Zheng Minghui felt that God was playing a joke on him. Didn't this woman say that her daughter went abroad? Why are you here with a zombie next to you? And it doesn’t bite, what the hell does that mean?

He looked at Li Qingtian with fascination, her face was particularly in line with his aesthetics. Every man fantasizes about having a fairy sister when he was young, and Li Qingtian fits the bill very well. Although he is more than ten years older than Li Qingtian, almost thirty years old, it does not hinder him from having a quiet night. fantasy!

"A family? Hahaha, it's so funny. Let me tell you, Wu Huijuan, my heart has died since you pushed me into my brother's room with your own hands. You are not worthy of being my relatives! I am just a slave in your eyes!"

"Every time my brother makes a mistake, it's all my fault. Why? Why do you tell me? I never expect you and dad to be so good to me. I just hope you can give me a little care. As long as it's just a little, I It won’t be like this!”

"Now you and I are a family, okay? I'll let you go to hell with that wimp Li Xunhao and be a family! He Nian! Go! Kill her!"

Li Qingtian's face was as cold as cold iron, and there was no trace of the sunny girl who was full of hope for life in the past!

Hearing his sister's words, Li Henian opened his big mouth and revealed a pair of terrifying steel teeth. He rushed forward and picked up Wu Huijuan's entire body, and bit her directly. For a moment, blood and flesh spattered!

"Hey! Little sister, I...my..."

Seeing Wu Huijuan's neck being bitten with a big hole by Li Henian, Zheng Minghui immediately became scared. Fairy sister is good, but in the face of wealth and life, go to hell with fairy sister!

Zheng Minghui spoke incoherently, successfully attracting Li Qingtian's attention!

"You two killed my parents, and I have to thank you, so you go die too!"

Li Qingtian said lightly and pointed his jade fingers at Zheng Minghui and the two. Li Henian immediately gave up on Wu Huijuan's body and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards them!


Upon seeing this, Shen Mingke immediately yelled and ran towards the door!


Seeing Li Henian rushing towards him, Zheng Minghui hurriedly picked up the shoe cabinet next to him with one hand and threw it at Li Henian. Only after he threw it away did he realize that something was wrong with him.

my power? Why am I so strong?

Li Qingtian's pretty face was stunned for a moment, and then she became cold again and said, "Are you also an evolver?"

"Fuck you Mad."

Zheng Minghui didn't bother to talk at all. After throwing out the shoe cabinet, he immediately opened the door and ran out with Shen Mingke.

"There are zombies!"

As soon as he walked out of the door, Shen Mingke was startled by a night demon zombie lying on the stairs!

"Go to hell!"

Zheng Minghui jumped over and chopped off the Night Demon's head with a single stroke of the machete in his hand.

"Want to run? Where can I run?"

Li Qingtian's cold voice came from behind. Zheng Minghui looked back subconsciously and saw Li Henian's body. It stretched out its big fist and punched Zheng Minghui in the face!

The bone spurs on its fists poked bloody holes in his face, and intense pain hit him. Zheng Minghui was knocked to the ground by its huge force, rolled directly down, and fell on the platform of the stairwell.

Zheng Minghui didn't pay attention to the pain from the distance at the first time, but touched the wound on his face with his hand!

"I...I actually, I was caught by zombies, ahhh!"

The flame of fear burned in his heart. Zheng Minghui couldn't help but think about what it would be like to become a zombie. He glanced at Li Henian angrily, and a malicious look flashed in Li Qingtian's eyes, but she remained unmoved. Instead, she showed a full expression. Dark smile!


Zheng Minghui wanted to confront her, but he was not confident enough that he could challenge an evolved zombie alone. He picked up Shen Mingke, who was dazed because of his scratches, and jumped directly from the window sill at the entrance of the stairs. Along with the flowerpot with this withered flower growing next to it!


Li Qingtian said coldly, then lay on Li Henian's broad back, hugging Li Henian's neck tightly with both hands, and it jumped down with Li Qingtian!

Although Li Qingtian has been disappointed with her parents, even if she wants to take revenge on them, she should do it herself. It is not an outsider's turn yet. Helping Li Xunhao take revenge can be regarded as her last filial piety.

Bba bah bah ~

On the street below, Tang Ye held one hand on his daughter who was riding on his neck. He raised the watch on his right hand and looked at the time. It was now 7:32. As he expected, all those strange things last night had been peeled off. All the skinned zombies have disappeared and are hiding somewhere.

It is said that men wear watches on the left and women on the right, but there is nothing Tang Ye can do about it. He basically has to fight, and his left hand will break into bone spurs every time he fights. It is really inconvenient to wear a watch, so he wears it on his right hand. But his wrist is very thick. Fortunately, the cassette of this watch is just big enough, so he can barely put it on!

There was a strange feeling in his hair. Tang Ye didn't need to guess to know that the little guy on his head was playing with his hair. He stretched out a hand and poked Nannan's waist, making her laugh like a naughty boy. Like a naughty kid!

A happy smile broke out at the corner of his mouth. Tang Ye felt that it was good to have this little guy with him. After calling Ah Fu, he was about to walk forward when suddenly a violent collision sounded.

Tang Ye didn't even see what was going on. He saw Zheng Minghui crawling up from the roof of the car, while Shen Mingke had already been knocked unconscious.

"Why is this guy still alive?"

Tang Ye frowned. He recognized Zheng Minghui immediately when he got up, but he didn't expect that his life would last so long!

"Damn it, you're a dead pig, wake up!"

Zheng Minghui twisted his body and just fell from a height of six stories. He felt like all the bones in his body were about to be broken!

"Fuck you, I...uh..."

Zheng Minghui cursed and wanted to shake Shen Mingke awake, but suddenly noticed something huge next to him. He turned his head suddenly and found Ah Fu and Tang Ye standing quietly.

"Holy shit!"

Like a cat with fried fur, Zheng Minghui pulled up Shen Mingke and ran away. Ah Fu's height and size really frightened him. He was even more frightened than the toad zombie he met before (the second-level zombie that Tang Ye met on the first day). ) is even bigger!

He no longer cared about the pain in his body and ran with all his strength, using fear as the fuel for running. And he didn't know how fast he was now!


How can it be okay when enemies meet? Tang Ye hates the man who stole his gun with all his heart! It's impossible to watch him escape like this!

Tang Ye roared angrily and chased after Ah Fu directly. At this time, Li Henian also fell from the sky and completely trampled the car that Zheng Minghui had fallen on to pieces!


Tang Ye stopped when he heard the noise, and his eyes lit up when he saw Li Henian.

What a feast!

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