I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 977 Signs of Corruption

The above are nothing more than some ordinary daily necessities. The only valuable thing is a box of medical supplies, such as cold medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine. These things may be expensive outside, but in the Peace Society, they are never lacking. , and this supply list is the only one that has not been signed.

Holding the supply list in his hand, he shook it and held it upright in front of the quartermaster. Tang Ye looked at the other party with a half-smile but not a smile. The smile he held was like a devil in hell smiling triumphantly at him, which made his whole body tremble. It's like being frozen.

"Why didn't you sign this?"

Tang Ye's words rang in his ears. Because he was too frightened, the other party didn't know how to answer for a while. Now his mind was filled with the thought that he was dragged out by a group of vicious Peace Society soldiers and then chopped into pieces with axes. Mud was fed to the zombie beasts in the Knights of the Dead.

His body trembled violently, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer. He hesitated and said a few words that people didn't know what they were, and then stood there blankly.

Tang Ye smiled strangely, put the supply list in his hand on the table, and walked back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back, looking around. There was no expression in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking right now. Thinking about something.

Tang Ye looked more like he was waiting for his answer.

About half a minute passed, and the chaotic thoughts in the quartermaster's heart finally regained some calmness, and he was able to think normally, but soon, he just wanted to slap himself.

Sure enough, only calm can make people think about how to deal with it. Tang Ye's question just now is obviously easy to answer. All you need to do is say that you haven't approved the supply order yet, or it's too late to approve it. Why bother.

It was the extreme nervousness in his heart just now that prevented him from thinking that he could say such words to deal with the past. It was too late to say anything now. Li Henian was not a fool. He would definitely suspect something. Moreover, he seemed to be suspecting something, but he still raised his head. He started to look at Tang Ye and said, "Marshal, I forgot to approve this. I'll do it later."

After listening to his words, Tang Ye snorted coldly and did not reply to him. Instead, he looked at Xu Haihaii, tilted his head, and motioned for him to take action.

Xu Haihai nodded, stepped forward, picked up the quartermaster's hair, raised his head and forced him to look at him, and then asked coldly: "Stop pretending to be stupid, is this Yajin easy to make?"

His heart shrank hard, as if it was going to explode. Things turned out to be the last thing he wanted to see. He could only continue to pretend not to know and replied: "Vice President, I don't understand what you are talking about..." What~"

"Really? Don't tell me that the ion sniper rifle in the hands of the mercenary guild was not sold by you."

"You, Vice President, are you kidding me? How could I be loyal to...to peace? How could I do this? It's not me, it's not me! It's really not me. Vice President Xu, at least get... Prove evidence, it’s really not me.”

He spoke with a vibrato, and Xu Haihai could see the deep fear in his eyes at a glance, but he smiled playfully.

"What do you think? This is a legal society? This is the United United States District! We don't need evidence. Since we are here to find you, you should understand that we have discovered your problem and you want evidence from us? Sorry, No, but I don’t need any evidence to kill you!”


With a scream, Xu Haihai's hand turned into a silver knife at some point. The scarlet blood on the blade was dripping down drop by drop, and the quartermaster had already fallen into a pool of blood. A third-level new human being was killed without any ability to resist!

"How many more?" Tang Ye's voice sounded.

Following his words, Abomination took out a list and said: "There are twenty-three more."

As he spoke, a flash of red flashed in Hate's eyes.

"These are the ones we have found so far. There are still others that have not been found and I don't know how many there are."

At this time, Xu Haihai also said to Tang Ye: "President, how should we deal with the fact that Xuchangchi injured Jiang Heng?"

Tang Ye frowned. The Jiang Heng mentioned by Xu Haihai was a fifth-level new human being in the Peace Society. Because the two low-handed people had some conflicts, the person in charge would naturally not watch his subordinates suffer, and Xuchangchi was originally He was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He injured Jiang Heng on impulse.

It is also a badge of honor issued by the Peace Society, which invisibly divides the members of the Peace Society into first and second classes. Those who receive the badge of honor are those who are fanatical and loyal to the Peace Society. Such a group of people is not disliked by the superiors. .

But at the same time, these people who are liked by the superiors will get more rights accordingly. Behind the scenes, they are called Gouluzi. Of course Tang Ye knows it, but how to deal with it? Should the badge of honor be abolished?

There are too many people in this world who are easily deceived, and there are also many smart people. The scale of the Peace Society has grown to this day, and it is impossible for everyone among them to be extremely loyal to the Peace Society. This is impossible. There are always some people who are Join for your own livelihood.

And these smart people have deep-rooted knowledge of everything they know and are not easily brainwashed.

And if peace encounters some difficulties in the future, only those who are purely loyal to peace will follow it to the end.

Another point is that when a force develops to a certain level, it requires greater management capabilities. As time goes by, different factions will eventually appear. It is impossible for them to remain as shaped as iron barrels as before, unless Tang Ye uses Gong Xiao to The ability to control everyone and make everyone completely loyal to themselves, but in that case, the so-called peace meeting with zombies will be meaningless.

If you do that, the word "human" will become just that, which violates all the meaning behind the word "person".

Nothing will exist forever. One day they will decline and disappear. Today, the Peace Society has shown signs of corruption. As Abomination said, these are only what they can see.

These signs of corruption are like cockroaches. When you see one, there may be hundreds of them in places you can’t see!

In the past, Tang Ye would definitely eradicate these things when he saw them, and use the toughest, cruelest and bloody method to make all these corruptions disappear. But when he got to this point, Tang Ye found that he was suffering from laziness. This kind of thing cannot be solved at all. Even if it is eradicated, it will be temporary and will reappear one day.

As the superior, what you have to do is to maintain balance. No matter how the people below fight for life or death, as long as your position does not waver.

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