I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 909 These are not important

"In the mercenary guild, starting from the third level and above, there are a total of 1,627 third-level new humans registered in the guild. Among them, there are a total of 100 third-level new humans who have advanced to advanced bounty hunters. Thirty-one, no, it should be one hundred and thirty-six now. In recent times, fourteen third-level new humans in the mercenary guild have advanced to advanced bounty hunters, and then nine more third-level humans. The new humans have evolved to the fourth level. Taken together, there are at least 180 new fourth-level humans in the mercenary guild who have advanced to advanced bounty hunters."

"Starting from the first attack and murder case, none of the attackers have a strength lower than level three. I think that this secret mission of the mercenary guild can only be taken on by new humans of level three or above. If we count them all , considering the size of our Peace Association, the secret mission issued by the mercenary guild this time has at least more than 400 strong men taking action against us. In this way, they are all right. Marshal, maybe we should clean up There is a mercenary guild, and it is very unsettling for such a force to be around us."

Tang Ye's fingers unconsciously tapped on the side of the sofa. After a while, he said: "You said, if the secret mission in the mercenary guild is true, then who is the employer? The Bounty Peace Society, this It’s not something that can be achieved by hundreds of thousands of Yajin, and the senior leaders in the mercenary guild are not fools. For such a small amount of Yajin, it is not worth the risk of offending the Peace Society."

Jiang Chen Tong thought about it after hearing Tang Ye's words, but how did he know how to answer this question?

As a public organization, the Mercenary Guild must take integrity seriously. If a public organization lacks integrity, how can it do business and make money? The senior leaders of the mercenary guild can naturally think of this, so they also protect their employer's information absolutely. It is for this reason that many people are willing to hand over their Yajin to let the mercenary guild handle the matter.

Because they know that the mercenary guild will definitely handle the matter well after receiving the mercenary money. Even if it is not done well, it will consider the mission value completed by the bounty hunter who took the task to reasonably refund the mercenary money.

Also because the mercenary guild protects employer information, basically no outsider except those who hold management positions in the mercenary guild can know the employer information of each bounty mission. In this way, it also protects the employers themselves. At least those employers who publish information about bounty missions do not have to worry about the amount of gold they give being too high, which will arouse the greed of powerful hunters.

These bounty hunters can only obediently do the task to get this small gold.

In addition to this, because of the information protection provided by the mercenary guild to employers, many outsiders have some thoughts. This idea is not that the system of the mercenary guild is very bad, but because this system also brings There are some bugs.

In every force, no one knows the rules better than the senior officials inside. As long as the employer has money, the mercenary guild can do anything for them. Then the mercenary guild protects the employer's information so that outsiders can receive rewards for accepting tasks. The golden hunter also didn’t know who the employer was who issued the task.

These systems do sound reasonable, but no matter what, every force needs a leader. A strong person uses his unshakable strength to formulate some rules and decide certain development directions. A force without a leader cannot be regarded as a leader at all. Power can only be a place of extreme chaos.

A leader can give a region a stable development environment and at least have a goal. However, in this way, the leader will have more rights and status.

Among these systems above the mercenary guild, their president can control it at will. Once the mercenary guild doesn't like that force, it will use gold to reward a certain force. As the president of the mercenary guild, his wealth is relatively small. ?

In addition, the mercenary guild itself has a lot of registered bounty hunters, which is a human resource that cannot be ignored. As the president, as long as he has money, he can completely wipe out a certain force! By doing this, the president of the mercenary guild can be said to have taken possession of the entire mercenary guild.

Moreover, the mercenary guild's protection of employee information prevents everyone outside from knowing who did it. Regarding this blind spot of the system, the underground forces in the outside world have an unwritten rule on the mercenary guild system but feel that it cannot be violated. rule.

You just can’t attack any force!

The bounty tasks issued by each employer can only be effective for those non-team force units and individual units.

In this way, it also eliminates the possibility of the president of the mercenary guild turning this large public organization into a private underground force in a disguised way. However, in the end of the world, no one is the kind of person who feels fair, only human beings, There will be some selfishness in the heart.

Jiang Chentong sat opposite Tang Ye, thinking silently. Time passed by quickly without the two of them noticing. Tang Ye looked at him quietly without speaking.

The only sounds at the scene were drinking water and Tang Ye's fingers tapping on the sofa. After about ten minutes or so, Jiang Chentong shook his head at Tang Ye. In the Liantong District, anyone can do it, but for us, there is no need to worry about this. Problem, because the mercenary guild has violated the most basic problem, at least they accepted the bounty mission from that employer.

"What we have to do now is to eradicate the mercenary guild. As for who the employer is, we will know everything after we have completed all this and obtained the employer information database within the mercenary guild."

Tang Ye nodded when he heard this, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

How could he not understand that it is no longer important who the employer is, what is important is that the mercenary guild has destroyed the most basic principles, and since the employer is offering a bounty in the mercenary guild for peace, from the side it also shows that the guy is not very strong. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to show up to anyone, so he could only go to the mercenary guild to seek help from others.

"So Marshal, when will we attack the mercenary guild?"

Hearing this question, Tang Ye couldn't help but get a headache. Now that the war with Jiuge was going on, 70% of the Peace Society's troops had been allocated. It might be a bit risky to use the remaining resources to fight against the mercenary guild.

Moreover, the internal distribution of the mercenary guild is also very complicated. I heard that four of the known high-level guilds are fifth-level new humans. One of them, Jin Ye, started out as a bounty hunter and became a mercenary guild because of his strong power. one of the top executives.

Tang Ye looked at the mirror in the bathroom. The dusk outside made his reflection in the mirror look a little hollow.

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