I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 843 People walking with zombies

"Don't worry about it. You're all old humans. It's useless for them to kill you."

"You... are just looking for a topic, hey... us rookies are so lowly that we are not even qualified to be killed. When will I be allowed to evolve!"

"I also want to evolve. I was a coward before the end of the world. I read online novels every day and imagined that I could become the protagonist that day. Well, when the end of the world comes, I watch those wage earners turn into new human beings one by one and become all-powerful. I thought that my The opportunity has come, damn, what’s going on?”

"Yes, you were a coward before the end of the world, and you will be even more coward after the end of the world."

As the first person spoke, the remaining topics were also opened by others. Everyone began to laugh at themselves, as if this could relieve the depression in daily life. Everyone's self-mockery was not recognized by others. They all knew each other, and their companions The more this happens, the more self-deprecating they are about their most difficult-to-explain shortcomings.

"Haha, it's all the same, it's the same."

"What's the matter? If I'm a coward here, I may have to be a coward for the rest of my life. If you're a coward now, at least before the end of the world, you'll still be an executive and you'll be famous for a while, right?"

"A good man never mentions his bravery."

"Come on, now that our brothers are squatting here and bragging, they will die somewhere that day."

Everyone was silent for a while. The word "death" is too common in the apocalypse. There are too many dangers in this era. As the person said, if you don't save everything, it will be over that day. After all, in the apocalypse, many things are no longer within the control of ordinary people.

Sensing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, some people tried to make jokes to soothe him, but when he opened his mouth, not many people responded, so he had no choice but to leave it alone.

"What I'm most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air."

"Yes, we are going to die that day anyway. Brothers, let's eat well and drink well. Anyway, there will be no shortage of food in peace, and we will be well-fed when we leave."

"that is!"

"Everyone is here. No one has come in tonight."

Several Peace Society soldiers looked out into the darkness. No one could be seen there. All the bounty hunters who had gone out during the day had returned. Some of them might not have returned and were hiding in a corner of the wasteland, or they might have already. Dead inside.

But just as the last sentence was finished, several people suddenly appeared in the darkness blurred by the searchlight. This scene made several soldiers laugh at the person who had just spoken.

"Is that a slap in the face? Why is there no one, aren't those people?"

"Hey, stop talking. It's not like you don't know this old turtle. The more he says it won't happen, the more it will happen."

"This is true."

"Wait, it's a little strange, look."

Suddenly, a soldier made a confused voice.

"What's wrong?"

The others left and looked into the darkness outside. After a closer look, it was really strange. These people who suddenly appeared seemed to be very anxious and quickly trotted towards the East-3 gate. They were completely different from the people who had been entering the joint area before. different.

"Hurry up, I accidentally saw a level 5 zombie. When I looked carefully, Mader was no longer there!"

"Holy crap, is it true? Don't scare me?"

"I look like the kind of person who can lie to others. Stop talking nonsense. I really saw it. I don't know where it is now. It's pitch black all around. There are soldiers from the Peace Society stationed in front. It should be easy to enter the joint control area. Nothing happens."

Several groups of survivors quickly quickened their pace and ran towards East Gate 3. They took three steps and turned back, as if they were afraid that something was behind them.

And their strange expressions were naturally noticed by several Peace Society soldiers. When the survivors arrived at the East Gate 3, they felt relieved and quickly took out their identity tags and swiped them on the checkpoint machine. .

[Dip, identity confirmed. 】

As the mechanical sound sounded, several soldiers were also curious about what they had experienced. They stopped one person and asked: "Hey, brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you so panicked?"

"Hey, stop talking. On the way here, our captain said that he accidentally saw a fifth-level zombie standing somewhere and told us to come back quickly."

"Where is a fifth-level zombie? Didn't you see it?"

"Who knows, I just came back in a hurry as soon as I heard it."

"Okay then, you guys get busy first."

"You are busy."

Seeing a few survivors walking together, the soldiers didn't pay much attention. They had no choice but to work with zombies in the Peace Association. Not to mention that they were afraid of zombies, they had all experienced strange scenes of fighting with zombies. .

It can be said that zombies that are monsters to people are comrades-in-arms to members of the Peace Society, and there is no need to fear them at all.

Therefore, no one paid attention to what these survivors said.

The soldier who asked the question pressed his nose, dug out a lump of green boogers, stuffed it into his mouth when no one was paying attention, and then returned to the crowd.

"It's okay. Those people must have been frightened when they saw a zombie..." The soldiers who returned told everyone what the survivor had just said word for word.

"Hey~ I thought it was something."

"That's not right. Shouldn't zombies chase after them if they smell human scent? How come nothing happened to those people?"


"Tch, what's the matter? Maybe they saw it wrong."

A few people were chatting here and there. Suddenly, someone felt thirsty and stood up to get the water on the table next to him. Just as he picked it up and was about to drink it, his peripheral vision inadvertently swept across the darkness in the distance.

And in the darkness, in the blurry mist where the searchlight shines in the distance, two figures vaguely appeared, one big and one small. The big figure seemed to be six meters tall, and the small one was like a normal person, with a slender figure. He should be a The woman has her hair down, and her shadow looks beautiful. She has an amazing feeling, but I don’t know how good the other person is.

As the saying goes, green mountains and beautiful water can be seen from a distance, but grinning teeth can be seen up close!

When the soldier saw the two figures, he immediately focused all his attention there.

"Hey, look, there are two people coming out there, no! It should be one. The one on the right can't be a person. How can Jean be so tall? He looks like a zombie."

The soldier muttered, and his words also attracted the attention of others. They all looked over and stood up.

"It's really a zombie."

As the two figures in the blurry darkness got closer and closer, all the soldiers could see clearly what the two figures looked like.

The six-meter-tall figure was just as everyone had guessed. It had a rotten head covered with scales, with flesh and blood trailing behind to form a bloody "shawl". It was indeed a zombie!

And the other figure is indeed a person. His beautiful long hair is draped casually on his shoulders. The princess-cut hairstyle gives this person a bit of fairy spirit. His face is exquisite, and he doesn't even apply a little pink and white, but his hazy eyes seem to be able to... It's like taking away a person's soul.

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