In a small evolutionary forest not far from the entrance of Fengxian Changjing Expressway, a large group of speedsters gathered here on motorcycles. Chen Zhouan threw a headless corpse into the sewer and looked at a person who was coming over one after another. A member of the Speeding Party.

"Did you bring everything?"


The speedsters each looked at each other, and then looked at the corpse that was thrown into the sewer ditch. Deep fear flashed in their eyes. The corpse was their resident boss during the zombie riot a week ago. As if they knew where the person was, groups of corpses continued to attack their station, and then they were led by the station boss to escape. However, unlike other colleagues, they did not fly south, but did the opposite. , go directly to the north, intending to bypass the zombie riot that has been "infected" towards the south.

But after reaching Fengming City, they met the Chen brothers!

Chen Zhouan and Chen Zhouan started to move the speeding gang from Linshi to here a year ago. However, this was not what they wanted to do, but they were threatened by a smart zombie.

Along the way, the Chen brothers have conquered many Speeder Party forces, probably twenty to thirty thousand in number by now. It's impossible for so many people to move with them all, right?

This was a very troublesome thing, but fortunately Chen Zhouan didn't do it. The Speeding Party is a Speeding Party. Although they often plunder and kill the survivors they meet, everyone in the Speeding Party joins the Speeding Party in order to survive.

It's not easy to lead two or three thousand people. There is a saying in ancient times: soldiers and horses move forward before food and grass are moved.

There is definitely not enough food for so many people, so every time Chen Zhouan goes to a territory, he will beat the local speedsters and surrender. Once they surrender, Chen Zhouan will leave some people who have been with him for a long time to stay in the area at that time, and then leave all the people in the area. The conquered Speeder Party moved together with them. As a result, the Speeder Party, managed by Chen Zhouan and his two men, had many forces along the way. Their Speeder Party stations were everywhere, and the boss of the station was a confidant of Chen Zhouan and Chen Zhouquan.

But in the apocalypse, people are unpredictable, and no one can resist the temptation of power. As the veterans of the apocalypse, the two brothers Chen Zhouan and Chen Zhouquan know this very well. Once the group of people who are separated establish a station in an area and they do not personally control it, then The resident boss will definitely have different intentions.

From the very beginning, Chen Zhouan had done everything well. Every time a group of people were assigned, he already recognized the resident boss of this group as no longer his, no matter how loyal he was to him before!

If there are levels of ruthless people in the world, the Chen brothers are definitely the highest-ranking ones. Although Niu Xiaosan always told Tang Ye how ruthless Chen Zhouan and Chen Zhouquan were, it was a bit exaggerated. Brothers are not good men and women.

After this group of speedsters were encountered by Chen Zhouquan, the resident boss was killed by Chen Zhouan without even saying hello. As for the speedsters under him, although they were overwhelmed by this sudden change, they did not care. Our resident boss wants to take revenge, because the boss is originally the Chen brother. As for the resident boss, he is just a tool for the two of them and can be thrown away at any time.

Compared with these, what confuses the speedsters the most is that they now have an extra big brother!

"Everyone line up and hand over the things one by one." Chen Zhouquan shouted at the top of his lungs. Hundreds of speedsters got out of the car and took out evolutionary plants or evolutionary crystals and nuclei from the car. There was a long queue in the woods.

In the woods, a tall figure over two meters tall wearing a black robe uprooted a tree, revealing an emerald green evolutionary crystal core.


After growling twice, the figure took out the evolutionary crystal core, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it with a look of enjoyment.

"Brother Nian, what you asked for is here."

After eating the evolutionary crystal, Tang Ye began to peel off the bark of the tree and gnawed out the heart of the tree. After fighting against the zombie tide, the energy in his body was exhausted and was now being replenished. During the replenishment process, Tang Ye discovered that the heart of the evolutionary tree could give He replenished his own energy, so every time he found an evolved plant, he was inevitably protected from Tang Ye's poisonous hands.

Halfway through Shu Xin's meal, Tang Ye heard Chen Zhouquan's voice. His movements froze and he turned around to see a zombie with a terrifying face.

"Did you bring them all?"


After swallowing the remaining tree heart, Tang Ye walked out of the woods. The zombie form appeared in front of everyone, but the speedsters did not show any strange expressions on their faces. In their opinion, intelligent zombies do not exist. Maybe this big brother It's just because the opposite sex has evolved to become like this.

"Put it all down."

Tang Ye said to all the speedsters, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant. The speedsters also obeyed and poured all the large and small bags in their hands in front of Tang Ye. After a while, they piled up a small mountain.


He smiled with satisfaction, bent down and picked up an evolved flower and stuffed it into his mouth. These evolved plants were either trees or flowers. After evolving, they tasted good when eaten by zombies and also had the function of replenishing energy.

The speedsters behind poured their own things in front of Tang Ye one by one. Like a beast that had been hungry for several lifetimes, Tang Ye opened his mouth to an incredible angle and ate frantically, leaving people stunned for a moment.


More than ten minutes later, Tang Ye burped, and the energy in his body recovered to 50% to 60%. Living for half a year would not be a problem.

"Is there any more?"

Tang Ye asked unsatisfiedly, feeling like he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder as his body was not full of energy.

Speedsters, you look at me and I look at you. After the air was quiet for a few seconds, a short, wretched-looking man walked up holding a strange flower.

"Brother, do you know if this is edible?"

"Bring it here."

Tang Ye grabbed it without saying a word. The man had a look of panic on his face. He grabbed this thing without explaining anything. If something went wrong after eating it, he would kill himself. He quickly explained: ", listen to this first." Say, this thing is..."

"What is it? Hurry up!"

"This is a high-level insomnia flower. You won't feel anything after you eat it. It's the same as an anesthetic, but... it's the same as Viagra. It's... an aphrodisiac. If you take it, you may need a girl... Girl..."

"Insomnia flower?"

Tang Ye blinked, feeling a little familiar. After a while, he remembered that he had just entered the Qinshan base and bought an insomnia bud in the third block. But these are only useful to people, right? I don’t feel anything about zombie Tang Ye.

He only had the word fifth level in his mind. Fifth level can replenish a lot of energy.

"This thing is of no use to me."

With a roar, Tang Ye grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, believing that no matter how poisonous something was, it couldn't poison zombies.

"All right."

The wretched man waved his hand helplessly and retreated into the crowd.

After touching his belly, Tang Ye looked towards the urban area of ​​Fengming City. There was not a zombie or a person in sight on the dilapidated streets, which looked desolate. However, from Tang Ye's perspective, he could see the survivor base in the distance - [Gaozheng Base]!

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