I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 759 Devour! evolution!

The threat of death became stronger. Tang Ye felt that he would die soon, but his desire to live became stronger and stronger! Absolutely not to die! He still has things to do!

Opening his arms, Tang Ye let his body bathe in the blue light beam. In addition to being uncomfortable, the pain on his body also gave him a sense of being alive.

This feeling is very strange. He has never had it as a human being. From the time he can remember to now, it seems that death has always been far away from him, and he has no intuitive feelings about death, nor about life.

The roar in his mouth became louder and louder, and he was still eating! It seems that he wants to swallow all the blue light beams into his stomach! Come and satisfy your hunger!

It also caused severe damage to his body. The mutated anti-life material was torn into pieces, destroyed, and then healed itself, fighting tenaciously against the particles contained in the blue light beam.

Over and over again, no one knows how long it took, just when people marveled at the powerful vitality of the sixth-level zombies, the war between the anti-life substances and destructive particles in Tang Ye's body had been completed tens of millions of times!

In the distance, the battle between Corpse Dragon and Su Sigui and the Union soldiers continued. The ground was riddled with holes, as if it had been swept by a world-destroying storm, with ruins everywhere.

Finally, at this time, the mutated anti-life substances in Tang Ye's body that had experienced countless battles were once again sublimated. Their internal structures discovered earth-shaking changes, and acquired some unexplainable and strange characteristics.

Tang Ye absorbed a large amount of particles in the blue light beam, bringing a devastating blow to the anti-life substances in the body. After enduring it for a long time, they became resistant, and their forgotten instincts were stirred up again. They began to devour the same thing as Tang Ye. ! assimilation!

A large amount of anti-life matter collided with the particles filled with the aura of destruction. In an instant, countless particles were caught and swallowed. The anti-life matter also seized the time and began to split. The scarce them, the more and more they have the ability to absorb particles!

Tang Ye's flesh and blood recovered at an alarming rate, and the damage caused to him by the blue light beam became less and less.

In the blood-red eyes, blue arcs began to flash, and the black blood vessels clinging to the skin on the body were also changing color, with more blue appearing. The arcs "sizzling" spread out of the body, and the energy dried up It’s increasing! more and more!

One percent!

Twenty percent!

Thirty percent!

Ninety percent!

In a very short period of time, the energy in Tang Ye's body became abundant again, and there was still terror before, and there was an aura of destruction!


Tang Ye laughed, and thick black mist rolled up all over his body, intersecting with the blue arc of electricity.

Moreover, the energy in his body was still rising wildly, gradually reaching Tang Ye's limit and beginning to change his whole body!

Li Songhua, who was controlling the dragon-slaying sword, also noticed something was wrong and wanted to stop, but he was unwilling to give in. The sixth-level zombie had escaped before, and now the corpse king came to die. How could he let it go?


he yelled! He increased his energy output, but he didn't know that by doing so, he was accomplishing Tang's business!

"Come on!" Tang Ye looked ferocious and excited. He felt that he was about to evolve! Evolve to level seven! What kind of realm is that?

Su Sigui, who was fighting the corpse dragon, also realized that something was wrong. He looked horrified and quickly distanced himself from the corpse dragon. He flew hundreds of meters in an instant, jumped to the top of a building, and looked over there from a distance. Discover everything.

"Everyone gather!"

She took out the walkie-talkie and said something, and the soldiers from the Moon City in every corner of the Qinshan base emerged one after another and started to gather towards where Su Sigui was.

"Prepare the vehicle, we are leaving."


"Hurry up, I can't guarantee what will happen if you don't leave!"

Su Sigui was well-informed, and after some pondering, he realized that Tang Ye might be evolving from a sixth-level zombie to a seventh-level zombie!

Even though her fighting power is astonishing, if she fights against seventh-level zombies with the strength of a sixth-level new human being, she is not even 10% sure of success, let alone success!

The gap between the seventh level and the sixth level cannot be made up by relying on combat skills!

"Okay, we'll be there shortly."

Su Sigui hung up the walkie-talkie and squinted at the scenes in the distance. After realizing that he couldn't find him, the Corpse King roared and charged towards Li Songhua, but for some reason, he suddenly stopped mid-run.

Maybe it was the Corpse King's order. He should have realized that this was an opportunity for him! Opportunity to evolve to level seven!

She really wanted to interrupt the zombie king's evolution, but not everyone could resist the blue beam of light. She didn't have the amazing self-healing ability of the zombies. Once she went in, she turned into ashes in minutes.

And now she could only watch, witnessing the moment when the Corpse King advanced to the seventh level, and she didn't know why things developed like this. At first, it was obvious that Ah Fu should have died, but she didn't expect that Li Songhua was such a waste and let him escape. The tyrant came over and appeared in this place, attracting the Corpse King and prompting the Corpse King to evolve to the seventh level.

As for Tang Ye, he absorbed the power of the blue light beam to his heart's content. The sense of death that had been suppressed in his heart had long since disappeared. He was very comfortable now!

Full of energy, hitting the limits of a sixth-level zombie! The body is changing! His whole body began to heat up, and he felt that it was evolving!

What a familiar feeling!

He opened his hands and allowed the cells in his body to absorb the destructive energy. His body became hotter and hotter, until it was boiling hot!


A shell exploded above his head. After the smoke cleared, Tang Ye was unscathed, with a sneer on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the limit of the sixth-level zombie was broken, and the anti-life material that had mutated again in his body crazily split into new anti-life material, transforming his body!

There was a roar in his mind, and Tang Ye felt dizzy, his whole body was light, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling spread all over his body.

He felt as if every flesh and blood molecule in his body had an extra pair of eyes, and a picture flashed through his mind. He saw countless zombies, forming a huge tide of corpses, walking on the deserted and dilapidated streets.

He also saw countless giant beasts roaring in the dense forest!

There are many, many pictures, which seem to be pictures seen by other things...

There is more and more energy in his body, and his body can no longer store it. The huge and boundless energy seems to burst his body!

At the same time, he had countless additional perspectives, all surrounding his own perspective. It was hard to describe the feeling, as if his consciousness was torn into countless parts, covering his whole body!

Tang Ye closed his eyes. Every cell in his body was himself. Every cell, even every molecule, could act as his eyes!

Poof! Poof!

With the sound of several blood bubbles exploding, densely packed eyes appeared on Tang Ye's body. The huge blood-red eyes that took up 70% of the eyeballs rotated and scanned everything, exuding a terrifying light!

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