Under Tang Ye's questioning, Song Muyuan began to explain the fragments in his mind.

In fact, there are really few memory fragments left in its brain. If it were played in a video, it would only last for five or six seconds. According to what it said, this memory fragment took place in an office building.

The content is also very simple. A person suddenly calls out the three characters Song Muyuan, and then the first point of view shifts, followed by a woman. The woman hands over a piece of paper (according to Song Muyuan's description, it is a piece of paper) with a red one. This paper.

The owner from the first perspective opened the paper and did not read the contents in detail. He only noticed three words, that is Song Muyuan, and then the memory fragments were cut off.

It's too short. As Song Muyuan described, it's very fragmented. From this memory, you can't get any useful information at all. However, zombies are all made by people. Maybe every stupid zombie has something in his mind. A memory like Song Muyuan's is very short and cannot teach a person who has become a zombie anything.

Thinking of this, Tang Ye didn't know what he thought of and suddenly fell silent.

He was thinking, if a person turns into a zombie, what kind of individual will this person become after becoming a zombie?

Does he have the same consciousness as he did after becoming a zombie?

After a person becomes a zombie, all memories are erased, and everyone and everything else will disappear. If we don’t use this sentence to describe it, what would it be like if the consciousness is replaced by another existence?

If the zombies on the street had all their memories of when they were humans returned, would those zombies still be zombies?

In other words, are the current Tang Ye and the real Tang Ye the same person?

Perhaps, when he turned into a zombie, he was not the real Tang Ye. His soul was replaced, just like changing a mobile phone. The old mobile phone can no longer be used, so buy a new mobile phone and transfer the data in the old mobile phone. When it is transferred to a new mobile phone, for its user, it is no longer the same mobile phone, but for the mobile phone, it thinks that it is still the same mobile phone, but it has become newer.

Could it be that Tang Ye's soul was replaced? From the time he turned into a zombie, the data of the old soul was transferred from this new soul?

It's just that Tang Ye didn't notice any of this. To him, it was as simple as drinking water in daily life.

"Fuck! Why do labor and management think so much?"

Thinking of this, Tang Ye couldn't help but shudder. I hope that's not the case. Maybe everything is just his imagination...

He looked at Song Muyuan and asked, "That's it?"

"Just...that's all."


Tang Ye waved his hand, Song Muyuan scratched his head, a little confused, and Tang Ye quickly continued: "By the way, does this memory have any special meaning to you?"

"Memory?" Song Muyuan was confused. The two words memory were very unfamiliar to him. Even if Tang Ye used brain waves to express it, he didn't quite understand it.

Tang Ye was a little surprised, but soon he raised his finger to point to the blood stain left by Brother Shi in the distance and asked, "What is that?"

"Blood?" Song Muyuan answered quickly.

"You know it's blood, so how do you know it?"

"This..." Song Muyuan didn't know how to express it.

But Tang Ye didn't need to express it and said directly: "You know it because you have seen them often, just like you saw them dozens of minutes ago, and the new human you want to eat, do you remember him? "

"Remember." Song Muyuan said calmly.

"Yes, the things you just saw will be recorded in your mind, so you know them, and what you remember is your memory."

"Oh, so that's it." Song Muyuan suddenly realized.

"So, what does this memory mean to you?" Tang Ye asked. As far as he knew, all the memories left in the minds of zombies have something very precious to them, just like the memories of zombie rulers. Dominator!

They are only loyal to their rulers because the rulers were very important to them when they were still alive. Therefore, even if they become zombies and all humanity disappears, they will still remember them and leave them in their minds. The memories below are all direct memories between it and the ruler.

The memories that are hard to remember will always be retained, and those things that have no meaning will be disillusioned in an instant when they become zombies!

But the extremely short memory in Song Muyuan's mind seems to have no meaning at all. Why is this?

Sure enough, Song Muyuan thought about it for a long time, and then he shook his head. No matter from which aspect, this memory seemed to be the most common thing in a person's daily life.

Tang Ye was too lazy to continue to delve into the meaning of the memory in Song Muyuan's mind to him. However, as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Song Muyuan spoke up first: "Master, what can I do for you?"

After Tang Ye's genetic punishment, Song Muyuan already knew his position in front of Tang Ye, and his tone became very humble.

Tang Ye glanced at him and said indifferently: "You don't have to call me master, I have many titles. You can call me president, you can call me boss, you can call me marshal, all of these are fine."

"Yes..." Song Muyuan replied, but his tone paused, and finally he chose a title that was domineering after all.

"Yes, Marshal."

"Very good, but you are too weak now and do not have the ability to do things for me. I will make you stronger!"

"Becoming stronger?" Song Muyuan was stunned, very confused.

"It's just powerful! Have you seen it?" Tang Ye pointed at the fifth-level zombie behind him. Song Muyuan nodded, but still didn't understand what Tang Ye meant. But soon, he saw Tang Ye's cruel side.

Probably under Tang Ye's order, the fifth-level zombie standing behind him lowered his head. Maybe it didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do, but suddenly, Tang Ye took action without any warning!

The hand, which seemed to have no lethality at all, was inserted into the brain of the fifth-level zombie as easily as it was inserted into the brain of tofu. However, it didn't even hum. The huge body fell down and smashed it hard. on the ground!

And in Tang Ye's hand, a green evolutionary crystal appeared!

"Marshal... you... you are..."

Song Muyuan was shocked. He might not have expected that a fifth-level zombie had no ability to resist in front of Tang Ye and could not be killed easily!

This scene made it feel as if cold sweat was breaking out on its back like a human being when they are nervous.

terrible! It was really scary. When he thought that he had just attacked Tang Ye, Song Muyuan was afraid for a moment. Fortunately, Tang Ye needed him...

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