The scene of the zombie melee stunned Chen Zhouan and Niu Xiaosan, but they looked at Tang Ye and realized that this guy was the zombie.

Come to think of it, a zombie with human intelligence would never allow another intelligent zombie to live in the same world as itself. In this way, it is easy for Tang Ye to find it.

The two consciousnesses are constantly clashing in the air, and the killing intent is like two continuous waves hitting each other. The overwhelming force is as majestic as the sun!

Although he didn't know the other party's level, the other party's mental ability was the same as Xu Haihai's, which was higher than his own. Although Tang Ye could control purebred zombies that were not half-human and half-zombie, the other party could also control the other party.

Moreover, the fighting methods were rough. Tang Ye controlled one and grabbed the other. He understood the ability of mental control to the extreme, which was beyond the reach of Tang Ye.

Consciousness collision is not Tang Ye's specialty. To deal with that guy, playing mind control with him here is a complete waste of time.

If that guy had a higher level than him and was in a different situation than Tang Ye, it would never allow a smart zombie like Tang Ye to exist.

But the other party did not go to Tang Ye directly, but Tang Ye went to find it. This shows that this guy is not as high as Tang Ye and knows his own weaknesses. Once Tang Ye finds him, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Mind-controlled zombies can generally control non-mental zombies of the same level, such as strength-type and speed-type zombies, and a small number of them can control zombies that are one level higher than themselves.

A third-level mental zombie is usually followed by many third-level speed zombies and power zombies, abandoning zombies that retain human thinking like Tang Ye. The intelligence of this kind of zombie will be a little higher than other zombies, but it has not yet reached the human level.

Up to the third level, they have the wisdom of a three-year-old human child. However, their weaknesses are obvious. They are exactly the same as Xu Haihai. They have strong mental abilities but weak physical strength. The fifth level only has less than the strength of the fourth level.

If that guy, like Xu Haihaii, was found a hiding place by Tang Ye, can you imagine the consequences?

At that time, it was really that the sky was not responding and the earth was not working.

As the zombies he felt were controlled by him lost control one by one, Tang Ye simply stopped controlling it and watched the zombies rushing toward him!

"Sir, this..."

Niu Xiaosan screamed when he discovered that Tang Ye couldn't control these zombies.

"Why are you panicking?"

Tang Ye glanced at Niu Xiaosan silently, then looked forward and sneered.

"I can't defeat you in this regard, but I want to see if you can control my silver-armored corpse!"

Tang Ye's face turned ferocious as a huge swarm of zombies arrived. Just when the first zombie's hand was about to touch Tang Ye, a silver arm suddenly appeared and grabbed the zombie's hand!


It was a four-meter-tall strong silver-armored zombie. It opened its mouth and roared at the zombie. Its fangs were displayed in front of the zombie. With a "boom", the zombie was thrown directly into the sky and fell to the ground. Falling apart!

The consciousness in the air shook, and then Tang Ye felt a suspicious message coming from it. This was obviously because this guy tried to control the silver-armored corpse but failed, so he was confused.

"Hmph, do what you can."

Pulling out the blade of flesh and blood, pointing the tip at the corpses, Tang Ye yelled: "Kill me!"

Give an order! Dozens of silver-armored zombies appeared, jumped up ten meters, jumped into the group of corpses like wolves into a herd of sheep, and attacked the controlled zombies frantically!

"What kind of zombie is this?" Chen Zhouan was a little confused when he saw the silver-armored corpse. He had never seen such a zombie with black pupils, red eyes and silver skin.

"This is your lord's follower zombie." Niu Xiaosan said a little show off, as if Tang Ye was himself.

"Come again!"

Tang Ye yelled at that consciousness, his contempt revealed without reservation.

The guy seemed to feel that he had been insulted. The next second, Tang Ye felt dizzy and his thoughts went blank at this moment. He recovered after a while.

After a while, Tang Ye realized that the guy was trying to control himself again in anger, but failed.

Although it was not successfully controlled, it gave Tang Ye a very strange feeling. As for how strange it was, it was hard to say. It was like someone had suddenly pinched one of his nerves and then lifted it up. It was a bit numb and a bit... Itch, and there will be temporary amnesia.

"Trash!" After recovering, Tang Ye continued to challenge, but this guy got smart and realized that he really couldn't help Tang Ye, so he simply ignored him. Now he doesn't know what crooked idea he was thinking.

"Hey, you bitch, keep coming to me! Trash, when I find you, I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

"No, I forgot that you are a zombie and can't feel pain. When I catch you, I will take you to Linshi and open a laboratory to cut off your head and torture you!"

"Hey, wouldn't that be great? You still want to control me. I will give you face cn, but I won't give you face cnm!"

"Come on! Keep going! Your dad is waiting! Hurry up..."

All the silver-armored zombies were frantically attacking the zombies under Tang Ye's orders. But compared to that, Tang Ye here was talking to the air. As he talked, Tang Ye himself couldn't wait. He got up, as if he would go crazy if he didn't catch that guy.

Zombies are like this. Even if they have human thoughts, their inner activities will always go to extremes without knowing it.

That guy couldn't seem to stand Tang Ye's constant spouting like Gatling. His consciousness was shaken in the air, as if he was brewing something. After a while, Tang Ye noticed that there were waves like waves in the air. ripple.

"Garbage is garbage, there's nothing you can do about it..."

Tang Ye stopped when he was about to spit out the words, squinted his eyes for a while, and immediately realized that this was a mental attack. He didn't know how powerful this thing was, nor how to defend it, so he could only passively accept the attacks.


In an instant, Tang Ye felt his body go numb, and a "buzzing" sound surrounded his ears. He had tinnitus!

"Fuck you..."

Tang Ye was a little at a loss, his head seemed to be swelling, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Then his thoughts suddenly went blank again, like a waterfall that was suddenly cut off, leaving nothing behind.

Unable to recall, think, or control his body, this situation lasted for about a minute before Tang Ye gradually recovered.


After cursing, Tang Ye felt that he was a little too high and his vision was blurry, but that guy only had this ability, and he was at the end of his rope after using this trick.

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