I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 784 Don’t know me

"I...you...are shameless!"

"Really? Wait a moment and let me see if you are still like this."

Zhang Zhangjie looked at the man and snorted coldly, and then his expression changed and became gloomy. Looking at his face, everyone couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

"Everyone, you all know why I called you here, right? Yes, it is for a very urgent matter. What is it? Hey, there are two things here, the first one! It is the most urgent and fatal matter! "

"Say it quickly!"

Zhang Kaijie's off-putting way of speaking made the people below very unhappy, and they couldn't help but urge him. But just as he spoke, a whip came from nowhere, and with lightning speed, it wrapped around his neck in an instant, and pulled him He hung up and slammed it against the wall.

By the time it slipped down, it had already turned into a corpse.

The senior management took a breath of air-conditioning. This is a new fourth-level human being. Kill him at will?

People couldn't help but look towards the place where the whip came from, and saw a peerless fairy standing there slenderly on the second floor.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became subtle. All the men present were fascinated, and the female executives also had red faces and were embarrassed to look at them.

It wasn't until Zhang Zhangjie coughed twice that the weird atmosphere was broken. But after that, no one urged him anymore. Gong Xiao was "looking" beautiful, but judging from her actions just now, this was also a flower with thorns. rose.

Very difficult to mess with!

"Ahem, okay, we have important things to talk about now, how can we be distracted?"

"Now, let me talk about the first thing. Why is this matter urgent? Have you guessed something? Yes, the first thing is our committee member He Jinzhan. He is dead!"

Zhang Kaijie had a smile on his face, but his eyes still flickered. When he said these words, his head lowered slightly and his eyes were all on the table, not daring to look into the eyes of the senior officials below.

After all, he had worked in the Joint United District for so many years, and he knew how big a deal it was for a committee member to die.

As he expected, when Zhang Kaijie said these words, the people below were silent, but their faces were dull, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

The needle drop could be heard at the scene, and many people did not come back to their senses for a while. The death of a committee member of the Liantong District was no less than the death of an ancient emperor for the area he managed. No one knew how much trouble it would cause. clear.

After the death of the emperor in ancient times, what happened next was like the struggle for the right to inherit the throne, and the power ministers fighting for the emperor. These words often represent countless human lives one after another. And if the committee member here dies, the qualified senior officials below also have the power to seize power. idea.

Everyone couldn't digest the news in a short period of time. It wasn't that they were heartbroken by Jin Zhan's death, but that they were not prepared for anything and this happened?

Originally, these senior officials thought that the committee members would not die, and even if they did, it would be several years later. Who knew, it would suddenly happen in front of them, which made people feel very dreamy.

Similarly, some people realize that things are far from that simple, so they suppress the strong desire in their hearts and remain silent, quietly watching the different expressions of others around them.

After a long time, Zhang Zhangjie raised his head again and found that the reaction below did not happen as expected. He straightened his back and said with a smile: "People already know the first thing, so let's talk about the second thing. Let’s do it.”

The senior officials of the Jinhai United District came to their senses and looked at Zhang Zhangjie with burning eyes, waiting for his next words.

"Since our member He has died, we in Jinhai cannot live without members. Therefore, the second thing is to elect our next member."

Hearing his words, countless people's eyes lit up, especially those of the fourth-level new humans, whose eyes almost seemed to emit rays.

Someone said in a deep voice: "What does Zhang Tuan mean?"

Zhang Kaijie smiled and said in a very strange tone: "Of course...it's not you!"

Everyone. His face darkened, but he didn't speak. Behind him, there was a sixth-level new human standing there carrying two super-large Gatlings. It would be damned if the next committee member was one of them.

Moreover, everyone knows Zhang Zhangjie's character. This guy will not attack He Jinzhan when he is not sure. Moreover, he does not have the strength.

“So who is the next committee member?”

"Of course it is me!"

A young man's voice came from upstairs, and after a while, Tang Ye's figure appeared in front of everyone, with a smile on his face, looking at everyone present.

"Who are you?" someone asked, and it was also the question on everyone's mind. No one knew this man, and he didn't know his origins.

"Oh? You don't know me?"

Tang Ye had a very surprised look on his face and looked at everyone with questioning eyes, but everyone shook their heads.

Just kidding, who in the Joint United District knows about him?

But there was a person at the scene whose face was pale, and his feet were unable to hold on to the ground, and he looked as if he was about to fall down at any time.

"Yang Tuan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Someone noticed Yang Yong's reaction and couldn't help but be confused and asked pretending to be kind, but Yang Yong shook his head and looked a little deep.

Others didn't know who Tang Ye was, but Yang Yong had been to the Qinshan base and saw the photos of Tang Ye in human form, so he remembered this new sixth-level human being.

"I'm fine, I just remembered something."

"Really?" The man looked at Yang Yong, curled up the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "Only a ghost would believe you!"

Yang Yong's behavior was obviously not that he thought of something, but that he was obviously afraid. However, the other party didn't say anything, and he was too embarrassed to ask. He just looked at Tang Ye who suddenly appeared above, and waited for the other party to continue talking.

"Huh, it seems like no one knows me." Tang Ye laughed self-deprecatingly, but then his face became extremely cold, and his aura also changed slightly.

"Then, I will tell you kindly. Speaking of which, you still want to thank me. Are you comfortable with the Yajin in your hands these days?"

The senior executives frowned and began to think. Some people noticed something and looked at Tang Ye in disbelief, but did not speak.

There are some smart people inside, and this is enough for people like them to guess.

He was talking about Yajin. What is Yajin? What is Yajin, the currency in the apocalypse, made of? That is of course the crystallization of evolution. The financial resources of the Jinhai United District have increased dramatically these days, and all of this can be attributed to the Peace Society in the Qinshan base!

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