I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 797 Extinction Plan 1

In the joint district, the strong atmosphere of murder made people feel nervous unconsciously. On the streets, there were no survivors in the past, and heads were poked out from the buildings on both sides to look at the streets below.

From time to time, groups of soldiers passed by with weapons in hand, exuding evil spirits. Not long after, the sound of gunfire rang out from the front, causing a commotion among the survivors on the buildings on both sides.

"It's a fight! It's a fight!"

"Hey, there's a fight over there!"

"Do you think that side will win?"

"I don't know. I heard that the new committee member... Oh, not a committee member, his name is Marshal. He has a group of undead knights who use zombie beasts as their mounts. Xu Hui is a bit worried this time."

"It's none of our business anyway, just watch."


While the survivors were talking about it, there was an astonishing explosion in the direction of the battlefield. Immediately afterwards, people saw a ball of fire rising into the sky, submerging the surrounding buildings. At the same time, the soldiers' shouts of killing came overwhelming. !


One after another, the heavily-equipped Death tanks drove forward at maximum power. The three-barreled revolver cannons on them fired thick laser beams one after another, smashing the buildings in front of them to pieces. Fortunately, the survivors here already knew that this would happen. The war started and they had already evacuated.

"Every unit combat team, the rebels are in front! Full-scale attack!"

Thousands of soldiers shouted, hurried to the front line, put on their all-round combat helmets, and received instructions to shrink the exoskeleton armor and cover it with their identities as soldiers.

As the exoskeleton armor was successfully engaged, the densely packed soldiers rushed forward with weapons in their hands. For a moment, the battlefield was filled with laser particle beams flying everywhere.

But at the former legion headquarters at the Gaoer Control Gate, a man looked down on his face and looked down at the battle situation below. He didn't expect that the marshal, who had only been in office for a few days, was so impatient.

He raised his hand and saw another notice in his hand. The content on it stated that he was limited to handing over the power within one day.

It is self-evident where this notice came from. It came from the Peace Society, that is, the marshal's power!

When the man received the notice, what he did was as expected. No need to guess, he did not follow the instructions on the notice, but pretended not to see it.

The seven major committee members died. Except for the area at the Jinhai control point that was already controlled by Tang Ye, and Liu Lancang, who had surrendered to Marshal Liu Lancang, the remaining five coalition forces that went to the control point all turned the armed forces they managed into private ownership. Become an underground force.

The power under each committee member is equivalent to a C-level survivor base, and the Fuhui control port and the Hongcheng control port are almost close to the strength of a B-level survivor base.

The forces under the five committee members were all dispersed and turned into underground forces, which represented many unpredictable factors.

In the apocalypse, it is impossible to survive until now without some ambition.

After all, blatantly turning the power of the committee members into your own is completely against this new marshal!

None of these old leaders are fools. They know that the marshal named Li Henian will definitely attack him and others, but they don’t know who will be the first chicken to be slaughtered!

But then the question arises. When one of these high-level officials who have turned their legions or previous departmental organizations into underground forces like him is used by the marshal for surgery, should he stop him?

This is a very difficult choice. If you stop it, you will most likely be the one who is slaughtered next. If you don't take action and just watch like this, the consequences will be equally serious.

Of course, the five people ABCDE were threatened. When A encountered difficulties, E did not stand up. When B encountered difficulties, E still did not stand up. In the same situation, C also chose to remain indifferent until everyone in front suffered difficulties, leaving E to bear the burden. At that time, no one came out to stop the coming danger.

Similarly, the villain who attacks five people must also consider whether his actions will arouse strong resistance from everyone.

If you make a mistake, you will lose more than you gain.

These committee members who chose to continue to hold power are also looking at the attitude of the marshal. Most people think that with so many people, the marshal will not attack them for the time being, because it is difficult to deal with them when they are dispersed into so many forces. Very troublesome.

Even if there was any abnormal movement, it was just a warning, so after receiving the notice from the Peace Society, the man chose to pretend that he had not seen it, but he never expected that the Peace Society would act so decisively!

With his own strength, he simply cannot resist the attack of Marshal Li Henian. Now he can only hope that others can help in time!


The man cursed angrily and called two soldiers. I don't know what they said. The two soldiers hurried out. When they came back, the man received very bad news.

"How to say?"

"They said they would have another look. Team leader, I think we should surrender quickly. If this continues, even if the people behind change their minds, we will still be victims!"

"What the hell!"

After hearing the soldier's words, Xu Hui's face became even more gloomy. He cursed angrily and swept all the papers, porcelain and other items on the table to the ground, making a crackling sound.

Seemingly still angry, Xu Hui looked at the two soldiers coldly.

"You two can't even handle this matter well. This war has just started, and you want to run away to save your own lives? Trash!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and the two soldiers did not have time to react. Each of them had their necks pinched by one hand. Facing the fourth-level new humans, these two soldiers who were only first-level new humans did not have that ability at all. When I activated the exoskeleton armor, there was a crisp "click" sound, and two more corpses appeared on the ground.

"Somebody come!"

After Xu Hui killed two people, he shouted outside. After a while, two more soldiers came in. Their expressions changed when they saw the corpses on the ground, but they did not dare to say a word.

"Clean up the body for me."


The two soldiers agreed in fear, collected the bodies on the ground as quickly as possible, and then fled as if they were running away. Only Xu Hui was left looking at the battlefield below.

In its heyday, Gao'er's control port in the joint unified district was no match for Fuhui's control port, and its strength was only half of its strength. Now it has been split into several parts, and Xu Hui, the deputy commander of the army, can only be divided into three parts. With thousands of troops, how could he resist the soldiers of the Peace Society who merged with Jin Hai and Fu Hui?

Those hundreds of heavily armed Death tanks were bombarded all the way. Countless soldiers under Xu Hui were covered by the dense firepower network and died one after another!

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