I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 104: The Old Problem Is Committed

The two brothers of Huang Tianzhen saw that there were still four letters in their hands, so they took the letters to find their grandfather without hesitation.

"Your father left? Did he leave in a hurry because of some urgent matter?"

When Wang Yuanrong and others learned that Huang Dongjie left without saying goodbye, they were a little surprised. They thought Huang Dongjie was in a hurry and left before they could say goodbye to them.

"Father, what's the matter, he just left secretly to avoid the two of us.

"This is a letter left by my father, everyone has it."

The two brothers of Huang Tianzhen didn't explain too much why their father left secretly, and handed the inner envelopes to their grandfather, uncle, and cousins ​​respectively.

Wang Yuanrong heard that Huang Dongjie left to avoid his son. Although he was a little curious, it was someone else's family matter, so they didn't ask too much.

After getting their letters, they all opened them and read them.

Wang Yuanrong's:

"I cheated my two sons, and they accidentally found out. I don't want to be annoyed by them, so I will leave first~"

And then it's gone!

Wang Yuanrong blinked, this son-in-law is too freewheeling. Originally, he thought that the letter would be a long story, but he wrote two sentences on a blank sheet of paper.

How does this make him feel lost.

Wang Guoer's:

"Guo'er, Uncle is gone. Next time you come to the villa as a guest, Uncle will take you to the rivers and lakes. Don't be reluctant to leave Uncle."

"Uncle knows, you are not reluctant to leave Uncle, but you are reluctant to bear the delicious rock sugar Calabash on Uncle"

"There is a big box under the bed in the cabin where I live, and there are not only rock sugar Calabash in it, but also lollipops made by my uncle."

"It's all specially left for you by uncle, eat less, it's not good to eat too much dessert,,,"

Wang Guoer was originally a little unhappy about Huang Dongjie's sneaking away, but when she saw Huang Dongjie leaving a box of rock candy Calabash, she smiled.

Wang Zibo opened the letter and looked at it, he was dumbfounded, why is it a blank piece of paper. This made him couldn't help looking through the blank paper more, only to find that it was really a blank paper.

Uncle, don't you have anything to say to me? If not, why don't you leave me a letter.

Do you think that when I see you leave letters to other people, if you don’t leave them to me, I feel that my heart will be unbalanced.

But it's so perfunctory for you to do this. It's just a blank piece of paper without leaving a single word. Isn't this even more frustrating.

"Cousin, this is very much like a father, so don't take it to heart."

The action of Wang Zibo flipping through the blank paper many times made the two brothers Huang Tianzhen see it. Seeing the blank paper, the two brothers Huang Tianzhen knew that their father and king were acting strange again, so they spoke to comfort Wang Zibo.

"Uncle, what did your father tell you?"

Huang Tianzhen saw that his uncle's expression had changed just now, and thought that his father had said something important in the letter, which made his uncle serious.

"Nothing, just some everyday words."

Wang Tianduan put away the letter in his hands without showing any signs of expression. The reason why his expression changed a little was because he was also holding a blank piece of paper.

"Master, the five of Bai Congliang are asking to see you!"

At this time, the servant trotted over and said respectfully.

When Wang Tianduan heard this, he didn't hesitate, and hurriedly followed his servants to meet Bai Congliang and the other five.

Wang Yuanrong didn't think too much, and followed Wang Tianduan's pace with his grandchildren and grandsons.

This crisis made Guiyun Villa see many people clearly, and Bai Congliang and the other five resolutely stayed to help them regardless of their safety.

This behavior has already explained everything. Bai Congliang and the other five are not only the benefactors of Guiyun Villa, but also the real good friends of Guiyun Villa.

For good friends, of course, Guiyun Villa should treat them with the utmost respect. As soon as Bai Congliang and the five asked to see each other, they rushed to meet with his father.

"The owner, the old owner, the five of us have been bothering you for a while, and it's time to leave."

When Wang Tianduan's family met with the five Bai Congliang, they would say compliments and gratitude for a while, and then near the end, the five Bai Congliang said goodbye.

Seeing his father nodding, Wang Tianduan didn't say much to stop him, his eyes signaled his subordinates to bring the thank you gifts.

"This,, can't be helped, this gift is too expensive."

Bai Congliang and the other five saw the disciples of Guiyun Villa bring boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, as well as Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and put them in front of them.

They were already certain in their hearts that this was a gift from Guiyun Villa to thank them, and when Wang Tianduan said that these things were given to them, they quickly refused.

"Just accept it. If you don't give your life to help us, I am afraid that we will be destroyed in Guiyun Villa."

"You are our great benefactors, this small gift is nothing, if you don't accept it, we will feel sorry."

……ask for flowers……

Wang Tianduan took out all the thank you gifts, how could he let Bai Congliang and the others leave empty-handed, as if he would not give up until Bai Congliang and the others accepted the thank you gifts.

"We only charge a little, we don't charge more."

Bai Congliang and the other five looked at each other, knowing that if they didn't accept it, it would be difficult to get away. There is no other way, they can only charge a little, and they don't want more.

"less, less,"

Wang Tianduan saw that Bai Congliang and the others really only charged a little, so he was anxious, and went straight up, pushing gold, silver, jewelry and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures towards Bai Congliang and the other five.

Feeling that it was not enough, he asked his servants to bring a few sacks, and he poured the gold, silver and jewelry into it, and asked Bai Congliang and the other five to carry them on their backs.

He gave too much, what to do. Then accept it, whoever has trouble with money.


Seeing this, Bai Congliang and the other five didn't bother to refuse, and directly carried the large and small bags of gold, silver and jewelry on their shoulders.

Then they left happily!

Leaving the range of Guiyun Villa, Huang Dongjie stopped suddenly, and twelve footsteps gradually approached behind him.

Huang Dongjie didn't turn around or look back, he just stood there with a big background.

"See Saint Lord"

The twelve members of Mo Guitu knelt down on one knee behind Huang Dongjie.

"You guys did a good job, but the excuses you made are a bit of a lie. Some first-class forces want to invite you, this excuse can be used by the Demon Cult."

"The Devil's Cult is a regular scapegoat. As long as it's something bad, it's always right to blame it on them. Anyway, the world has already taken it for granted, so why are you making up excuses?"

When the twelve people heard this, they all looked at Qiong Wusheng among them, as if they were telling their master that he made it up and it was all his fault.

"Saint Lord, the Demon Cult has been blamed so much, it's okay for us to change our appetite."

Qiong Wusheng saw the master's gaze passing over, panicked, and replied cautiously.

Huang Dongjie looked at Qiongwusheng for a while, then took his eyes back.

Just as Huang Dongjie was about to say something, someone stood up among the people kneeling on one knee.

"Mo Guitu, you are crazy, what do you want?"

Everyone was startled, because they saw the madman Mo Guitu standing up, staring at their master exuding violent fighting intent all over his body.

The lunatic Mo Guitu couldn't help it anymore, his old problem was broken. Small. .

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