I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 789 Kill until you dare not resist

It would be best for all the committee members to stand up and oppose Tang Ye with death determination. In this way, they would not want Tang Ye to be ruthless and forcefully kill all the committee members who opposed him without knowing the consequences.

Tang Ye also understood this and frowned tightly.

Yes, it would be troublesome if things develop like this.

What's even more unpleasant is that after these two committee members stood up, the other committee members were also very smart and immediately realized what to do. They also stood up and used sharp words to oppose Tang Ye.

"The Joint Unified District was built bit by bit by the hard work of us people, and it was just handed over to others like this. President Li, please forgive me for being powerless!"

"Yes, and we have already made concessions. Now it is President Li who wants to force us to death. The United Unified District is like our child to us. We have watched it grow up. How much effort has been made by outsiders has no clue. I don’t know, President Li, is it too much for you to ask for everything from us?”

"That's right. If Chairman Li insists on taking over the entire United Unified District, he might as well kill us directly."

The committee members stood up one after another and reprimanded Tang Ye loudly. The look on your face as if Tang Ye was a big evil person.

However, among these people, there was only one exception, which was Commissioner Liu Liu Lancang at the Fuhui Control Gate. After the other committee members stood up, he was the only one who was still sitting on the chair. He looked at Tang Ye, with a flash of light in his eyes from time to time. He seemed to be thinking about something and did not stand up, or it could be said that he was considering the pros and cons in front of him.

Tang Ye glanced at him and didn't care at all. He frowned as he looked at the other four committee members.

But soon, his brows widened, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

This scene happened so suddenly that Ah Fu understood a little bit and was suddenly at a loss. He looked at Tang Ye hesitantly.

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha~ I'm laughing so hard! It's so funny!"

Suddenly, Tang Ye burst out laughing, his voice full of madness: "Chaos? Are you talking to me about chaos? Let them be chaotic! I put my words here today, the Liantong District, I will make a decision! Since you dare to resist me, Let's all die! And after you committee members die, whoever dares to resist me will be killed by me! Come and behead one, come and behead a pair! I will kill them until they dare not resist! Even if I kill everyone in the entire United Unified District Kill them all! What can I do?"

"Afu, Gong Xiao, do it!"


Afu Gongxiao nodded. With Tang Ye's affirmation, the two of them were no longer at a loss. With a loud roar, all the auras on their bodies exploded and enveloped the four committee members, with cold murderous intent on their faces.

The four committee members were shocked and immediately lost their direction. They did not expect that Tang Ye would be so ruthless as to be in such a situation. He even said that he would kill everyone so that they would not dare to resist. What arrogant words.

However, they had no time to think about this. The expressions of resignation just now were of course all fake. Who would really be willing to die rather than surrender? They just wanted Tang Ye to compromise.

But they obviously underestimated Tang Ye's ruthlessness. Regardless of the chaos caused by killing the committee members, they insisted on killing all those who resisted him!

This ruthlessness is enough to make people believe that what Tang Ye said later is true! He really dares to do this!

In other words, the lives of the four of them who stand up against Tang Ye will be in danger!

The four committee members turned pale. When they saw the huge Ah Fu and Gong Xiao, who looked like a peerless fairy, walking towards them, they did not hesitate anymore when their lives were under extreme threat. Even if it was just an instant, they reacted. , leaned forward, raised his legs, and rushed towards the door of the conference room with a "swish" sound.

The speed of the fourth-level new humans was astonishing, but when facing monsters of a higher level than themselves, their speed was simply not enough. The next second, a whip flew over like a spiritual snake.


With a crisp sound, one committee member flew backwards, hit the wall hard and spit out a mouthful of blood. He immediately lost all ability to move. The whip drove straight in, directly entangled the other committee member and pulled him back!


On Ah Fu's side, he directly threw out the black halberd in his hand, stopped him right in front of the other committee member, and roared. Ah Fu roared and rushed forward, stretched out his arms, and the two committee members were completely unable to react at all. They pinched their necks and lifted them up, and their breathing tubes were compressed by huge force. Their faces suddenly turned red, and their eyes showed a look of prayer.

"no, do not want!"

Ah Fu didn't care about this. He grabbed the two people and squeezed them to death. In less than ten seconds, three fourth-level new humans and one fifth-level new human were killed. The conference room was filled with the smell of blood. .

Only the last committee member was left on the scene. Liu Lancang was still sitting on the bench, watching the four committee members die in front of his eyes. Tang Ye finally looked at him.

"Okay, now you're the only one left, why not be like them?"

Faced with Tang Ye's question, Liu Lancang smiled and said, "It seems I made the right bet."

"Oh, really?" Tang Ye took a deep look at Liu Lancang. This guy is really not simple.

"Of course, it's time for me to take a stand now. I, Liu, completely agree with President Li's opinion."

"very good."

Tang Ye also smiled, and Liu Lancang also laughed.

"You want to add me, President Li?"

"Sorry, no more, dear marshal."

"That's it?" Tang Ye asked, squinting his eyes.

"Don't worry, Marshal, I will handle the next thing. However, except for Fu Hui and Longdong, the remaining two control zones may be a little more troublesome. After all, it is not a small matter to have so many committee members die at once."

"Okay, as I said just now, kill anyone who dares to resist! Kill them until they dare not resist. If this still can't solve the problem, I don't mind letting everyone in the joint district die here."

"Yes!" Liu Lancang was shocked and nodded quickly, still feeling frightened by Tang Ye's cruelty.

Tang Ye glanced at him and led Ah Fu and Gong Xiao out of the conference room. Looking down through the window of the building, the war in the central ruling area had been extinguished. The Peace Society's Necromancer Knights had gathered together with Jin Hai. The soldiers from the Liantong District were waiting for Tang Ye neatly.

In the conference room, Liu Lancang frowned when he looked at the bodies of the four committee members, but quickly shook his head.

"Well, cleverness is mistaken for cleverness."

It is true that the seven committee members are all smart people. The four of them did bring difficult choices to Tang Ye before. Maybe they can make Tang Ye retreat and not get involved in the United Unified District without absolute strength.

But they forgot one crucial thing, that is, their lives were still in Tang Ye's hands!

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