I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 618 Remember your real name

"Oh..." After hearing Tang Ye's words, Chen Zhouquan and other speedsters showed disappointment in their eyes. Soon after, someone asked: "Brother Nian, you want to settle someone, is that your relative? "

"Yes, yes, Brother Nian, if you are so powerful, your relatives should live a good life."

Tang Ye didn't know what the expression was on his face, it was hard to tell clearly. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and many people's faces flashed through his mind. After half a minute, he said, his voice a little low.

"Seriously, I don't have any relatives, not from the beginning."

"No way?"

The speedster was a little surprised and didn't ask any more questions.

"I am an abandoned person. From the beginning, I didn't know where I came from. Who are my relatives? What is the concept of relatives? The biggest difference between you and me is that you have a destination, but I don't know Where am I going.”

"Abandoned person?"

The speedsters were a little confused as to what Tang Ye meant. The smart ones guessed a little, but they didn't answer.

And Tang Ye didn't know why he said this "abandoned person", it was as if this sentence suddenly flashed through his mind, and then he blurted it out subconsciously.

"Also, what is the concept of relatives? There are no such things in this world. They are just rules set by ourselves. After this life is born, the road from now on is a journey. There is no destination. Anyway, come empty-handed and leave empty-handed.”


The speedsters burst out laughing, not sure if they were laughing at themselves, but Tang Ye remained silent and looked ahead silently.

The sky was getting dark, and a group of people found a relatively clean building to spend the night. Tang Ye also rarely chose to sleep tonight.

The long winter night was long and silent, as if he was thinking every day. Tang Ye had a dream tonight.

He dreamed that when he was a child, when he was the youngest, he did not do anything, but was held by someone, walking in a piece of yellow sand with steps that were as if he could not touch the ground. Tang Ye could not see him. I don't know what this man looks like, nor what his body shape is.

It was like a liquid with no form, holding himself and walking step by step in the yellow sand. He couldn't feel his mood and didn't know why he was holding himself.

The road he walked on the ground was said to be yellow sand. In fact, this was just a description, it was very similar to yellow sand. Sometimes the road he walked looked like a cement road, sometimes like a rugged mountain road, and sometimes like a dilapidated street in the apocalypse.

Tang Ye didn't know what the sky looked like. It was night or day, cloudy or sunny. The mountains in the dream were so high that they almost reached the sky. The cliff is very deep, like an invisible abyss.

Every time this person takes a step, the environment around him seems to be changing. Space is distorted, time is messed up, nothing can be seen, nothing is shown. There is no way to know whether this person is a man or a woman, but Tang Ye You know, he has no emotions, just like a soulless puppet, holding himself and walking step by step like a machine.

Until he came to a gate, which was the gate of the orphanage where Tang Ye lived. However, it was different from the orphanage in the real world. The gate of the orphanage in reality was an old-fashioned residential building, and the orphanage in the dream was very strange. , in front of the gate is an endless plain, not far away there is a long railroad track, and there seems to be a person lying on it.

On the left is a tall mountain, and on the right is a dilapidated and desolate scene unique to the end of the world, but I don’t know where it is. Hanging on the ruined walls are twisted corpses, including humans, zombies, and some huge ones. The skeleton of a living thing.

His life was relived in his dream, but the strange thing was that people no longer called him by his real name, but by another name.

"Li Henian, come here quickly."

"Li Henian, we are playing hide and seek here. We are missing one person. Come quickly!"

"He Nian, save me, I don't want to die!"

"No, Brother Nian, please let me live, please..."

"Over there, hurry up and chase! Li Henian, hurry up and follow me!"

"Oh, so your name is Li Henian. It's so strange that you, a zombie, are actually intelligent."

"Li Henian, give up, you are...the King of Corpses..."

"Where's Li Henian?"

"he's gone!"

"Why are you leaving?"

"He lost the most important thing."

"All right."

"Oh, you've become a lot more stable, but you don't look as interesting as before... Also, your name is not Li Henian, remember your real name..."

"Remember Li Henian, the only thing that can save you is the concern in your heart!"

"Brother Nian...I am very grateful to you, because you taught me how to become strong...but I remember that you once told me your other name. Maybe you have forgotten it, hahaha!"

"Your real name... is Tang Ye!"

The flying snow outside the window fell into Tang Ye's forehead. He opened his eyes and looked at the sky outside. Although it was already morning, the sky was covered with dark clouds and looked very gloomy.

"Another ridiculous dream."

Tang Ye climbed up from the bed and said secretly that every dream he had after becoming a zombie was like this, headless and tailless, very strange.

After leaving the room, he saw that many people had gotten up and were searching for supplies in each room. Downstairs, there were also people tying things to motorcycles. When Chen Zhouan saw Tang Ye, he immediately said: "Boss, let's go." Already?"

"Let's go."

Tang Ye touched his nose, then went downstairs and stood on the roof of the car. The motorcade started and drove towards the DC area. However, after going around in circles, Tang Ye soon discovered that they had arrived at Gao Shunan's fall. The place to come down.

At this time, a large pit appeared in front of them. Many houses were affected and collapsed, and the speedsters looked at the large pit, especially the large-shaped depression in the center. At a glance, they knew that someone had been hit by something. Pressed inside.

"I'm going to tell you what happened here."

"This big hole was hit by someone's fist? What's the big fist?"

"Sabi, take a closer look. Is it a fist mark?"

Someone slapped his companion on the head and said angrily. Tang Ye glanced at the pit and felt funny in his heart. He walked around and ended up here.

"Okay, don't worry about these things and leave quickly."


The speedsters shouted a few times in response to Tang Ye's voice. They turned around on the street in front, and everyone saw the broad lake surface of Qulong River, which was glowing with little ripples.

"The DC area is ahead. You only have to walk into Dongcheng, then take the expressway in the direction of Niunan to get to the Ludian Expressway." A knowledgeable person said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Tang Ye's eyes narrowed and he looked towards the end of the highway bridge that spanned the east and west cities.

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