I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 948 The innocent child

Driven by the power of the seventh-level zombie's full blow, Lu Jinyu's feet lifted off the ground, and his body bent and leaned back. His all-round helmet was beaten to pieces, and the exposed flesh and blood seemed to be twisted and unable to straighten. See.

Uh... uh... ah!

Tonight struggled to push away the cement, sand and gravel covering his body, and saw the light again. The first thing he saw was Lu Jinyu's all-round combat helmet being smashed into pieces, and the light in his eyes dimmed instantly. , the all-round combat helmet on Lu Jinyu's head and the hunter exoskeleton suit on his body are matched with each other. They are made of the same material. Needless to say, their defensive power is natural, but they were destroyed by Tang Ye's blow?

This is why there is no need to disband. Tang Ye is not a fake, he is a genuine seventh-level new human being, an existence that the sixth-level new humans cannot match!

At this moment, there was only despair and nothing else in his heart, and under the screen, the smile on Hate's face became more and more crazier, which was exactly what he said to Tonight before.

"I will look at you and watch your expression of despair until the last second of your life."

Today, they are dead. The chance of Li Henian, who is known for his ruthlessness, to let them go is too small, just like the chance of winning a lottery ticket!

The ending is already destined to be death, how can this not make people feel despair?

After he flew out upside down, Lu Jinyu then followed in his footsteps and also flew to the door frame. The Xueyue Club was trembling. A few seconds later, there was a "boom" and the entertainment building seemed to tilt over. On the left Cracks appeared one after another on the dragon pillars, which quickly collapsed. However, the building quality of Xueyue Huiguang was good enough. Although there were many cracks, they did not completely collapse, but the entire building had completely collapsed. All tilted over.

Then, Lu Jinyu's movement was almost the same as before when he slid down from the door frame tonight. After falling to the ground, he remained motionless and could only moan in pain. How could he still have half a sixth-level new human after being hit like this? His style?


The sixth-level zombie at the door roared angrily, its snow-white eyes staring at the back of Tonight's neck. It just made a sound and was about to take action, but was interrupted by Tang Ye's "hum".

"You don't have to do anything, I want to take good care of him."

Ho ho.

After roaring twice, the sixth-level zombie seemed to understand what Tang Ye said and took a few steps back. It was so well-behaved that it didn't look like a zombie. It was like a vicious dog raised in someone else's home, and the vicious dog only listened to its owner's words. ,

Tang Ye looked at Tonight with cold eyes, and walked towards him. The breeze brought by his movement blew over his military uniform, and the corners of his clothes fluttered, making him look cold and solemn.

He didn't move very fast, but in that little time, Tang Ye came to Tonight and pointed at Abomination.

"Innocent kid, after living for so long, someone should have taught you not to belittle yourself when the outcome is uncertain. Isn't this a lesson?"

"You said that I would die earlier than him, but now I can tell you clearly that I will not die, and I will not let you die first, but in less than a minute, I Let you watch how the guy who came with you died in front of you, and then use the same method to make you follow him hand in hand on the road to hell!"

Tang Ye's words were not loud and his emotions could not be heard, but they were the most chilling. He did not speak tonight and was silent, but Lu Jinyu next to him made an anxious sound. He climbed out of the ruins pushed by cement and stones. He came out and growled "Yeah, yeah, yeah" at Tang Ye.

The all-round combat helmet on his head has fallen off, revealing his face. At this time, his face is no less frightening than hateful. Although he was previously wearing an all-round combat helmet matching the Hunter-Slayer exoskeleton suit, However, under the full blow of the seventh-level zombie, even though the helmet was shattered, it still did not fully absorb all the power from the seventh-level zombie.

Under Tang Ye's punch, in addition to shattering the all-round combat helmet, his face also exploded with force, squeezing the chin part directly to the nose. The bones and fleshy muscles on the chin and mouth were like plasticine. , upward and kneaded together with the nose. From a distance, Lu Jinyu's face looked as if someone had chopped it off with a sharp long knife, and all the parts below the nose disappeared!

Because of this, his generation system has been destroyed and he can't speak normally. He can only make "um um uh uh uh uh" sounds to Tang Ye.

"Uh... uh uh uh oh oh~ uh uh uh!"

Suddenly, Lu Jinyu knelt down towards Tang Ye. The sound coming from his throat became more and more urgent. He clasped his hands together and kept shaking. In the end, he simply knocked his head on the ground.

Although the sound he made was completely incomprehensible to him, his actions made it clear that AT was begging for mercy! I beg Tang Ye to spare his life.

After completing this series of actions, Lu Jinyu looked at Tang Ye expectantly, but what was disappointing was that he could not see any emotion related to letting him go in Tang Ye's eyes!

He walked toward him indifferently step by step, as if he was the god of death with a scythe in his hand and no emotion in his eyes!

Woo woo~ Uh uh uh woo woo~Evil woo woo~

Lu Jinyu was so frightened that he kowtowed again, and his forehead hit the ground with a "bang bang bang" sound! The sounds coming out of the twisted and blurred mouth became increasingly urgent, and one could hear a strong desire for survival in them.

However, Tang Ye had no mercy on him. He walked up to him anyway, stretched out his hand, pinched his neck and picked him up.

"Just watch."

Tang Ye said something to Tonight, smiled, and with a push of his fingers, the voice coming out of Lu Jinyu's mouth gradually became hoarse.

"This shell is so hard."

Tang Ye sighed, but there was no look of concern on his face. He couldn't help turning his head to look over tonight, but soon, the pupils of his eyes kept shrinking!

I saw cracks appearing in Lu Jinyu's exoskeleton suit. There were very few cracks at first, but as time went by, more and more cracks appeared in Lu Jinyu's exoskeleton suit, as if they were reproducing themselves. , and the extension speed became faster and faster. In the end, with a "click", Lu Jinyu's Hunter exoskeleton suit, which seemed to be difficult for even sixth-level new humans to break, fell off piece by piece. , hitting the ground with a "clang, clang, clang" sound.

Without the protection of the exoskeleton suit, Lu Jinyu's body looked so fragile in front of Tang Ye.

"What are you going to do?"

At this time, Tonight finally said the first sentence, he had to say, because he didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do, and it was precisely because he didn't know that his heart was trembling.

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