I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 928 Give them a whip

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier immediately replied: "Fight the enemies who offend the Peace Society."

"Yes! Fight against our enemies, but I believe everyone has seen that our situation this time is just like what Minister Bai said. It is very special. There are too many people resisting. The enemy here can be said to be our entire United Nations. Enemies of the district!”

"There are many smart people among you, and you should all know how dangerous this battle is. You are neither stupid nor stupid, you can see clearly! Moreover, I also know that all the people here are the elites of our Peace Society. "

"However, the enemies we are fighting this time are all strong men above the fourth level. Judging from what just happened, I believe that some of you have already had strange thoughts in your hearts. Of course, these are just a few, but I don’t mind, because everyone has their own thoughts and concerns. These things give everyone a reason to live, so everyone is afraid of death. This is an instinct that I cannot and have no right to restrict. I don’t blame you.”

"Furthermore, this battle has nothing to do with most people. This is not meant literally, but many people are not qualified to participate in this battle. Please forgive me for speaking badly, but this is the fact, so, Comrades whose strength is lower than level four, please leave here. For your safety and not to make meaningless sacrifices, please go to the predetermined retreat point."

Tang Ye's voice was very plain, and you couldn't tell how hard he was using it, but it was transmitted to everyone's ears very clearly.

"No, we will not leave, we will fight to the end!"

"Yes, we will fight to the end and never quit, even to death!"

"Everyone of us in the Peace Society is part of the wave. The wave will never stop. We are one people!"

As soon as Tang Ye said his words, many soldiers roared unwillingly.

"Yes, you are right. The waves will never stop, but what is the purpose of dying on the beach without any meaning? Only by living can peace be endless. Therefore, those with strength lower than the third level are all Get out of here." Tang Ye replied calmly.

And his words made the roaring soldiers below all fall silent and began to think deeply.

Indeed, facing an enemy with a huge gap in strength without using corresponding coping methods and just going to death with passion makes no sense.

What's the point of wasting your life in vain without any results?

"So all the new humans below level four should come out. This is a battle between the stronger ones."

Tang Ye glanced around, and he saw that the faces of many third-level soldiers below were constantly contorted, as if they were very dissatisfied. This was because they were looked down upon.

The most unpleasant thing for people is to be looked down upon, but this is the fact. Staying here has no effect. Even Bai Huipeng, a fifth-level new human, can only achieve this little result. What can they, the third-level new humans, do? To what?

Nothing can be done. I can only suffer death obediently. Maybe Tang Ye's words are right. In the face of absolute difficulties, in addition to one's own strong ability, one cannot overcome it with passion!

This is reality, not a game.

So under Tang Ye's forced order, a third-level new human stood up and left the Xueyue Guild Hall under the leadership of their respective captains.

For a time, there was only a small group of people left inside and outside the hall. Tang Ye counted them carefully. There were eighty-five people in total, including seventy-one fourth-level new humans and fourteen fifth-level new humans. This was already the number of people in the joint unified area. The Peace Society is the most powerful force.

But strictly speaking, these people are not the only ones who make up the most powerful people in the Peace Society. Some of them are still in the original Qinshan Base, Shijiang Base and Pingnan Gujin Base. If you want to count them all, the Peace Society will be the fourth-level new There are more than one hundred and fifty humans in total, and if you count all the fifth-level new humans, there are twenty-one!

However, there were originally a total of eighty-three fourth-order new humans recorded in the United Unified District, but now, there are only seventy-one fourth-order new humans on site, and a full twelve of them are not here, and these dozens are no longer there. It is easy to guess what happened to the fourth-order new humans.

At this time, Huang Quanjiu took out the statistics sheet and looked at it, and then said to Tang Ye with a sad face: "President, twelve people have not arrived, seven of them have been confirmed to have died in the battle, and two are missing. Three others with serious injuries have been sent to the medical department."

"Show it to me."

Tang Ye took the statistics book and quickly glanced at the members of the Peace Society who were killed in the battle or missing, and saw three fourth-level new human members who had been seriously injured and were being treated.

Tang Ye's eyes quickly locked on a name.

"Chang Shangwen..."

Tang Ye recited this person's name silently. This person was the knight of the Necromancer Knights who Tang Ye saved when he controlled the zombie monster. It was easy to find because each person's name was marked with the unit they belonged to.

After silently writing down the name, Tang Ye closed the book and taught it to Huang Quanjiu. The other party also asked at this time: "President, those third-level members have left, but those fourth-level members who remain It may not have much effect."

Tang Ye did not answer immediately, but glanced at Huang Quanjiu and said calmly: "They really can't play a big role here, but you also know what the current situation of the Peace Society is. Most of the fourth-level new humans are in high positions here. , They have been pampered for too long, and the skin on their bodies has become loose after being immobile for a long time. I will also take this opportunity to give them a whip."

Hearing these words, Huang Quanjiu's body froze. Although Tang Ye didn't say it clearly, part of what he meant was referring to himself. The fourth-order new humans had climbed to high positions by virtue of their own strength. Although they were also loyal to the Peace Society, But in these last days, loyalty is important, but strength is still the basis.

If the strong within a force is not strong, sooner or later it will be over.

Tang Ye looked sideways at Huang Quanjiu and saw his face became solemn, as if he understood that part of his words were talking about them.

After Huang Quanjiu went down, Tang Ye looked at Xuchangchi again: "Has the hatred come back?"

Xu Changchi shook his head and said that he didn't know where the hatred had gone.

"It's strange, where will he go." Tang Ye muttered silently in his heart, looking through the open door in front of the hall and looking at the Peace Building in the distance.

"Is everything arranged?"

"It's been arranged. As long as the people from the Mercenary Guild can't find anyone in the Peace Association building, they will definitely search the Zhongtong District. As long as we lure them away at that time, they will definitely come. When people are on the verge of getting The easiest to lose your mind.”

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