I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 109 : Terrible! I'm Surrounded By My Own People

"Being able to pull a Half step Grand Great Master into his camp, it seems that Yan Xiaodai is not an easy character.

"I don't know what's going on. Ever since Uncle Wu Huang returned his military power, there have been many strange people in the world, and many unknown existences have become famous overnight."

"It feels like the world is becoming more active. I don't know if it's a good omen or a bad omen."

"It all started with the change of Uncle Wuhuang. Old Chen, do you think Uncle Wuhuang would have noticed this omen in advance, so he gave up his military power and went out~ to find the answer.

The world is becoming more and more active. As the emperor, Huang Minglong cannot fail to understand that the rivers and lakes used to be very peaceful, but now the rivers and lakes are changing every day.

Heroes, celebrities, heroes, heroes... and so on are endless, and everything started with the personality changes of the five emperor uncles.

Huang Minglong had no reason not to doubt whether Uncle Wuhuang knew this omen in advance, so he resolutely gave up his military power and went out to find some answers.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that Dong Martial King knows a lot of things that we don't know, such as the matter of Guiyun Villa, Dong Martial King showed many things that we don't know.

"East Martial King not only succeeded in sneak attacking Zhong Xiongyuan, but also blocked Zhong Xiongyuan's attack head-on. You must know that Zhong Xiongyuan is the eighteenth in the list."

"According to the information we have, the Eastern Martial King was still at the Great Master early stage a few months ago, and now the Eastern Martial King is at the peak of the Great Master in a blink of an eye, and it is not an ordinary Great Master peak.

"Dong Martial King doesn't have the habit of using poison, but when he attacked Zhong Xiongyuan, he used a strong poison, which was obviously prepared by him in advance for Zhong Xiongyuan.

"If Dong Martial King didn't know in advance that Ba Dao would attack Guiyun Villa that day, how could Dong Martial King prepare such a domineering poison."

"These points show that the East Martial King hides a lot of things that we don't know about, just based on the fact that Ba Dao will attack Guiyun Villa."

"I suspect that the Eastern Martial King is either a prophet of the future, or that the Eastern Martial King controls an intelligence network that monitors the whole world."

Chen Huaijiang used to be wary of Dongjie King all the time, taboo... etc., because Dong Martial King had a large army at that time.

After Dong Martial King gave up his military power, his attitude improved a lot, and he even imagined that Dong Martial King was a descendant left by the former emperor.

But as time passed, he resolutely abandoned this idea. What kind of backhand is this? It is clearly a Xianyu who has no fighting spirit.

Although the East Martial King has no military power, it doesn't mean that he doesn't pay attention to the East Martial King. He will always keep an eye on everything.

East Martial King is silent, but it doesn't mean that he will remain peaceful forever.

It wasn't until the Guiyun Villa incident that he realized that East Martial King had hidden too many secrets, and what people will always see is the tip of his iceberg.

There are strange omens in the world, and I don't know what big event it symbolizes will happen. He suspected that East Martial King had noticed something in advance, so he left the capital to investigate something, or make preparations

"No matter what Uncle Wu Huang is doing, he is doing it for the Great Xia Empire. I trust him because he is a member of the royal family."

Huang Minglong didn't know why, he chose to trust his Fifth Emperor Uncle, he thought that Fifth Emperor Uncle would not do anything that would endanger the Great Xia Empire.

"Don't worry about Uncle Five, what I care about is the Holy Court where Mo Guitu and others are."

After all, the imperial court is the biggest force in the world, whether it is the official power in the open, or the hidden power in the underground world, it is not something ordinary people can count.

Regarding the mysterious and unpredictable Holy Court, the imperial court also investigated a lot of news. Apart from uniform uniforms, the Holy Court likes to act in teams of two, and has many magical Medicine Pills.

The most terrible point is that all members of the Holy Court are Great Masters.

This is scary, even if they didn't find out how many people there would be in the Holy Court, the imperial court still defined the Holy Court as a mysterious force above the top power and below the transcendental power.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Court will be terrible. Even if they don't have Grand Great Master powerhouses, they must have two to three Half step Grand Great Master powerhouses."

All the Great Masters are strong, without more than two Half step Grand Great Masters sitting in the town, it is simply impossible to suppress so many Great Masters.

Chen Huaijiang knew that the madman Mo Guitu would not be so obedient if there was no Half step Grand Great Master to suppress this berserker.

