu, this guy was actually able to talk, and he even ran away when he saw that Tang Ye was stronger than him.

But something happened later and he directly became Tang Ye's thug, transforming into a power zombie.

If you assume that Ah Fu was still a smart zombie when he didn't meet him, then the question arises, is Tang Ye himself considered a smart zombie?

Tang Ye is very confused about this. He himself can't define what kind of zombie he is. It seems that he has the three basic aspects of zombies.

If Tang Ye is a spiritual zombie, then his unique ability cannot be controlled by other spiritual zombies?

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