I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 592 If there are thugs, why not use them?

"Did those zombie birds hit a ghost?" Gao Shunan shook his head in vain, and several survivors next to him asked curiously: "Brother Gao, what did you see? Let's take a look too. "

"Look at it, go up to that building first, wait for the corpse wave to come this way."

Speaking of the corpse tide, Gao Shunan is still very concerned about it. Although he is a fifth-level mutant now, there are so many ants that can kill elephants, let alone zombies. The reason why he came to Fengming City now is because he was forced by a large group of corpse tides. He rushed to escape, but it was still a bit uncomfortable to be chased by the zombies. Gao Shunan would definitely avoid the zombies. Anyway, the zombies in other cities would still know where the people were.

This is very strange. Now the cities in the north seem to be cursed, and zombies are appearing one after another in groups going berserk and attacking the survivor base.

In order to figure this out, some large bases or joint management areas have temporarily raised satellites to find the reason.

Among them, Yunxia Base is the most active.

After half a month of investigation, ALK's large survivor organization first discovered that the urban areas where zombie riots were occurring were all in provinces near the Qulong River. It was inferred that the origin of the riots was in the Qulong River, but they didn't know what caused it. of.

Gao Shunan warily glanced at the place where the devil appeared, then pointed at the building he was interested in and said, it is the tallest building that can be seen in Fengming City.

The other survivors heard him say this and did not refute. They had been following him for a while. This man had a strange temper, sometimes gentle and sometimes violent.

When you are polite, he can forgive you no matter what mistakes you make, but when you are angry, you may be torn apart if you step with your left foot first.

Under the leadership of Gao Shunan, people could only suppress their curiosity and climb up the building he pointed to. Fortunately, each of them was a new human being. Climbing the building was easy for them, and they were up in a short time. Rooftop.

But when they arrived, the first thing they saw was a pink hut. Although it was covered with vines, the clean ground in front of the door told everything.

"Is there anyone living here?"

Gao Shunan murmured doubtfully. As he spoke, he looked at a subordinate next to him and said coldly: "There are people living here. Let's check the situation first. How many people are there? Kill the men and leave the women."


Several survivors shouted excitedly. What they liked to hear most was Gao Shunan's words.


The phantom of the demon god stood in the sky, like a statement from the nine heavens. The black light around it fell continuously like raindrops. The ground was soon covered with zombie corpses, and the power of the sixth-level zombies exploded!

And Tang Ye spoke coldly under the shadow, the consciousness in the air was beating, Tang Ye could feel its shock, and he knew without thinking that Tang Ye was using the ability of the legendary immortal cultivator, even if the people on the earth Even if you have too much knowledge, you may be dumbfounded.

"Let me see how many you can kill!"

A zombie with only one-third of its body left suddenly spoke, and then the tide of zombies behind it rushed forward like crazy, and then surged up, like endless waves on the sea.

"Then I will kill you for you to see!"

Tang Ye was completely aroused with the violence in his heart, and vented all his anger among the corpses. He waved his hands, black mist covered the sky, and the demon roared with fierce force, shocking the world!


Following Tang Ye's roar full of evil spirits, the silver-armored zombies mixed in the zombie tide rose up, their silver-white skin exuding a hard and cold sheen!

"Fuck me!"

The disabled zombie, whose consciousness was also controlled, roared, and then, a silver-armored zombie flew up out of thin air and was thrown ten meters away by something!

"Bald guy!"

Tang Ye tightened his fists and immediately knew that there were not only ordinary zombies, but also evil zombies mixed among them.

This guy can control evil zombies!


Tang Ye cursed secretly. He has never hated a kind of zombie so much now. Evil zombies are really too troublesome. They are still controlled by people. This means that these guys don't need to be seen before they take action. They will remain invisible under the control of that intelligent zombie!

Tang Ye sensed that the evil silver-armored zombies that he had assimilated and infected were still far away from him. Now Tang Ye could not see the evil zombies with his own eyes.

"You really think I can't do anything to you?"

As he spoke, the demonic shadow on Tang Ye's head suddenly dissipated, turning into countless black mist tentacles in the blink of an eye. At the same time, countless two-meter-long black mist giant swords floated around him. The two formed a large-scale attack on each other.

However, this is not enough! Tang Ye sneered, and his already ferocious face became even more ferocious. His body began to squirm, and flesh and blood tentacles and bone spurs separated out!


With a roar, Tang Ye's body instantly became like a flower that had just unfolded its petals, and then the weapon formed with the black mist covered the sky and smashed into the tide of corpses!


There was a loud noise, and the mountain could not withstand Tang Ye's huge power. Countless trees were blown away by their roots, and the mountain began to collapse. Countless zombies were smashed into pulp. Black, red, black, and yellow blood, pus, and dark green flesh were everywhere!

At this time, the group of zombies was reduced by less than half. Because Tang Ye's power was too great, it directly caused a landslide. Countless zombies were unable to climb up the landslide for a long time.

"That's it? Hum hum hum Jie Jie~"

The zombie it controlled before had been smashed into pulp. At this time, this guy grafted his consciousness onto another second-level zombie and challenged Tang Ye in a weird tone.

Tang Ye glanced at it coldly, but without making any move, he suddenly saw his brows furrowed, and felt the feeling of being bitten on the tentacles he stretched out.

In zombie form, his flesh and blood molecules were inactive and would not convey pain information to the brain. Tang Ye could not feel pain, but he could still feel the indescribable texture.

"Are there more than just these evil zombies?"

Tang Ye frowned and looked ahead. It was very likely that there were evil zombies everywhere he saw. He just couldn't see them, but the dust stirred up from time to time on the ground could still be seen.

But what puzzled Tang Ye was, how could this guy be controlled by so many evil zombies?

When Tang Ye summoned the silver-armored zombies he had infected before, he saw the perspective of the silver-armored evil zombies in Jinhe City. The evil zombies there did not disappear on a large scale, which means that this guy was an evil spirit controlled from other places. Spirit zombies!

"Hmph, I will kill as many as you come!"

Tang Ye said disdainfully, and at the same time he had secretly communicated with the corpse dragon in his heart. This kind of thing of fighting one against ten thousand is indeed majestic, but just pretending for a short time.

Tang Ye is just showing off his brain by doing this all the time. Why not use it if there are thugs?

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