I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 919 Becoming a giant beast?

The senior bounty hunters of the Mercenary Guild don't even think about what will happen to the people who are hit by this zombie monster. They just want to get rid of this guy quickly. If they don't get rid of it, it will be wasted. Too much time, too much time wasted, and this operation may not be completed.

In short, they cannot waste too much time on this zombie. In this war, the mercenary guild can only win, not fail. Once it fails, all the strong men in the mercenary guild will suffer crazy revenge from the Peace Society. .

"You all come here, don't just watch. If it doesn't die here, the harder it will be for us to complete our current mission. Do you want to see that Peace will escape this disaster? If so, then let me tell you, once Peace You will become the winner in this battle, and none of you will survive in the future! Think of Li Henian’s cruelty! Will he give you a chance if you dare not?"

"I actually don't need to say this. Everyone should understand this truth. If you do, please use your best strength to contribute to this battle to the maximum extent you can!"

A strong man from the mercenary guild said word by word to the strong men who chose to watch because they did not dare to fight. After hearing his words, the others immediately realized that this battle was going to fail. What are the consequences?

Everyone knows it, but this issue is like the word death to ordinary people to those present.

No one would deliberately think about the event of "death", but the word death is something that everyone will experience. Unknowingly, a person is already very close to death.

For some people, the word death is very far away from them, so they rarely think about it, so they subconsciously ignore it. Real death is a very serious consequence.

But in this battle, after being reminded by the strong man from the mercenary guild, they realized that the serious consequence lies in the outcome of this incident. Once the outcome is bad, there will be no choice in the rest of life. .

Realizing this problem, everyone felt a chill and fear in their hearts. They had almost forgotten what they were doing. Some people felt a little regretful, but they had no choice. They had already embarked on this road, so there was no choice. There is room to retreat, that's how life is.

Therefore, they can only go to the dark side in one way, either to win this battle, the mercenary guild will be disbanded, and the forces they are in will divide the Peace Society together with other forces, or the Peace Society will win, and then everyone here will Just stick your head out and let the Peace Society chop it off!

Only they can choose the outcome, and how to choose a good outcome can only depend on the strength they contribute in this battle. Obviously, it will definitely not work if only some of them contribute their own strength. Although there are many strong people in this battle, it does not mean that there are no strong people in the Peace Society. Some people have analyzed that in the Peace Society, the strong people above the fourth level of New Humanity account for one-third of them. Let’s not start with it. Talking about the fifth-order new humans among them, even if Tang Fu, one of the three sixth-order new humans of the Peace Society, left for the 709 Mine, the remaining two sixth-order new humans were still in trouble.

This is no joke.

If they want to win this battle and avoid the bad result, each of them must at least give something. They must win this battle as quickly as possible. Everyone needs to have a certain spirit, preferably Take down the opponent before the Peace Society takes immediate action.

"You're right, guys, come with me and kill all the beasts. All the savages from the mercenary guild are here, and we're still afraid of a dick!"

"Yes, yes, brothers, let's go together. We can't waste too much time on this zombie."

Following the words of the strong man from the mercenary guild, the other fourth-level new humans who had been watching from the side also held weapons and attacked the zombie monster one after another.

But the strange thing is that this zombie giant seemed to understand the meaning of the fourth-level new human strongman from the mercenary guild. A soul-stirring cold light flashed in its eyes, and its killing intent was locked on that person. .


Its mouth split apart at the next moment, and its jagged and densely packed teeth, like spikes, were completely exposed to everyone's eyes, staring directly at the strong man who spoke.

Noticing the gaze of this giant beast, the other person felt a chill running down his spine.

"Damn it, is this beast already impregnated?"

Cursing secretly, an apocalyptic veteran like him immediately knew that this zombie behemoth had focused its attention on him. It was probably because his words reminded some of the other fourth-level newcomers who were watching the battle on the sidelines. Strong human being.

However, this is too strange, too strange, and such a coincidence. It seems very much like this zombie monster can hear people talking.

This kind of thing is equivalent to you raising a pet at random before the end of the world, only to find that this pet can understand human speech. You can tell whether this kind of thing is rare or not.

But regardless of whether this is the case or not, the current situation shows that the big guy has noticed himself, and that murderous intention is to kill him.

The body's subconscious reaction, this fourth-level new human strongman from the mercenary guild reacted in the next second. His body rolled to the side, followed by a beautiful flip and stood up, then bent his knees, and his whole body He jumped up and fell heavily to the ground.

His feet trampled two pits from deep to shallow on the concrete road. The surrounding green belt was immediately blown away by the storm caused by the moment his feet landed. He moved his feet and exploded. Exhibiting the power that a fourth-level new human should have, he quickly distanced himself from the zombie behemoth.

However, no one knew whether this distance was a safe distance. The next second, the black light pillar that had just extinguished and disappeared appeared again, just like the Ruyi Golden Cudgel waved by the Monkey King, sweeping towards everyone.


Someone yelled, but his reaction was still half a beat too slow. The next second, he was swept away by the black light pillar. Countless people were scattered in the sky like dandelions that were torn off, and the buildings behind were affected by the black light pillar. In an instant, it was cut in half and collapsed with a rumble.


The black light pillar roared for about five or six seconds. The zombie giant roared, moved its limbs and ran towards the strong man from the mercenary guild who reminded everyone.

"Fuck, it's targeting him, it's going to kill him."

"Well, could this zombie be intelligent? There will be ways to tame zombies in peace, and there may also be ways to make zombies intelligent."

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