I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 791 The smell of war

"But it is precisely these inherent advantages of human beings that give us humans the ability to weigh the pros and cons. This ability allows us to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and lose the abilities that other creatures should have."

"All of these make us vulnerable when the end of the world comes, and human civilization with a history of millions of years collapses in an instant! It makes us fall to the altar and become the end of the food chain! At the same time, it also makes us no longer united. , they are suspicious of each other and fight on their own!"

"Yes, the arrival of the end of the world has also allowed our technology to develop rapidly. However, zombies are also improving. Their strength has also increased crazily with the advancement of our technology. At the beginning, we regarded the second-level zombies as unstoppable. What about the resisting existence now? Sixth-level zombies have appeared! Even the Zombie King of China is already a horrifying seventh-level zombie!"

"This is not over yet! The days ahead are still long! None of us know when the end of evolution will be. What if zombies of the eighth or even ninth level appear?"

"At that time, what will we do to resist? Moreover, the overall number of zombies is much more than that of us humans. If this continues, what will be the end for us humans? I should do something meaningful. I don't want to see humans one day That’s the worst thing to happen!”

"So, it's not bad to maintain peace with zombies. Moreover, it can also give us humans some time to recuperate. Why not?"

"However, if possible, I would like to create a world where humans and zombies coexist harmoniously, because in the end of the world, I have seen too many twisted human natures, and some people are even more hateful than zombies! Compared to zombies, these people Worse than animals!"

At this moment, Tang Ye seemed to be exuding an aura. The soldiers below looked at his figure with dull faces. He gave them a very wonderful feeling. This feeling is difficult to describe, and many people cannot express it in words. When I came out, I could only look at him in a daze, and seriously feel the aura emanating from Tang Ye.

But soon, someone gave a description of Tang Ye's aura.

"This...is the leader!" A veteran said slowly.

The sound was not loud, but the other soldiers around could hear it clearly, and their eyes lit up.

right! It’s the aura of a leader! It seemed that except for the word leader, there was no other word that could properly describe the feeling Tang Ye gave them.

Now the soldiers in the Jinhai United Area have a very strange idea in their minds. It seems that what Tang Ye said may really succeed in the future. They have never really seen so many great people in history, and they don't know where they stand. How it would feel to be in the presence of those great men.

However, now that Tang Ye was standing in front of them, they felt very unique. They unconsciously wanted to surrender to him and follow him to do something great.

"Okay, what I want to do is indeed a bit appalling, but after all, this is the safest way for the future of mankind! At the same time, it is also the fastest way to end the apocalypse! However, ending the apocalypse is not a good thing for most people. They are all good, but human nature is hard to describe. In the end of the world, many people will sink into the weak, but a small number of people will turn around in this rotten era and become strong men above ten thousand people, possessing unparalleled rights. For this group of people, the end of the apocalypse also means the dissipation of power in their hands. If we do this, we will naturally encounter opposition from those powerful people!"

As soon as Tang Ye said the next words, he immediately won over many people's hearts. There is no doubt that many people hate the word power. In the end of the world, many people are oppressed by the power of those powerful people.

If you think about it carefully, do those survivors not want to go back to the life before the apocalypse? Who dares to stop it? It was tantamount to cutting off their lifeblood. In an instant, countless people's faces showed signs of indignation.

"In the apocalypse, there are many people like this, so our battle is not over yet. We will shed more blood and kill all those who try to stop us from ending the apocalypse!"

"So, gentlemen, always be ready to fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the army of the Necromancer Knights shouted the word "Okay!" in the next second. Two or three seconds later, the soldiers in the Jinhai United Command also shouted together, and the sound was like the turbulence on the sea. The waves are higher than the last!

In the following time, Tang Ye simply said a few words and announced the disbandment. The soldiers began to clean the battlefield. In the afternoon, the six legions of Fuhui United District, with a total number of nearly 90,000 soldiers, were merged into Jinhai United Army. District, and at the same time be prepared for battle and be prepared at all times for resistance from high-level officials at other control points.

Tang Ye is also using the fastest speed to absorb the assets of the Jinhai United District and Fuhui United District, and control the major weapons production lines in the hands of the Peace Society.

At the same time, he was also frantically deploying the Necromancer Knights and other troops from the Shijiang Base to the joint command area, and then replaced all the Peace Society soldiers with laser weapons and exoskeleton armor.

All this went smoothly, but on the next day, as Tang Ye sent people to inform the high-level officials at each control point that six of the seven members of the joint district were dead, and the rule of seven became a one-man dictatorship, the entire joint coalition was shaken. Go and blow up the pot.

After the news spread, almost everyone agreed with Tang Ye. Except for Jinhai United District and Fuhui United District, almost no one at the top of the other five major control points accepted Tang Ye as marshal.

In a short period of time, several large forces appeared in the United Unified District. Their predecessors were all composed of various legions in the United Unified Unified Zone, and the leader was naturally their legion commander.

Tang Ye was not surprised by this, but the murderous intent in his eyes was overwhelming. To be honest, he preferred to take over the United Unified District without any bloodshed, but it was obviously not that easy for such a big force to capture it.

Want to fight without bloodshed? That’s even more impossible!

Some things will only be remembered after the appearance of bright red blood.

As all the legions in the United Command District were transformed into underground forces, the streets of the United Command District, which were as prosperous as before the apocalypse, began to be filled with a vague sense of murder and the smell of blood.

Mobile armored soldiers at the two major control gates of Jinhai and Fuhui appeared on the streets, looking at each other in the distance towards the city in the distance. Heavy Reaper tanks and Phantom Claw fighters were wandering around, and the dark muzzles exuded an astonishing chill.

The tension is getting stronger and stronger. More and more survivors smell the smell of war and know that this period may not be peaceful. The new marshal may still be fighting with the old troops in the joint command area, so they are hiding in Under construction.

PS: The writing has become more and more serious in the past few days. The author's inspiration has begun to sound the alarm. I am afraid that the writing will be stuck that day and I will not be able to write it. If so, please forgive me. The writing is really bad. It’s so uncomfortable!

During the Chinese New Year, the author has been staying at home and gained a lot of weight. He plays games as soon as he wakes up, eats after playing, and goes to bed after eating. The inspiration he came up with at work is almost used up. I really want to go back to work, but there is no other choice but to go to work. It gives me endless inspiration! !

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