"Put out the face towels, burn the stove to cook for the soldiers to have a good meal, let them rest well after they are full, and they will be busy in the afternoon.

"Yes, my lord."

Lu Yulong was very excited. If it wasn't for the wrong wind direction, he would have wished to use his trump card to deal with the enemy, but now he could only wait.

Hearing Huang Dongjie's order, his ability to execute was stronger than before. Maybe it was Huang Dongjie's strategy that conquered him, making him no longer have any thoughts of resisting Huang Dongjie's order.

In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Huang Dongjie led a group of mid-level and high-level generals of the Zhenwu Army to the high wall of the fortress. He glanced at the Celestial Army camped in the distance, and then turned his gaze to General Gao Kang and the others in the Zhenwu Army.

"Now it's the southeast wind, and the wind speed has reached seven eighth-level. Next, it's up to you."

Huang Dongjie's eyes were very calm, he said everything that should be said. He has prepared everything that should be prepared, and if he still loses the battle, then he can only blame too many teammates for not being able to bring him along.

"My lord, don't worry, when dealing with the enemy, our butcher knife is never soft."

After Lu Yulong finished speaking, he took four or five generals 17 away from the high wall, leaving seven or eight generals to guard Huang Dongjie. Now Huang Dongjie is the brain of the Zhenwu Army, and he can have accidents.

"Open the gate"

Huang Dongjie saw that Lu Yulong and others were ready, so he ordered the city gate to be opened.

As soon as the city gate was opened, Lu Yulong led the Zhenwu army ready to go out of the city.

The Celestial Army, which was more than ten miles away, saw the gate of the Zenith Yunya Fortress opened, and quickly responded and started to operate.

"Report, the gate of the fortress has opened, and the Zhenwu army has come out to fight us."

The Celestial Army rushed into Ma Niansheng's tent to report.

"Very well, they are finally willing to come out, I am not afraid of them coming out to fight us, I am afraid of them being a coward for the rest of their lives.

When Ma Niansheng heard the news that the Zhenwu Army had come out to fight them, he was immediately happy.

The Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is almost impossible for him to take down the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress with only 150,000 troops. He is self-aware of this.

To capture the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress, the first point is to consume the strength of the Zhenwu Army. The difference between the Zhenwu Army and them is that it is difficult for the Zhenwu Army to replenish the source of troops in Qingzhou, but it is easy for them to replenish the source of troops.

As long as the strength of the Zhenwu Army is consumed to about 70,000 to 80,000, Kaishen Sect will send more than 200,000 troops to take down the Uncovered Cloud Fortress in one go.

As long as they take down the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress, Xiang Tian Mansion and Wen Rong Mansion will not belong to them in the end.

The reason why he attacked the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress many times before was not to annoy the Zhenwu army so that the Zhenwu army could take the initiative to come out to fight them.

Now that the Zhenwu army has come out, this is not exactly what he wants, and it is a lie for him to say that he is unhappy.

"Military division, how much Zhenwu army do you think we can consume this time?"

Ma Niansheng looked at Hao Jiagong next to him, and asked him what the outcome of this battle would be.

Hao Jiagong, one of the military advisers of the Tianshen Sect, was afraid that Ma Niansheng would be greedy for meritorious deeds, so he sent Hao Jiagong to watch over Ma Niansheng.

"Most of the 150,000 soldiers and horses are made up of crazy believers. They are not regular troops, but they are not afraid of life and death. They fight life and death, and their combat effectiveness is not much weaker than that of regular troops.

"The Zhenwu army guarding the Tianding Yunya fortress has 120,000 soldiers and horses, and we have 150,000. If they dare to take the initiative to fight us, they must send more than 80,000 troops."

"80,000 to 150,000, almost twice the difference in strength, no matter how bad we are, we can still keep more than 40,000 of them."

"If we were more ruthless and exchanged one for one and two for one, we could win them 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, but if we did that, we would also suffer heavy losses.

Hao Jiagong thought for a moment and replied.

"Then let's be more ruthless. They were finally forced out by us. If they miss this opportunity, they may be shrinking turtles forever."

"Maybe we will suffer heavy losses, but if we can eat so many Zhenwu troops, our task can be regarded as completed."

"Next, it is almost impossible for the remaining Zhenwu army to defend the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress. We can do this business.

Ma Niansheng is also a ruthless person. Even if more than half of the 150,000 Heavenly God Army is killed, he will keep the people above the local city of the Zhenwu Army.

Hao Jiagong stopped talking. Ma Niansheng's decision might cost more than half of the 150,000 Heavenly God Army, but if the Zhenwu Army replaced more than 60,000 to 70,000 people.

For the Tenshen Sect, this is not a loss-making business. The Zhenwu Army's strength has been greatly reduced, and there are only good things for the Tenshen Sect.

Maybe the strength of the Zhenwu army is greatly reduced, and they can seize the opportunity to take down the Zenith Yunya Fortress, and even destroy the Zhenwu army to capture Xiangtian Mansion and Wenrong Mansion.

When Ma Niansheng saw that the military division had no objection, he knew that the military division did not object to him doing this, so he immediately led the army out of the barracks to face the Zhenwu army.

"What's going on? Why did they only send this few people, and why are they dressed so strangely?"

When Ma Niansheng led the army out of the barracks and saw the Zhenwu Army, he was stunned.

The number of Zhenwu Army is not large, not as they guessed, more than 80,000 troops. According to visual estimation, the Zhenwu Army came out this time with only about 50,000 horses.

Fifty thousand versus one hundred and fifty thousand, three times the difference, the Zhenwu army is crazy.

What surprised Ma Niansheng the most was that Zhenwujun's current outfits were too strange. They all wore face scarves and tied them tightly, as if the air was poisonous.

The key point is that the Zhenwu army listed a long line of people in front of them all holding torches in broad daylight. Is this going to use fire to deal with them?

"Master, what do you think?"

Ma Niansheng didn't understand what Zhenwu Army was doing, so he asked Hao Jiagong next to him.

"It's weird, General Ma, we'd better be careful, I always feel that something is wrong.

Hao Jiagong didn't see any tricks, so he could only tell Ma Niansheng to be careful.

Although Ma Niansheng felt that the enemy's outfit was weird, but when he saw that the enemy had only 50,000 people and his own had 150,000 people, he felt no pressure in his heart.

With three times the troops suppressed, he did not believe that the Zhenwu Army could make up for the gap.

Just thinking that the Zhenwu army only has 50,000 people, Ma Niansheng is excited, and it is only a matter of time before 150,000 horses slaughter 50,000 people.

Maybe the casualties of their Celestial Army will not exceed seven or eight thousand.

This was simply a free gift. At this moment, Ma Niansheng couldn't help being excited. The 50,000 Zhenwu army was already on his plate.

Seven or eight hundred meters away from Zhenwu Army, the 150,000 people brought by Ma Junsheng stopped.

"Lu Yulong, did your commander-in-chief die, that's why you foolishly brought 50,000 people to us?"

As soon as Ma Niansheng stopped, he began to taunt in front of the battle.

"Give it away for nothing? Indeed, it's very easy to get it for nothing."

When Lu Yulong heard Ma Niansheng's words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Ma Niansheng and the others with a look of death.

"General Ma, their eyes are very strange. They are all excited and a little uncontrollable. They don't have the tension and solemnity before the battle at all. Something is wrong with them.

Hao Jiagong's long-sightedness ability is very strong, and he can observe the eyes of the soldiers in the front row of the Zhenwu Army from a distance of seven or eight hundred meters.

Seeing this, Hao Jiagong felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in his heart. .

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