I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 850 Massacre of the City

"This...why are they all dead?"

"not good!"

After so many years in the apocalyptic inventory, several pilots have developed the ability to keenly sense danger. When they see the corpses lying on the ground, they all know that something big has happened.

The three people retreated quickly, and one of them picked up his mobile phone and started to contact the people at the mine: "Hey! Captain Wang, send someone over quickly, something is wrong here."

"what happened?"

"Everyone in the concentration area is dead!"


The person opposite was shocked: "All of them dead? What exactly is the situation? Tell me clearly!"

"We just arrived, and as soon as we came here we found corpses on the ground, so I'm notifying you."

"You guys wait there, I'll bring someone over right away."


The driver who made the call put down his cell phone and wiped the sweat from his head. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

"It's so quiet. Why don't you say anything?"

He was a little confused, but when he turned around to look, the other two pilots had froze. They raised their hands, their faces were horrified, and a cold gun was pointed at their foreheads!


He suddenly didn't know what to say. He could only say the word "this" slowly, and then nothing happened.

Fear made his body tremble. The people pointing guns at them were a group of soldiers wearing exoskeleton suits. They did not have the Peace Society's strange sword icon on their bodies, which meant that they were not members of the Peace Society. There were nine on their chests. The feathered half-wings are unusually conspicuous.

He knew this icon. He was from Jiuge. Unlike the Liantong District, Jiuge managed the soldiers easily and did not have many restrictions, so the exoskeleton suits of these soldiers were painted with All kinds of graffiti have an exotic flavor, but the gods that people in Southeast Asia believe in are weirder, and the graffiti on their bodies is also full of evil tension.

"Who...are you talking to?"

The soldier pointing his weapon at the driver's head asked in extremely broken Chinese.

"I...I...I don't know, don't...don't kill me! I'm just a guy, don't kill me!"

"I heard it...you notified the people at the Peace Conference. Are they at fault?"

"No! No! You misunderstood, please let me go! I'm really just a puller!"

The driver knelt on the ground and prayed loudly. His instinct for survival made him give up all dignity.

However, his prayer did not arouse the pity of these soldiers, and he could not find anything. Several soldiers chatted for a while, and then, with a "swish" sound, a bloody hole appeared in the heads of the three pilots, "Zizzi" "White smoke was rising, and from the blood hole you could see the blackened brain burned by the laser's hot energy.

The expressions on the faces of the three people stayed at this moment, and they simply fell to the ground.

"The Peace Society already knows what's going on here. Reinforcements will be coming soon. Should we leave?"

"Why go? Our reinforcements are arriving soon. This operation was originally intended to catch the joint command area off guard. Since their reinforcements have arrived, we should take advantage of the opportunity to deal with the people who came. This will save a lot of trouble later."

"The new owner of the Joint Unified District is so arrogant, we will teach him a lesson this time!"


After dragging the body aside casually, several soldiers groped around the body and found a few pieces of gold. They couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, the captains who were guarding the mine rushed over after receiving the news. More than a hundred people in total arrived at the mine's storage area. Captain Wang, who was walking at the front, saw He frowned when there were corpses on the ground.

Captain Wang was not a member of the Peace Conference before, but worked under the Seven Committees. After Tang Ye took over the United District, most of his committee members went their own way, and he also became a small and medium-sized rebel. A member of the military force.

However, as the largest resistance forces were wiped out by the Peace Council, the leader of his resistance force consciously chose to hand over his power and was able to save his life.

The Peace Society behaves in a strange way. They never consider humanity when attacking the enemy. They will use whatever means are feasible, even though this will cause many people to die.

However, this is the only point where the brutal Peace Society is brutal. In the face of other forces that actively surrender, it seems very gentle to them. Before, Captain Wang was just an ordinary first-order new human being like everyone else.

After joining the Peace Conference, I was not treated unfairly, and I unexpectedly got this official position. After so many years, I finally gained a certain status.

He glanced around, especially at the new human corpses that were hung on the target between the two buildings in the holding area. Some of the corpses in other places were even insulted.

After working in the mine for nearly two years, Captain Wang had a lot of dealings with Jiuge's people during the war between the United District and Jiuge. I don't say this method is absolute, but it is very likely that Jiuge did it. for.

After walking back and forth, Captain Wang seemed to be looking for something, but after searching around, he found nothing. He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and find a recent contact to call.

Later, a cell phone ringtone rang not far away. Captain Wang quickly walked over and found that the sound came from the pile of corpses.


Turning over the two corpses, he saw a familiar face. The blood flowing out of the blood hole on his forehead had covered his entire face, but it was hard for Captain Wang to recognize this person.

He is a driver who hauls ore. Captain Wang often talks to this person. I don’t say how familiar he is, but he is only a half-acquaintance.

"It seems that someone killed them." Captain Wang said to himself, then looked at the group of Peace Society soldiers behind him and shouted loudly: "It was probably the people from Jiuge who did it."

"They shouldn't have gone far, so I'll go in with you and catch those bastards out!"


Under the leadership of several captains, everyone entered the holding area, but what they saw was that there were still corpses all over the ground, and the air inside was filled with a sense of death.

The 709 Mine Accommodation Area was built by people after the end of the world. It is only a small area. All the streets add up to only five or six. It can accommodate very few people. It has only two functions. They are usually in the mine. Rest area for working people and storage of minerals.

But after all, there are nearly 20,000 permanent residents inside. The entrance where people usually come and go is full of corpses. Streams of blood flow on the streets. Some of them have dried up and formed black and red lumps gently flowing towards them. Float forward.

The air was filled with this strong smell of blood.

"The armed men are all dead."

"Not only the armed men, but everyone alive will die, damn the beasts, this is a massacre of the city!"

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