I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 52 Entering the Palace (2)

Chapter 52 Entering the palace (2)

Banhua glanced at the list. In addition to the twelve taels of Yuqian Longjing, there were also incense and imperial cooks on it. She put the list on her body, "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Ban Huai glanced at it was still early, and said to Ban Hua, "My dear girl, let's pack up and go to the palace."

The hour and a half after lunch was always the leisure time for Emperor Yunqing to listen to music, drink tea, and take a walk. When the eunuch reported that it was Jingtinghou and Princess Fule who asked to see him, he touched it. Hu Zi guessed the reason for the father and daughter's visit.


After the father and daughter entered the hall, they saluted politely and sat down.

Sure enough, after three or five sentences, Ban Huai began to cry poorly, to the effect that he was an incompetent son, and his mother could not prepare some good things for her after her birthday, so I begged His Majesty to give him a fat job. Let his mother look bright and proud.

Emperor Yunqing almost spilled the tea in his hand on Ban Huai's face, and wanted to change it to a really bad, fatter one. Except for his good cousin, who else would dare to say that in front of him?

"Shuiqing, now that my aunt is getting older, I know you have always been filial. If you are poor, you might as well spend more time with your aunt. If you need anything, just tell me, my cousin will help you find a solution," Emperor Yun Qing said. Looking at Ban Huai with a sincere face, "My aunt is my elder, and I also want her to have a glorious birthday."

Ban Hua immediately clapped her hands and said, "Father, my daughter thinks what your majesty said is right, why do you have to work so hard to be an errand, we still have your majesty." After finishing speaking, she stood up and gave the emperor a blessing, "My daughter, thank you, your majesty." grace."

"You girl, thank you for what my family said." Emperor Yunqing enjoyed the adoring and trusting eyes of his junior, and with a big wave of his hand, he rewarded Ban Hua with a bunch of tributes from the subordinate state some time ago.

Outside the Great Moon Palace, Prince Jiang Han walked to the door and saw Wang De standing outside: "Director Wang, I have something to ask my father, please pass it on for me."

"My maidservant has seen His Highness the Crown Prince," Wang De explained after seeing the Crown Prince and saluting, "At this moment, Marquis Jingting and Princess Fule are meeting with His Majesty."

"Is my cousin here too?" The prince liked Ban Hua quite a lot, because Ban Hua was so cute when he was a child, so that he became picky when he saw the younger sisters in the palace. This princess' eyes are not as good-looking as Ban Hua's cousin, and that princess His skin was not as tender as his cousin's. Fortunately, he had a kind personality and never showed it. He also treated the princesses born by these concubines equally, so he didn't cause Banhua to have a wave of hatred in the palace.

"Yes." Wang De didn't dare to answer the words indiscriminately. People in the palace are best at catching wind and shadows. There are no shadows at all. The prince asked casually. But it's too bad.

The crown princess is the eldest daughter of the right minister, dignified and virtuous, quite like the future mother of the country. Princess Fuller has a noble status, she is the granddaughter of the eldest princess, so naturally she would not be the crown prince's side concubine. What has been rumored in the middle, the prince and Princess Fuller are fine, and the servants present here are afraid that they will not be able to keep dead.

Just thinking about it, the father and daughter of the Ban family came out. Seeing Princess Fule's smiling face, Wang De knew that the emperor must have rewarded the princess again.

"His Royal Highness," Ban Hua greeted the prince when he saw him.

"Cousin and cousin don't need to be too polite." The crown prince gave him a hand. "Last time in Autumn Hunt, I didn't have much time to have a good conversation with my cousin. If my cousin has time, I will sit in the East Palace for a while."

Ban Hua smiled and said yes, but she didn't think so in her heart. She went to the East Palace because she was crazy.

The prince was in a hurry to see the emperor, so after a few words, the two sides bid farewell to each other, and then Ban Hua met someone who was not so welcome.

The second prince, Jiang Luo.

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