I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 834 Collect it together

Large numbers of prisoners of war were put into prison cars and sent to prisoner-of-war camps. The soldiers of the Chennianhui breathed a sigh of relief after learning that they would not die because of their resistance to the Peace Society.

The next day, as several large rebel forces were annihilated by the Peace Council with thunderous means, other rebel forces began to become restless. One after another, the Peace Council handed over the power in their hands, and thus were exempted from the threat. One death.

"These lists have been recorded. Just take them. I will send those people away first."

"Okay, you go ahead. There are a lot of things to do later."

The soldier took the last puff of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped twice and entered the cab of the prison van. Escorted by dozens of Peace Society soldiers, the prison van slowly drove away and left the Yulin war zone. .

After walking through the streets that were riddled with holes in the war, the prison van took 300 prisoners of war and finally entered the area in the joint command area that was still in a stable state. Residents on both sides of the street poked their heads and looked here, with unconcealed expressions in their eyes. of curiosity.

And because the escorting soldiers on both sides of the prison car held their heads high like this, they looked infinitely prosperous. Several major resistance forces had been wiped out. Now the Peace Society was truly at its peak, and the members within it would also receive corresponding benefits. improvement.

At the same time, there are also envious looks from outsiders.

But they didn't know that in some alleys, there were a few pairs of eyes looking at them and others.

"A second-order new human has appeared, and eight first-order new humans, do you want to do it?"

"It's a bit small, but it's still worthwhile for us to take action. There are many people now, so let's take advantage of it now!"

"Ah, do you really want to take action? We are all fourth-level new humans after all. To attack a few low-level new humans, isn't it a bit overkill?"

"Made, where are all the nonsense? No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. We have been stuck here for so long and we haven't seen any big fish. If we let it go once, there may not be another time. The fourth-level new member of the Peace Conference How many humans are there? How many can you kill? These people are usually in the center. It would be hard to go in and kill people if they were caught by the fifth-level new humans inside."

"Okay, let's do it. It adds up to 800 gold, it's not a loss!"

Several people were chatting, their eyes moving as the prison car moved. After the prison car entered the place with the largest crowd, a few strong men took action boldly!

A murderous aura filled the air here. Some of the survivors on the street were new humans. They sensed something was wrong and immediately started to commotion.

"What the hell!"

Someone yelled, and the soldiers from the Peace Association also reacted, stopped, and looked around with doubtful eyes.

"Isn't there a rule? You can't kill people in the joint area!"

As early as the day when the Peace Conference took over the United Unified District, the urban management repeatedly stated that killing people could not be killed in the United Unified District. Any grievances could only be resolved by leaving the jurisdiction of the United Unified District. This blatant murderous intention immediately made these soldiers Be alert!

The killing intent was overwhelming, coming from nowhere. I personally felt that the new people among the people began to panic, and their panic also caused ordinary people to feel uneasy. Countless people were led to the rhythm and ran around.

"Don't panic, everyone, keep quiet. We are members of the Peace Association. It is clearly stipulated that malicious killings are not allowed in residential areas. No matter who they are, they don't dare to mess around."

Some soldiers shouted loudly, trying to suppress the chaotic scene, but the next second, a discordant voice sounded.

"You bastards of the Peace Society, if your own lives are in danger and you still care about others, go to hell!"

"Don't kill indiscriminately. Throw the people you kill next to you. I'll take the upper hand!"

"I'm on the left!"

"I'll throw it behind you."

"I just threw it into the car!"

Several streams of blood energy shot straight into the sky. Following their voices, several Peace Society soldiers immediately looked in the direction of the sound, raised their weapons and pointed at that place.

"The person who came here is not good. This kind of blood is at least a fourth-level new human being!" A new human soldier frowned and said. Listening to the other party's tone, it seemed that he was going to attack himself and others. This would be troublesome!

"What!" The expressions of the others changed and they couldn't help but become nervous.

"Hurry up and contact the nearby patrols. Things are not going well here! Hurry up and ask them to come over for support!" The only second-level new human in the soldier team yelled at the soldiers in the cab.

The driver hurriedly agreed and quickly pulled out the contactor.

"over there!"

"Who! We are members of the Peace Society, and we are seeking death!"

Someone shouted loudly about the peace meeting behind him, but the other party was not frightened by it.

As soon as he finished speaking, a few soldiers' eyes were dazzled. Several people suddenly jumped out of the dark alley. Then there were a few muffled "bang bangs", blood was sprinkled into the sky, and the bodies of several Peace Society soldiers hit the prison car heavily. , the huge force almost overturned the prison car.

"It's your Peace Society who will be killed!"

The bodies of the dead soldiers were picked up and thrown aside.

Suo Suo Suo!

With the deaths of several people, the soldiers of the Peace Society began to attack, and lasers of dazzling colors flew across the sky. However, the enemy moved too fast, and their eyesight could not keep up, and all attacks failed.

Then, blood was spread like ink, and the head of the second-level new human on the scene was directly pierced with a knife, and his body fell limp, and a one-sided massacre began.

Everything happened too fast. As soon as the soldiers in the cab opened the communication device, all the escorting soldiers outside were already dead.



"We are transporting prisoners of war. We were attacked on Street 51c in Lunku Industrial Zone. The situation is not good. Please come to support quickly!"

"51C Street, right? OK, come right away!"

The Peace Society patrol team over there immediately knew the seriousness of the matter and quickly agreed and were about to hang up the phone when suddenly there was a harsh sound over there.

Just as the soldier sitting in the cab finished speaking, the car door next to him was violently torn open, a hand came in and pinched his neck!


Then there was a scream, accompanied by the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, which made people's scalp numb.

In just a few seconds, all the soldiers escorting the prison van were killed. Their bodies were thrown by the killers into the areas they identified. These strong men took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the numbers on their uniforms. They smiled with satisfaction and even joked with each other.

Just as they were about to leave, there was a sudden commotion in front of the street.

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

The four fourth-level new humans looked up and saw a large group of soldiers from the Peace Society heading this way.

"It's quite fast, just in time, let's collect it together!"

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