However, Tang Ye did not give up on this zombie immediately, because each zombie had its own abilities, and perhaps he had not yet discovered the abilities of this intelligent zombie.


In the group of corpses, this intelligent zombie roared twice at one of its second-level zombies. The other zombie was a little confused at first, but after the boss's rapid roar, it finally realized something. Grab the smart zombie and throw it towards the crane!


Ho ho!

The intelligent zombie that was thrown into the air roared twice. It seemed that the younger brother used too much force and threw it over his head. But luckily, after hitting a few of the same kind, he touched his head and felt that he was not injured. He looked around. In this situation, it should have been pulled a long distance from the crane. It got out of the crowded gap among the zombies and climbed onto the crane with great effort.

He casually pushed down a few ordinary zombies blocking the road, and then roared at his three younger brothers. The younger brothers quickly understood what it meant, and after a strange scream, they looked under the crane where the zombies were crowded. Brother Shi bared his teeth and claws, wanting to eat him alive!

Hoo ho ho!

The smart zombie was a little anxious, and roared at the three younger brothers. After calling for a long time, the younger brother realized that the boss was calling him again, and quickly looked over, followed by two more roars, and they headed towards where the smart zombie was. He walked in the direction, but when he came to the crane body, he stopped and looked at his boss with big cute eyes, as if asking: "What do you want us to do?"

The intelligent zombie was so angry that he scratched his head and scratched his head, and kept yelling at his younger brothers. He even pulled out the twisted operating rod in the crane cab and beat several of his younger brothers hard before letting them climb onto the crane.

Then, it came under the hanging beam, pointed at the crankshaft below and roared at its younger brothers. Several younger brothers ran over, and it pointed again, not knowing what it meant. Tang Ye couldn't understand, and several zombie younger brothers I can’t even understand it anymore.

Ho ho! Roar! Woohoo!

It roared, with an irritated look on its face. This look looked very funny on a zombie's face. Now, Tang Ye finally knew what it was going to do. It wanted to let its younger brother break off the hanging beam, but for For second-level zombies, it may take some effort to directly break the thick hanging beam of the crane, but it is not impossible.

What's strange is that it doesn't seem to know that the crane's lifting beam can be operated by driving from behind.

It pressed its body against the hanging beam in front of the zombie brothers, and kept exerting force, trying to make them understand what it meant, but in the end, the three zombie brothers did not respond at all, and looked at its behavior as if it was mentally retarded.

As a last resort, it pulled forward the second-level zombie with two rifles hanging from its neck, raised its hand with difficulty, and slammed it on the hanging beam, making a sound, and then roared at it several times. Voice.

At this time, the little brother understood what it meant. He raised his fist and punched it, but he didn't use much force. He punched the hanging beam behind it. It looked at the intelligent zombie and seemed to ask if this was the case. Do?

The intelligent zombie danced happily, but the result was a little different from what it had in mind, but fortunately it could achieve its goal.

After receiving the boss's approval, the second-level zombie then punched a second time. This punch, it used all its strength, causing the crane beam to tremble!

Immediately afterwards, the third punch came! The hanging beam trembled again, and Brother Shi was stunned by the shock. He looked in the direction of the intelligent zombie with a look of horror on his face.

"Depend on!"

Cursing loudly, Brother Shi became panicked. He felt that he was getting closer to the ground. If he continued like this, he would die without a whole body. There were so many zombies, enough to tear him into pieces in an instant!

The intelligent zombie looked at Brother Shi, its black and red tongue stuck out, and it greedily licked its lips. It breathed hard through its nose, as if it was smelling the breath of living things emanating from Brother Shi!

What a wonderful taste it is. For a zombie, it is a feast for the sense of smell. The only thing missing is a bite on him, just one bite.

It understands that Brother Shi is not an ordinary living creature, he is a creature that has evolved three times. Since becoming a zombie, it has very clearly understood how wonderful the flesh and blood of these evolved creatures are!

It couldn't wait any longer and kept urging its zombie brother to work hard!


boom! boom! …

There was a sound of impact one after another. The hanging beam was continuously hit by the second-level power zombies and began to tilt toward the other side. This made the zombies below roar even more crazily after seeing it.

"Mad! Who will save me! Where is that person? Come out here! I will fuck your uncle!"

Cold sweat broke out on Brother Shi's forehead, and his face became paler. As the hanging beam continued to hang downward, he became more and more anxious. He wanted to struggle, but he didn't dare, because if it fell off the hook, he would fall into the group of corpses. He will die faster!

In this way, he was confused in entanglement and despair. Before he died, he no longer had hope that the person would come to save him, and began to roar loudly at the mysterious person who had captured him here, regardless of whether he could hear him or not. .

So what if you can hear it? He was going to die anyway, so he might as well curse!

But while scolding that guy, Brother Shi was also surprised that there were intelligent zombies!

He saw everything that the intelligent zombie did just now. How could a zombie that knew how to order zombies and knew that hanging food need to be put down before it was late be an ordinary zombie?

Suddenly, Brother Shi felt his scalp numb.

Zombies without thinking ability and intelligence and zombies that know how to think and have intelligence are completely different things!

The former is just a relatively big disaster for mankind, while the latter is a duel between two civilizations for mankind! Can you imagine the seriousness of this?

Now there is an intelligent zombie in the town where he lives. How many intelligent zombies are there in other places?

He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't have time to think about it. As he got closer and closer to the tide of corpses below, he felt that he had been enveloped in the breath of death!

"Grass mud horse!" He roared angrily, as if he wanted to vent all the emotions in his heart.

But at this time, the banging sound stopped, which made him stunned. He looked back at the intelligent zombie, and his face turned ashen again.

This intelligent zombie was not willing to share the food with the zombies below. It drove all the zombies off the crane. At this time, the hanging beam had tilted to a climbable angle. It wanted to climb up from the hanging beam. Then he ate Brother Shi!

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