I am Vardy

Chapter 520 How many seconds is the fastest time for a man?

"Corriere dello Sport": The fastest red card in football history was born!

Gazzetta dello Sport: 100 million euros equals a red card?

"L'Equipe": A murder caused by a bad word!

"The Sun": The Italian style of Vardy and the referee series of stories!


The next day, the major sports media published news related to the game on the front page, and the most important thing was Vardy's red card.

Public opinion is about to explode!

Indeed, this matter is simply unimaginable, and no one would have thought that there would be such an absurd red card.

Except for an exclamation, fans all over the world really can't think of any way to express their emotions.

Sure enough, this is Vardy.

Whose fault is this?

Judging from various sources, Vardy must have swearing at the beginning, so the referee sent him off.

According to the rules, the referee must respect it. In a sense, sending off Vardy is not a violation.

However, this is Inter Milan's home court, can the referee make the penalty more humane?

There is also a very critical question. Vardy was just whispering to himself at the time, more like talking to himself, and he didn't deliberately target the referee.

Is the referee taking the initiative to scold?

Therefore, the controversy of this red card is too great!

From the mentality of the fans, referees are the most enforcers on the court, and they are usually not necessarily good people, because power breeds corruption, even if there is no corruption, it can also cultivate the referee's superior arrogance.

Players and referees have conflicts, and fans must have a clear stand to support the players. This has become a routine.

So this time countless melon eaters stood on Vardy's side, criticizing the referee.

The media reporters wanted to interview Vardy. If Vardy couldn't help scolding the referee, the matter would be even more lively, but Vardy began to reclusive and did not give the reporters this opportunity.

The Italian Football Association is under a lot of pressure. It just went through the phone call a season ago, and the image of the Italian Football Association has been lost. Last season, it finally recovered a little bit of vitality, but I didn't expect that this season just started, and something happened!

Who the hell is to blame?

Sure enough, Inter Milan appealed, complaining that the on-duty referee Rocky hurt the players, and hoped to cancel Vardy's red card.

The management of the Italian Football Association held a meeting overnight to discuss countermeasures, which is really a big one.

In principle, if the referee did not urge, then the Italian Football Association must maintain the dignity and status of the referee, but considering the situation, Vardy is indeed a bit wronged, so Inter Milan and Vardy also need comfort.

This is a bit of a dilemma.

In the end, the Italian Football Association made such a decision.

Vardy insulted the referee, maybe it was an unintentional mistake, but after all, it is a fait accompli, so the red card will not be cancelled.

Although the Italian Football Association did not publicly punish Rocky, they did not arrange law enforcement matches for him in the next few rounds of the league. It can be regarded as exile. The referees trained by the Football Association cannot be discarded just because they are discarded.

For this penalty of the Italian Football Association, Inter Milan expressed strong dissatisfaction. Isn't this a mess!

Emotional Italian Football Association is covering up the referee!

Public opinion was also in an uproar. Although in principle there is no problem with the Italian Football Association's approach, the key point is that Vardy's reputation is too great. The Italian Football Association treats Vardy like a nobody.

Vardy sneered a few times when he got the news, feeling that you have encountered enough phone calls once, and you want to do it again, don’t you?

It seems that the Italian Football Association has not learned the lesson at all!

The red card has not been cancelled, which means that Vardy will also be unable to play in the second round of the league. This is the most disturbing thing for Vardy.

Sometimes being too kind is really not enough. The world is far from being as harmonious and beautiful as imagined.

You can't think of others so well, Vardy feels that he has realized it.

That's okay, let's wait and see!


The teammates were worried that Vardy would be overwhelmed if he couldn't bear the grievances, and they took turns to comfort Vardy, but they really thought too much, Vardy would never let troubles stay overnight, he would not let himself suffer because of some shameless villains Woolen cloth!

At this time, Vardy was thinking about how to tease Balotelli.

In this game, Vardy was sent off for swearing at the beginning of the game, but he was judged as funny by the system and rewarded a lot.

But what makes Vardy even more interesting is that he unknowingly broke a record and was rewarded by the system!

Prior to this, the fastest red card record in Serie A came from Lorenzo of Bologna. In a match between Bologna and Parma in the 1990-91 season, Lorenzo rushed up and stepped on the opponent's ankle, and was directly shown a red card. At that time, the game only started 10 seconds.

This red card time has been listed as a world record, and in Lorenzo's own words, this record is actually not something to be proud of.

