I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 854 Capture the King First

All this happened in a blink of an eye. The time difference between the captain's reaction and all the children running wild was only seven or eight seconds.

Laser rays of various colors were flying across the cafeteria hall. One second these children looked harmless and without any danger. Can you imagine that the next second they would pick up guns and point at the people who were taking good care of them just now? Crazy shooting?

The captain just watched the staff in front of him fall down one after another. The powerful attack of the laser weapon directly shot several people into a hornet's nest. The corpses were pushed out two or three meters by the force of the laser.

"Made! Someone's coming! We've fallen into a trap!"

The captain ran out and happened to see several soldiers rushing here with weapons. He immediately roared: "There are all Jiu Ge's boy scouts inside! Go and notify the others! Let them come to support!"


The soldiers who arrived hesitated for a moment, then turned and left quickly. The captain picked up the all-round combat helmet next to him and was about to put it on when a voice appeared next to him.

"Brigade...save me!"

When he looked down, he saw a woman covered in blood at the door, begging him to save her.

"come out faster."

The captain pulled her out, but only half of her body came out, with colorful internal organs smeared all over the floor. The scene was extremely bloody!

"Captain, I...I...I can't survive...take care of my son..."

The injury was so serious that the woman died immediately after being dragged out. The captain was stunned, and his heart was burning with anger!


With a roar, he put on the all-round combat helmet, and the exoskeleton suit quickly covered his whole body. With a "ding" sound, the combat helmet and the exoskeleton suit clicked together.

The third-level new human's rich energy and blood burst out. He turned around and knocked open the glass door. In an instant, lasers all over the sky flew towards him!

"Kill him!"

The boy scouts who were going on a killing spree saw him coming in and roared. Countless children jumped out from between the tables and chairs and shot wildly at the captain.

"You are seeking death!"

With an angry look on his face, the captain rushed towards the boy scout closest to him with a violent attack without any hesitation. Even though the other party was just a group of children, compared to the consequences of hesitation, he chose to attack!

With several screams, several Boy Scout members were knocked out by his powerful force. They vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in mid-air and did not get up for a long time.

Ding dong dong dong…

The laser rays continuously hit the exoskeleton armor on the captain, and the steel on it was twisting and deforming little by little, and of course he noticed this.

"Catch the thief first and capture the king first!"

With these words flashing through his mind, he raised his cold eyes and instantly looked at the child standing in the corner. Judging from his reaction just now, this guy should be the commander of this boy scout!

Without saying a word, the captain's momentum trembled, and he focused all his murderous intent on the child. Like a beast out of its cage, he rushed towards her with a "swish"!

All the boy soldiers around him who were hit by him flew away upside down!

As the eldest boy scout commander, she was startled when she saw the tiger-like posture of the captain. Then she hurriedly shouted something to the soldiers next to her. The children showed hesitation on their faces after hearing this.

But time waits for no one, and the captain's figure is getting closer to him crazily. When the boy scout sees this battle, he feels even more panicked. He is a child who cannot defeat an adult, let alone the opponent is a third-level new human being. ?

With that permeating murderous aura, once she let him get close to her, she didn't know how many times she would die. Thinking about it, she roared several times at the child next to her, which sounded like a threat.

I don’t know what she said to the group of children. Sure enough, the faces of the hesitant boy soldiers showed panic, and then quickly turned into determination. They each took out a small box from their bags. Open it, and there is a syringe inside, filled with light red liquid.

They held the syringe and struggled for a while on their faces. After a while, they plunged the syringe into their own arms! Press the pressure core and all the light red liquid inside will enter their bodies.

When the captain saw this scene, his heart suddenly suddenly increased, his speed suddenly increased, and he roared towards the Scout Commander!

He knew what the liquid in the syringe was, it was anti-life material! These Boy Scouts are injecting anti-life substances! This kind of thing appeared frequently in the constant wars between the Liantong District and Jiuge. Many people knew the details of this liquid.

However, unlike ordinary anti-life substances, these anti-life substances are specially prepared by Jiuge. The main effect is to give the injector the ability of zombies!

However, these things also have side effects. The injector's own strength will be doubled in the next time. However, once the time passes, the consequences will be very serious. In mild cases, it will cause irreversible damage to the body, and in severe cases, it will directly turn into a zombie or die. !

"Ah Bu Ka!"

Roaring angrily, the scout commander pushed towards the crowd with a look of horror on his face, while the leader followed her direction coldly.

"Run inside!"

With a sharp shout, he stretched out his long hand, curled his fingers to grab the commander's head and pinch it!

But soon, a roar like a beast exploded in the captain's ears!

I saw that the bodies of the child soldiers who had been injected with drugs began to deform, and the clothes they were wearing were swelling at an alarming speed. The veins on their foreheads turned blood red due to the mutation, and the whites of their eyes were covered with dense bloodshot eyes, and their brown eyes It seems to be covered by a layer of white film, which is the rhythm of corpse transformation!

But the captain knows that they are not real zombies, they just have the power of zombies temporarily!

His speed was getting faster and faster, but just when he was about to approach the commander, some of the child soldiers injected with anti-life substances were already blocking him, shouting in a language he couldn't understand, and hitting him with their fists. Come!

Injected with anti-life substances, they look like monsters in movies, with their bodies twisted into irregular shapes, as if a muscular man who exercises regularly turns into a child and is then used as plasticine by a giant and squeezed with his hands.

They look ugly, but their strength is completely beyond that of ordinary people!

When a punch came, the captain dodged and went straight to the scout commander. The people around him tried to rush over, but were quickly knocked away by his power. Anyone who got close would be hurt!

The wind blew past his ears, and accompanied by the incomprehensible shouts of the scouts, the captain pushed through the crowd and came to the commander.

The little girl was caught by him, and the other party became frightened and screamed non-stop.

"Stop it, me!"

Being pointed at countless guns, the captain was not afraid at all. He roared angrily and pressed the ray rifle on the commander's head, and everyone stopped.

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