I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 11: I'm Taught

"Father, are you praising me, or are you hurting me?"

Huang Tianzhen was very depressed, he always felt that his father regarded him as a child.

"Half exaggeration, half loss, why didn't you let me see where you shine."

Huang Dongjie said as if you have no advantages at all.

"What's brilliant? I have it. I came up with a method that is not a solution. If you really get to that point, this method may relieve your pressure, father."

Huang Tianzhen thought of what he said to Lei Ye at the end of the prison.

"You want to say, let Lei Ye commit suicide, let him bear everything, and treat it as suicide in fear of crime."

Huang Dongjie looked at Huang Tianzhen with a hello and innocent expression.

"Father, how do you know this?"

Huang Tianzhen was surprised for a while, how could his father know about the conversation between him and Lei Ye.

"You are still too young. From the moment you investigated the cause of Princess Chaoyang's death, countless eyes have been staring at you."

"In such an important place as Sky Prison, you don't think there will be eyeliners from other forces."

"There are countless strong people hidden in the sky prison. The hearing of the strong people is very strong. They can hear the news they want to hear from a long distance."

"In addition to the strong ones, the death row prisoners in the cell near Lei Ye are also human beings. If they are human, they will have status. How can you be sure that they are not the eyeliner of a certain force?"

"The conversation between you and Lei Ye has long been known by many people. You said, are you too young to think about the problem too simply?"

Huang Dongjie looked at this silly son with a funny look.

"This,, I, this,,,,"

Huang Tianzhen was also stunned and didn't know what to say. It was the first time he was severely slapped in the face by reality. The clown was none other than himself.

Really smart people have been watching him as a clown performing, and as a clown, he thought his own thoughts and actions were hidden from everyone, how ridiculous this is.

"What's wrong with you, you think it's over, then you think the problem is too simple."

"The conversation between you and Lei Ye is not only known to the emperor, but also to the people behind the scenes who plot against you, daddy, and me."

"The man behind the scenes knows what you will think about the conversation with Lei Ye, so he doesn't have to think about it, he just sent someone to kill Lei Ye."

"In this way, everyone will think that I, Martial King, is trying to cover up something and kill people on purpose."

"Certify my charges directly. Even if the charges are difficult to prove, they will not be able to stop people from all over the world from questioning. In the end, no matter what the result is, they will achieve the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It's also letting Lei Ye die, but others can also use this to make a fuss."

When Huang Dongjie said this, he said in the tone of someone who had come here.

"How about it, do you feel that Own's brain is not enough?"

"If you think about it, others will think of a lot of tricks to drive you crazy and ask you if you are afraid."

"The water in Kyoto is very deep, and a bunch of old foxes and cunts are piled together."

"The old fox narrowed his eyes. I don't know how many people fell into his trap and were dying."

"The corner of Lao Yin forced his mouth to smile, and the wind and clouds are full of bones. Winning or losing is life and death Samsara."

Huang Dongjie recalled the memories of certain lifetimes, he didn't know what he had experienced, he was too tired from fighting, he just wanted to keep a low profile now.

"Father, what do you belong to, old fox or old cunt?"

It was the first time Huang Tianzhen saw his daddy side, those eyes seemed to be filled with endless wisdom, no one could escape his control.

"I am just an ordinary person."

"If I have to add something, it is that I know a little bit of everything, just a little bit, not much."

Huang Dongjie measured a small gap between his thumb and index finger, and said to Huang Tianzhen seriously, that's all.

"Father, today I have been taught!"

Huang Tianzhen saw that his daddy had such great wisdom and chose to keep a low profile, he was immediately ashamed, and felt that it was difficult for him to learn one ten-thousandth of his father's king.

"Educated? What have you been taught?"

"Father, you taught me to be low-key, don't underestimate anyone, don't be complacent just because you are smart, and also, you have to learn to hold back."

"For example, father, although you have handed over the military power of the Black Armored Legion, you must have kept an unknown hole card, father."

"Otherwise, father, you won't have the attitude of victory in sight, not afraid of the storm."

Huang Tianzhen saw that his father saw everything so clearly, he didn't even believe that his father didn't keep a hole card.

You've said that, what else can I say.

When Huang Dongjie saw Huang Tianzhen's expression as expected, he immediately didn't know what to say, and he didn't even bother to explain.

"Father, I have one more question to ask."

"you say?"

"What should I do if I encounter an enemy like you, father, who sees everything clearly?"

Huang Tianzhen was really afraid of encountering such an enemy, such an enemy didn't even need to show his face, they would already play him to death.

This question must be asked to the father, he does not want to have such an enemy in the future and be helpless.

"That's a good question, and the answer I'll give you is: Break it with strength."

"Break it with strength?"

Huang Tianzhen looked at him daddy in puzzlement.

"If you are a Grand Great Master, who would dare to plot against you, as long as you are strong enough, you can push through anything."

"When you stand at the top, everyone who blocks your way has fallen, and naturally no one will count you, because they are all dead."

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

"Grand Great Master???"

Huang Tianzhen smiled wryly, if the Grand Great Master is so easy to break through, there will be more than just seven in the world.

"Father, how to solve the matter of Princess Chaoyang?"

Huang Tianzhen shook out other thoughts in his mind, he wanted to know how his father would solve the matter in front of him.

"What else, it's the same as last time, we've negotiated." Huang Dongjie said indifferently.

"Negotiation, father, you want to hand over the military power of the Azure Dragon Guard, why?"

Huang Tianzhen didn't understand, it was strange that his father handed over the military power of the Black Armor Legion last time, why is he also handing over the guard power of the Azure Dragon now.

"I changed my mind a long time ago. I don't want to be the emperor. Why do I still have military power?"

Huang Dongjie said casually.

"I don't want to be the emperor, is it because of me, father,..."

Huang Tianzhen somehow moved himself, thinking that he had changed his father.

Damn, what is this silly kid thinking, what a fucking ego.

Huang Dongjie didn't bother to say anything, the silly son could think whatever he liked.

"I can't be reconciled. I couldn't find the man behind the plot last time, and now I haven't found the man behind the scene. We just pay for it. Why do we feel like we are all being bullied?"

Huang Tianzhen was very upset at being bullied by the black hands behind the scenes.

"The man behind the plot against you last time has been found."

"who is it?"

Huang Tianzhen asked with a blank look.

"It's your future father-in-law-Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang." Huang Dongjie said casually.

"This, how is this possible,,,"

Huang Tianzhen couldn't believe that Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang would use his daughter to plot against him, it didn't feel real.

"It's true, I won't tell you about the twists and turns inside."

"At present, Chen Yuling doesn't know about it. She doesn't know that her father is plotting against her behind her back."

"She is a poor woman. After you get married, you decide whether to tell her or not."

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