I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 639 What level are you at?

What kind of face is that? Indescribable! The eyebrows and eyes are like those drawn by a god. Mortals can't imagine that there is such a perfect face in this world!

That side face is like a rain of stars in the night sky. Any more or less is destroying this divine creation. It must not be desecrated! The distribution of facial features looks like an immortal but not an immortal, like a human but not a human, ethereal and strange, very close at hand, but it feels like it is millions of miles above the nebula!

The clarity of black and white in her eyes is extremely clear, and her coquettishness is even greater! There is no dazzling galaxy, but it is bottomless. Coupled with her fairy-like face, it is a complete contradiction between the devil and the god!

It's beautiful, gives people a feeling of extreme danger, but makes people unable to extricate themselves.

If we had to describe her facial features, then her eyebrows were like a wisp of smoke, like distant green mountains, and sometimes like weak willows, seemingly curved but not crooked, frowned but not frowned. The ears are as exquisite as a bean, the nose is like a bean and jade, and the lips are bright and spread out like a crushed pill.

The moment her hat and scarf were lifted, she was like a magnet, attracting everyone's attention to her face.

Time seemed to have stopped. Whether it was soldiers, pedestrians, or powerful new humans from all walks of life, they stopped on the road, staring blankly at her face, wanting to admire her out loud, but unwilling to break the tranquility.

The member of the speedster gang who was thrown a scarf and hat by Gong Xiao was agitated at first and thought that the goddess was interested in him. However, after a while, he felt countless eyes with murderous intent on him. , his body trembled involuntarily, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

He believed that if Gong Xiao threw some clothes on him again, he would probably be assassinated as soon as he entered the base!

Maybe it was because Gong Xiao was wearing a lot of clothes. After taking off her hat and scarf, some beads of sweat could be seen on her forehead.

Like Bai Xinran, she wore a lot of clothes, three layers inside and three outside, wrapped like a big rice dumpling. Especially Gong Xiao, her face was really eye-catching. Tang Ye even ordered her to cover herself well and not to go anywhere. stir up trouble.

Many strong men passing by had their hearts throbbing, and they wanted to chat with her, but when they saw the soldiers who were doing the registration, they could only stand aside and watch, their hearts were itching like a cat's paw.

Feeling the possessive eyes of countless people on her, Gong Xiao smiled slightly. Tang Ye, who was not far away, glanced at her and looked directly at her, full of warning!

Zombies have no emotions. At most, they think Gong Xiao's beauty is good-looking. To Tang Ye, Gong Xiao is just a work of art that is 70% self-created and 30% plagiarized. things.

But Tang Ye was very dissatisfied when he saw his artwork seducing people everywhere.

"Are you also a fourth-level new human?" The soldier who was doing the registration glanced at Chen Zhouquan with a strange look, and said to himself: "It's really not easy to come all the way from Linshi. This is less than two hundred. There are only two fourth-level new humans."

Soldiers know what kind of treatment high-level new humans will receive in Chenyang 169 Base. Chenyang 169 Base is not completely without distinction between high and low. The class reshuffle brought about by the change of the times is unavoidable no matter which base it is. of.

"As you can see from what you wrote above, I am a fourth-level new human being, and that Chen Zhouan is my brother." Chen Zhouquan said.

"Oh." The soldier nodded, his attitude changed slightly, and then he turned to the next person, who was Tang Ye.

As soon as the soldier approached Tang Ye, the new human detector in his hand made a random beeping sound. He looked down and found that the data on the display above was changing, and the level display was changing again and again!

【drop! Dangerous target found ahead, energy index 23569! The target is extremely dangerous, a level six zombie, less than one meter away from you! 】

【drop! Dangerous target found...]

【drop! There is nothing unusual around. 】

【drop! The target data was checked to be normal, non-infected, and the level was shown to be level six. 】

【drop! Check that the target level is level four. 】

【drop! Check that the target level is level five. 】


"How is this going?"

Hearing the continuous mechanical sound of the detector in the soldier's hand, countless people looked at Tang Ye in confusion, especially the surrounding survivors and soldiers, who were even more confused. The speeding party did not understand and did not take it to heart. , but others were also startled the moment they heard the data report from the detector.

Watching the screen on the detector change from red to green, and then drop from the data of the sixth-order new humans to the data of the second-order new humans, the soldier was stunned and glanced at Tang Ye strangely.

"What level are you at? Why did you..."

"I don't know either?" Tang Ye spread his hands and looked confused.

"My body is a little strange, don't worry." Tang Ye said nonsense.

When the other members of the Speeding Party realized something, a few restless people stood up to defend Tang Ye and said, "Hahaha, brother, don't worry about it, we old...Brother Nian is an alien evolver, and sometimes he becomes very... Scary, a lot like zombies, but not harmful."

"Really?" The soldier glanced at everyone suspiciously, but didn't take it to heart.

"what name?"

"Li Henian."

Swish, swish, write down the three characters Li Henian on the registration form, put a special symbol after the name, and then start to register the next person.

But when he came to Gong Xiao, he saw the other party smiling sweetly, exhaling orchid, and his smile was like the bright sunshine in March through the shade of the trees, which made people fascinated.

"Brother, I am a new first-order human being, my name is Gong Xiao."

The soldier was stunned and didn't reply for a long time. He raised his head and didn't look anywhere else. He wrote Gong Xiao's name on the registration form, and then walked to the next person like a zombie, not knowing that he had Gong Xiao. Akatsuki's name is written somewhere.

When he reached the next person, he came back to his senses, glanced at Gong Xiao reluctantly, and secretly thought that he regretted not seizing the opportunity well!

Just now, he had been so fascinated by Gong Xiao's heaven-defying appearance that his mind went blank, and his thoughts and actions were all led by the other party. Now it was too late to react.

Retracting his mind, he silently recited Gong Xiao's name twice, and then carefully registered the next person.

The survivors who passed by heard the new human level mentioned by Gong Xiao, and their eyes lit up. Gong Xiao's face after plastic surgery was so charming. It was completely a male-female killing. Many people fell in love at first sight, but Gong Xiao's Her appearance has reached an unprecedented level, and no matter how much I admire her, I can't help but feel humbled in my heart, always feeling that I am not worthy of him.

But when she revealed her strength, some new humans with a higher level than her could not help but feel a sense of superiority. They felt that they had a chance and felt slightly better.

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