Liao Chunsheng died in Hongtu Mountain. His soldiers were defeated and surrendered under the pressure of the zombie tide. As all the soldiers gave up resistance, the members of the Peace Society also began the final finishing work.

One by one, the soldiers were unloaded with all their combat equipment, lined up in rows, and transported to the training camp.

There were still some recalcitrants, and then Hepinghui paid the price of several soldiers, but in the end they were killed on the spot by Yang Xiao and Xu Haihaii.

Generally speaking, it was relatively smooth. However, in another battle situation involving the resistance forces, the streets had been occupied by soldiers. Occasionally, mechas walked by with heavy steps, and the surrounding survivors were frightened and fled.

Here occupies an underground force established by former committee members - Chen Nian Hui! When they became an underground force, they occupied a relatively prosperous area in the Liantong District. Therefore, there were many other native underground forces, and there were more than 30 large and small forces in total.

When the Peace Society's army arrived, these forces shrank all their strength, guarded their base camp, separated themselves from the world, and silently watched the battle between the Peace Society and the Chennian Society outside.

However, because this area is prosperous and there are many survivors living here, one day is not enough for all these survivors to evacuate, so a strange scene happened.

The Peace Society and the Chennian Society would fight each other. A large number of survivors around them shouted that they wanted to leave, and fights often occurred.

Even in battles between soldiers, some powerful bounty hunters would come to help one party. For a time, the surrounding buildings were destroyed by the powerful power of the new humans.

The Chen Nian Hui had also thought of this a long time ago, knowing that the place occupied by their own forces had a large population and it would take time to evacuate. However, the Peace Society did not think of this at the beginning of their attack. At the same time, they were also afraid that the Peace Society would In order to better attack themselves, they deliberately manipulated the evacuation work.

This made it difficult for the evacuation work to proceed smoothly, and subsequently involved a large number of survivors into the war.

The Chen Council knows very well what advantages it has in starting a war here. This advantage is the large number of survivors who are stranded here and have not been evacuated in time. With them, they can bring some trouble to the Peace Council's attack, and this advantage The trouble is not small.

When the Peace Society's army arrived, unlike other forces that resisted the Peace Society in the defensive circle, the Chennianhui chose to attack the Peace Society first, allowing them to passively start the war.

Therefore, under the confrontation between the two armies, a large number of survivors hid in XZ in embarrassment. Amidst the sound of gunfire, no one knows how many innocent people left their lives here forever.

When the war started, the Chennian Society quickly regained its core strength. A large number of soldiers took off their military uniforms, disguised themselves as fleeing survivors, hid in dark corners, and inadvertently raided the passing Peace Society soldiers.

This kind of street fighting gave the Peace Association a big headache. There were so many survivors that they had no idea who were the members of the Old Age Association and who were the real survivors.

Since ten o'clock in the morning, people have been killed one after another in the Peace Conference. Those soldiers pretending to be survivors are like poisonous snakes, suddenly appearing when we are not paying attention!

They destroyed the exoskeleton armor of the Peace Society soldiers, stabbed them with sharp daggers, and spread bright red blood on the streets.

But in this chaotic street, there was another exception. He watched the soldiers from the Chennian Society disguised as survivors gang up on two Peace Society soldiers and then quickly wormed their way into the fleeing survivors without reacting.

He was dressed in black, wearing a black mask of a ferocious evil spirit, and the short white hair on his head danced with the wind that was burned by the flames of war. He walked in this chaotic street, moving forward step by step, surrounded by Everything seemed to have nothing to do with him. Occasionally, some "survivors" suddenly attacked him, but what was left behind were severely damaged corpses.

He turned left and right in the street, and after passing a red street light that had not been repaired for many years, he came to a residential building surrounded by copper and iron walls.

"found it!"

Seeing this residential building, a hoarse voice came out of his mouth, with a faint smile.

Taking a few steps forward, he raised his hand. As he moved, the cuff could no longer completely cover his hand, and the strange skin color that was not what a human should have was revealed.

Touching the steel wall in front of him with his fingers, he sneered: "H steel? It seems that you are well prepared! It seems like he was mumbling to himself, but also as if he was saying this to someone.

As he spoke, he raised his arm and punched it down!

There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the connected copper and iron walls seemed to tremble, and a hole was immediately dented where his fist struck.

He was stunned, his mouth cracked, and he said with a smile: "It seems that the grade of H steel is not low, what a big deal!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched out again, hitting the same position, and the dent was deeper. No more nonsense, punch after punch, huge force was acting on the steel wall!

It is wailing. Even the fourth-level H steel cannot withstand the long-term bombardment of a sixth-level strong man!

Finally, with the rise! The last heavy punch hit, and the steel wall let out a "click" whine, and a large piece of the wall collapsed immediately, with a constant "rumbling" sound.

Just after someone blasted a big hole in the wall with huge force, the sound of intensive laser weapon shooting rang out in the next moment.

His eyes were suddenly filled with laser rays all over the sky.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

The black clothes were blown up by the power of the laser weapon, and pieces of cloth flew everywhere. His chest, arms, head, and the building behind him were riddled with holes from the sudden laser rain.

But the scary thing is that only his clothes were seriously damaged, most of his skin was exposed, and some places were burned black.

But he felt no pain. With a fake smile on his face, he raised his hand to touch the burnt body part and pulled off a piece of dark dead skin.

The damage caused by the dense particle rays to the sixth-level new humans is indeed weak, but it can make them feel pain.

So many rays hit his body, making him feel pain and an indescribable feeling.

Pain, everyone is afraid of pain. No matter what kind of pain it is, it can be mental pain or physical pain. The word "pain" is everywhere in people's lives. It is the brain's response to you. A signal sent by the body to let you know when something is dangerous.

It is this ubiquitous thing in life that makes people ignore it, but once you lose it and perceive it again after a long time, you will find the feeling of being a human being.

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