I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 870 Show up quickly

Before Brother Shi could continue shouting, the fifth-level zombie had already held him and walked under the crane. He then raised the hanging beam with his bare hands, put down the big iron hook, and hung Brother Shi on it.

The fifth-level zombie did not hurt him after doing this, but left directly. At the same time, there were other high-level zombies who could catch Shi Ge based on their height.

They all seemed to be driven away by some terrifying existence.

Seeing this, Brother Shi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He thought Tang Ye was going to throw him into the zombies and feed him to the zombies. Although he didn't know that he would do this for three years, he couldn't help but feel scared!

However, the fifth-level zombie only hung himself on the crane, which meant that Tang Ye would not throw himself into the group of corpses, but why did he do this?

He was confused, but he didn't dare to ask.

"My Bodhisattva! Let me go. We don't know each other. Why are you doing this to me?"

He was struggling on the crane, trying to make himself fall to the ground, because all the zombies had now dispersed, leaving a space at the intersection. He was a third-level new human being. Even if he fell, he would not fall to death, but could still borrow This escape.

What Tang Ye wants to do is a mystery. No one knows what he wants to do, but it will never be a good thing.

Tang Ye stood there with his hands in his trouser pockets and watched him struggling quietly. After a while, he reminded him: "Hey, you'd better not move around. You may not die soon." , if you fall, I will ensure that you will die quickly!"

Hearing Tang Ye's voice, Brother Shi immediately stopped struggling and was hung obediently on the crane beam. He believed that this terrifying man would do what he said!

Seeing that he had calmed down, Tang Ye gave him a mysterious smile and then walked towards a building.

As he entered the building, the zombies below seemed to have been relieved of some restrictions. All pairs of bloodthirsty and crazy pale eyes were looking at Brother Shi who was hanging on the crane beam, and they swarmed around. , stretching out his rotten hands below and making a cry of "ho ho ho".

But stupidly, they were just doing this, so they couldn't catch Brother Shi at all.

Brother Shi knew it, but his scalp still couldn't help but feel numb. There were too many zombies down there!

He looked in the direction where Tang Ye was before. He knew that the man had entered the nearby residential building, but he didn't know which floor he was on.

"Where are you! Don't make such a joke!" He called Tang Ye loudly, but no one responded to him. Instead, his loud shouting attracted more zombies, and the area below the crane was filled with darkness.

Tang Ye walked to the fourth floor and found a window facing Brother Shi's room and went in. Only half of the hinged window swayed gently with the breeze. Tang Ye didn't care and pulled it behind him casually and looked for it. He pulled the chair with a rusty frame behind the window and sat down.

The waiting time was long. Tang Ye smoked a few cigarettes until the smell of smoke made him feel a little irritated, then he put the cigarette shell into his pocket.

It seems that it is not a problem for Brother Shi to hang around all the time. Although the town is not big, no one knows when the intelligent zombie will come.

Thinking of Tang Ye picking up the glass shards on the window sill...

Time passed little by little, and as the time of being hung became longer and longer, Brother Shi gradually got used to this feeling.

He didn't know what the rope Tang Ye tied himself was made of. As a third-level new human being, he couldn't break free. But it didn't matter, he was safe for the time being, at least for now.

Although the dense tide of corpses below each looks ferocious and ferocious, they can't come up, can they?

And that person also said that if you are lucky, you will not die, but if you are not lucky, you will die. So, he should be the former. Thinking this way, Brother Shi feels a little better.

"If I survive this disaster, I must enjoy it when I go back!"

There was a smile on Brother Shi's face while he was hanging, but it was very lewd. He almost walked around in front of the gate of hell. He knew more and more how lucky he was to be alive.

But soon, he felt as if something was reaching towards him from behind. He turned his head with difficulty to look, and Brother Shi's pupils shrank suddenly!

"What's this!"

He yelled, and his suspended body swayed from side to side involuntarily, and from the side of his body, a blood-red tentacle with a triangular cone stretched out toward him like a poisonous snake!

There seemed to be an eye at the front of this weird tentacle, but it was so fast that Brother Shi didn't know if it was an eye.

He just saw this tentacle wrapped around a piece of glass reaching towards him.


In a hurry, Brother Shi stood up and kicked him, but the tentacle seemed to know where his kick would go, and nimbly dodged it, then rolled up the glass fragments and stabbed him!


The tentacle looks slender, but the power it can exert is beyond people's imagination. Brother Shi's skin that even bullets can't penetrate was forcibly pierced by it with glass shards.

The flesh and blood were torn apart, Brother Shi groaned, and wanted to open the tentacles, but his hands were tied, and he had no way to remove them. He could only watch the tentacles do whatever they wanted.

"Damn it!" he roared angrily. When had Brother Shi ever been wronged like this? But now, even the committee members have to accept this situation.

He could only pray that this tentacle would not kill him!

His thoughts seemed to be heard by God, and he also decided to help him. The tentacle just poked a bloody hole in his body and then made no other movements. It retracted to an unknown place with a "swish" sound. Let Brother Shi let out a long sigh of relief.

The moment the glass shards pierced Brother Shi's skin and flesh, gurgling blood flowed from it and spilled into the group of corpses below.

The warm smell of blood began to float away, and the wonderful smell of the third-level new humans made all the zombies below boil. Each one was like a fish in the water, rushing forward and then rushing towards the place where the blood fell. For a moment, the zombies on the ground twisted into a ball, looking extremely disgusting.

They roared, raising one zombie hand high, but they were quickly suppressed by the same kind. The other zombie hand was raised. The movement happening here attracted zombies from farther away, and they saw the zombies hanging on it. Brother Shi and the faint smell of blood in the air made them go crazy!

Tang Ye was very satisfied when he saw this scene. Zombies, like wolves, will go crazy when they smell blood! However, wolves only want to survive, while zombies only want to eat.

"Hurry up and show up, I can't wait any longer..." Behind the window, a sinister smile appeared on Tang Ye's face.

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