Yang Yuexi and her friend got out of the car. The doorman was still watching stupidly, his eyes full of bright yearning. He was not one of those old doormen who would come over to entertain guests when they knew they were coming and drive their cars in. PARKING LOT.

Not only did the doorman not do this, he didn't even say hello, which made Yang Yuexi a little unhappy.

"Hey, why are you just standing there? Why don't you come over and drive away."

Her scolding finally made the doorman come to his senses, but when he came back, he didn't know what to do next. He could only look at Yang Yuexi innocently, looking at a loss.

Fortunately, an old employee came out, cursed the doorman in a low voice, and then walked towards Yang Yuexi and the others with a charming smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here. I'm from the countryside. I don't know the ins and outs of our city. I'm a bit naive. Please don't take offense to Miss Yang."

Hearing the old doorman's words, Yang Yuexi nodded, and then looked at the doorman again, not hiding the disdain in his eyes.

"Oh, it turns out you are from the countryside, no wonder."

Her words made the doorman a little embarrassed, but he was obviously a fool who believed in equality for all, and he immediately retorted: "What happened to the countryside?"

"Oh, you still have a bad temper?"

Yang Yuexi frowned. This was the first time in her life that she saw someone dare to refute her.

As soon as she said something, the men and women following her immediately gathered around her.

The old employee also felt that something was wrong and immediately slapped the doorman.

"you shut up!"

Being beaten for no reason made the doorman feel aggrieved, but he still endured it for the sake of his wife.

Seeing him being beaten, Yang Yuexi and the others didn't say anything. Some things still shouldn't make a big fuss. China is now in the period of cracking down on gangs and evil. If the boys who followed them take action after things get big, they will be killed if they can't be saved. In the situation, although my father would fish him out, it was not worth it for a lowly farmer.

While talking, Yang Yuexi walked into the nightclub with her friends. When several boys in the team passed by the doorman, they deliberately bumped them with their shoulders and pushed the doorman against the wall.

As for what happened after that, Yang Yuexi didn't know.

Those keywords that the paint man mentioned before, nightclub, doorman, were probably what happened that day.

This paint man is the doorman!

However, this matter has been in the past for a long time. Even counting from the beginning of the end of the world, it still needs to be pushed forward four or five years.

After such a long time, the other party still hated me and remembered it so clearly, which refreshed Yang Yuexi's petty perception!

And Yang Yuexi never knew that even though just these things made the other party use such cruel methods to kill her, it was really unjustifiable to pay the price with his life.

When a person falls into the abyss, everyone who pushed him from behind is burdened with unforgivable sins!

Yang Yuexi looked at the paint man with a look in her eyes that seemed to say: "Isn't this ridiculous?"

The man opposite seemed to have the ability to read people's hearts, and actually laughed out loud.

"Hahaha~ What do you think? It seems that you have remembered it, so let's get on the road?"

Yang Yuexi said no more and lowered her head silently.

Everything around him became quiet except for the rustling sound of the paint man's hands.

She constantly felt the tearing pain coming from her body, like an iron maiden being pierced by hundreds of sharp thorns at the same time.

Soon, she felt something hard pierce her neck, piercing her respiratory tract.

The pain made her raise her head, and she turned her eyes with difficulty to look down. It was a piece of scale armor, and the owner of the hand holding it was the Paint Man.

Looking back, what caught his eyes was the cold eyes of the paint man.

The blood that had turned into light red flowed out little by little. During the period of living with the paint man, she was bleeding all the time. For such a long time, all the blood in her body had been lost, and the blood changed from dark red to light red. of red.

She began to have trouble breathing, and every breath she took in and out was tearing her wound. The paint man turned his scales, and the sharp zombie scales tore a shocking and disturbing wound on Yang Yuexi's neck. Finally, his hand With a hard pull, Yang Yuexi suddenly stopped breathing and her head hung down weakly.

The paint man stood up and ignored her. There was no emotion in his eyes. After being quiet for a while, he put on his gloves, took out his needle and thread, and sewed up the wounds on the woman's body bit by bit...

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of tearing the bag was heard from time to time, and when the paint man appeared again, he had an extremely ugly rag doll covered in stitches in his hand.

If anyone knowledgeable comes along, they will be able to tell that the appearance of the rag doll in the paint man's hands is made of human skin.

The paint man who had just come out was exposed to the sun, and there was no trace of the devil. Like the bounty hunter survivors around him, he seemed to be one of them.

He took the doll and walked around several streets, finally stopping in front of a store selling nutritional supplements, as if waiting for something.

"Three, two, one."

He opened his mouth slightly and counted down quietly. When the count reached one, a scream came from the shop.

"You brat! Stop!"

"That bastard is here to steal again, catch him quickly!"

Not long after, a boy who looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old ran out wildly, holding several nutritional supplements in his arms. Behind him, there were more than a dozen adults with knives and sticks in their hands.

Scenes like this are very common, and the people on the street were not surprised. No one stepped forward to stop it, and they all looked at the scene with a look of fun.

Although the boy was holding a lot of nutritional supplements in his hands, you could tell at a glance that he was a habitual offender. He did this kind of thing frequently. His body was as flexible as a monkey jumping up and down, and he was chasing after him in no time. The adult walked away.

The paint man chuckled and slowly followed up.

The thief boy crossed two streets. When he looked back, he found that the adults were gone. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He slowed down and walked into the innermost courtyard of an alley.

He sat down, put all the nutritional supplements in his arms on the ground, picked up one, tore it open and put it into his mouth, sucking the liquid inside frantically.

He seemed to be extremely hungry, and he took three nutrient supplements in a row before stopping.

"Hmph, you still want to chase me?"

The boy glanced at the entrance of the alley with disdain and patted his clothes. Although the stains on his clothes had become part of his clothes, he kept this habit.

But just as the boy stood up, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

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