In addition to the Great Master characteristics of all staff, I am afraid that one Half step Grand Great Master is not enough, there must be more than two Half step Grand Great Masters, so that the Holy Court will be so disciplined and styled.

"There are only three Half step Grand Great Masters on the list. How come there are so many Half step Grand Great Masters now? The Practitioner Chamber of Commerce has one, and the Holy Court does not know how many there are."

ㄈ Something is about to happen, so many Great Masters popping up at the same time, what is this damn omen reminding us of. "

Huang Minglong always felt that something big was going to happen, everything was full of something wrong.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Court is a bit mysterious, but that doesn't mean they will be our enemies.

"According to the information we have collected, people from the Holy Court have fought with people from the Devil's Cult, and also had disputes with people from Buddhism, and they don't have a good attitude towards the other three supernatural forces. 11

"Only for us, they choose not to approach or contact, with such behavior, they should not want to be our enemy.

"We may try to see if we can win them over to do things for us. If they are willing, then we will have an extra force to counteract other transcendental forces."

"If you don't want to, we can also try to contact them to see if they pose a threat to the Great Xia Empire, so that we can take precautions."

Chen Huaijiang gave a suggestion.

"Old Chen is right, so do what you want, Old Chen, and contact them first."

Practitioner Chamber of Commerce

"My lord, the imperial court is trying to contact our people, should we respond to them?"

Bai Lao appeared behind Huang Dongjie and said.

"Refused to engage with them."

Huang Dongjie said without looking back.

"Yes, my lord."

...asking for flowers...

Bai Lao replied respectfully and then disappeared.

"With such a large amount of medicinal materials, it may take more than half a month of refining to consume all these medicinal materials.

Huang Dongjie glanced at the list of medicinal materials that had been sorted out, even though he alone controlled a hundred pill refining furnaces at the same time.

With the help of dozens of pill refining masters and three to four hundred pharmacist assistants, he also estimated that it would take more than half a month to consume such a large amount of medicinal materials.

Putting down the list in his hand, Huang Dongjie continued to get busy. He could bear the loneliness, half a month meant nothing to him.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Huang Dongjie came out of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce. As early as half a month ago, he refined a large amount of medicinal materials. He needs time to recuperate after staying for another half month.

After sitting in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce for a month, he felt that there was no problem with the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, so he left.

He left very secretly, and many people sent by the forces to watch near the Practitioner chamber of commerce didn't notice Huang Dongjie's departure.

"There are a lot of angulan chrysanthemums. At a glance, these hills are full of angulan chrysanthemums. The fragrance of these flowers is really good."

After leaving the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce for more than ten days, Huang Dongjie had no destination, and he went there. When he saw the beautiful angulan chrysanthemums blooming all over the mountains and plains, his mood improved a lot.

Huang Dongjie continued to move forward, he turned over a few more hills, and finally he saw Manjin Fritillaria all over the mountains, which was about the same amount as the Angulan chrysanthemums that he had seen blooming on several hills before

"Good guy, I met strange flowers in front, and strange weeds here, and I have touched all the strange flowers and weeds.

"It's a pity that they can't save lives and treat injuries, and others don't know about their other effects. The local people can only treat them as wild flowers and weeds."

"However, it doesn't seem to make any difference to say that they are wild flowers and weeds!"

Huang Dongjie understands the characteristics of the two plants. It is a treasure to use them well, and it seems to be nothing if they are not used well. Huang Dongjie has no interest in these two plants, so he continues to move forward.

"Stop, don't move!"

As soon as Huang Dongjie entered the forest, he was surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers who jumped out of the corner with long guns.

These dozen or so soldiers all carried killing Blood Qi on their bodies, they were obviously not ordinary soldiers, and each of them had been slaughtered for several rounds on the battlefield before leaving such killing Blood Qi on their bodies.

These soldiers pointed their sharp guns at Huang Dongjie. Their expressions were full of vigilance, and their muscles were all tense, as if if Huang Dongjie made any wrong movements, they would kill him.

"This is a war zone, which belongs to the forbidden area of ​​the military camp. Who are you and how did you get here? Tell me, are you a spy sent by the enemy to find out the layout of our camp.

The leading soldiers with strong stature stared at Huang Dongjie vigilantly. They were confronting the enemy in the front, and there were unknown people approaching the important area of ​​the barracks in the rear. It was inevitable that they would not be extremely nervous.

Oops, I seem to have strayed into trouble zone!

Huang Dongjie thought silently. Mountain. .

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