And now, Vardy has broken this record without any suspense. He not only created the record for the fastest red card in Serie A, but also created the record for the fastest red card in world football.

Of course, Vardy's record is not very glorious.

But what makes Vardy excited is that the reward for breaking the record is too generous, so rich that it can be compared with the update spree.

Two free trait points;

20 system gold coins;

A confession card;

Complete Technical Features - Juggling Goals (lv3)


Is this the rhythm of the system doing charity?

For the first time, Vardy knew that there would be so many rewards for breaking the record.

The Confession card is somewhat similar to the Fascination card, but it makes it impossible to suspect.

For example, if Vardy puts this confession card on Rocky's face, after it takes effect, this guy may burst into tears in front of reporters and confess his crimes, such as being injured by a certain party in a certain game The impact has made a tendentious penalty for a certain team, and the reason why it is confessed now is because it cannot bear the spiritual condemnation...

This thing is very sharp, and Vardy can't help but wonder, if he really pia on Rocky's face, will this guy confess everything about peeking at the widow next door taking a bath when he was a child?

Let's keep it for now, for such a lethal thing, it would be a waste to use it on Luo Ji.

As for the feature of juggling goals, Vardy was very greedy before, but he didn't expect to directly open the full feature this time, which is unexpected!

The record-breaking system is so powerful, Vardy feels that he can put more energy on it while teasing and teasing Balotelli. The return on investment here is too high.

Think about what records you have to break?

Serie A single-season scoring record?

Serie A scoring record?

Serie A single game goal record?

How many seconds is the fastest record for a man?


Vardy seemed to see a broad road.


On August 29, Vardy rushed to Monaco to accept the UEFA award. Because of his outstanding performance last season, Vardy won the UEFA Best Player Award.

Compared with the European Ballon d'Or and the World Footballer of the Year, it is clear that UEFA's best player award is not particularly famous, but it is full of gold. This is basically the prediction of the two great footballers.

Vardy won this award, which means that there is a high possibility of winning the double footballer.

In fact, no one doubts that Vardy won't win the double football player. In the young year without the European Cup and World Cup, Vardy led Manchester United to win the double crown. At the same time, his own goals also exploded. other people?

Size is an award, and UEFA has to give it face, so Vardy must go to the scene to receive the award in person.

And the next game has been suspended, Vardy simply stayed in Monaco for a day, and joined Mancini in the new season's Champions League draw ceremony together the next day.

Vardy saw Manchester United coach Queiroz at the scene, but Vardy had no interest in greeting him at all, so he walked over. Fortunately, there were no reporters at the scene, otherwise it would be another big news tomorrow.

Queiroz was chatting with other people. Vardy's behavior made other people look very playful, and Queiroz almost didn't swear.

Damn it, how could he ignore me!

Queiroz vowed secretly in his heart that if he meets Inter Milan in the Champions League this season, he must make Vardy look good.

Before the draw started, all the staff mourned for Puerta for 10 seconds. Speaking of it, Vardy was very sorry. Although he reminded Puerta, the Spanish international still passed away.

According to UEFA club points, although Inter Milan is weak in the European war, it is also firmly in the first tier, so there is no need to worry about encountering a super team in the group stage.

In fact, apart from the teams in the first tier, in the next three tiers, there is no giants in the traditional sense at all, and only Valencia, Sevilla, Roma, Lyon, etc. can be called strong teams. The difference is very obvious.

Speaking of which, the Champions League is still good for later generations. Atletico Madrid, Manchester City, Naples, Dortmund, Paris... which one can not be evenly matched with the traditional giants, plus Bayern, who did not qualify for the Champions League this season, the first two stages There are no weak teams in it, and the group stage can be a world-shattering match.

Vardy is not worried about any unexpected situation in the group, so he chatted with Mancini throughout the whole process.

As the teams were drawn out one by one, the grouping situation gradually became clear.

Inter Milan was lucky, and they didn't even meet a few stronger teams in the second tier. The three opponents in the group were PSV Eindhoven, CSKA Moscow and Fenerbahce.

Of course, even if they meet any team, Inter Milan will not be afraid. Their own strength is there, and others don't want to meet Inter Milan.

Manchester United, another favorite to win the championship, is in a group with Roma. In the same group, there are Sporting Lisbon and Dynamo Kiev. With the strength of the defending champions, no one is worried that Manchester United will encounter accidents in the group stage.

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