I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 118: The Master Behind Zhenwu Army

After a long time, the generals in the headquarters slowly calmed down from their excitement.

After they calmed down, they made eye contact with each other, and then their eyes were fixed on Huang Dongjie.

Kneeling on one knee, they all knelt down to Huang Dongjie on one knee, cupped fist performing the greatest etiquette.

"What are you doing?"

Huang Dongjie wondered why these reckless men suddenly knelt down to him.

"My lord, the Zhenwu army really needs a big battle."

"Without you, this unprecedented and unprecedented victory would have nothing to do with us. It is you who rekindled our dark hearts."

"It was your strategy that saved us. The Zhenwu army is very grateful to you, lord. It is you who gave them hope."

Lu Yulong looked into Huang Dongjie's eyes and said gratefully.

"That's right, every time we fight, no one dies, but this time we have zero death. This is brought by you, my lord, and you are our great benefactor."

"My lord, you not only saved us, but also saved countless people in Xiang Tian Mansion and Wen Rong Mansion. You alone protected them."

The other generals all spoke one after another, and each of them expressed their infinite gratitude to Huang Dongjie.

"Don't flatter me like this, I have only been in Qingzhou for a few days, how could I have time to protect the people of Xiangtian Mansion and Wen Rong Mansion.

"It's you. You have been protecting them all along. How can you erase the credit for owning them?"

"Get up, you will be satisfied with one 707 victories, and you don't want to fight more victories, or even recover Qingzhou."


I miss it so much!

They had no chance before, but now that there is a peerless strategist like Dong Martial King, they have hope, because Dong Martial King can turn the impossible into a miracle.

50,000 against 150,000, miraculously overthrew 150,000 rebels with zero Death, which already shows that the Eastern Martial King alone can defeat a million soldiers.

Thinking of this, they all became extremely excited. Edom Martial King's strategy might lead them to create another miracle.

"My lord, what do you need us to do next?"

Lu Yulong and the others got up, looking at Huang Dongjie expectantly, hoping that Huang Dongjie could arrange things for them.

"Ma Niansheng and others who escaped are likely to retreat to Xing'an Mansion, but by the time they reach the gate of Xing'an Mansion, Xing'an Mansion should have already been taken back by the 70,000 troops led by Ding Zhengze."

"What we have to do now is very simple, that is, chase after Ma Niansheng and others and join Ding Zhengze, and get rid of Ma Niansheng and others by making dumplings."

"By the way, while chasing them, recover the counties and counties under the jurisdiction of Xing'an Prefecture.

Huang Dongjie looked at the comprehensive map of Qingzhou and said calmly.

"My lord, my lord... Can General Ding Zhengze really capture Xing'an Mansion?"

Most of the generals in the headquarters didn't know what order Ding Zhengze was carrying out. Now they were shocked when they heard what Huang Dongjie said.

Others take one step at a time, but Dong Martial King counts at least a dozen steps at a time. The planning is linked to each other, and the excellent decision-making is terrifying.

"This is not nonsense. Before that, who of you would have thought that 50,000 of us could slaughter 150,000 people from the Celestial Army, and still achieve an unprecedented victory with Death.

"My lord can miraculously allow us to win a big victory. There will be no good strategy for Ding Zhengze to take over the Fuxing Mansion."

Hearing the doubts of the middle and high-ranking generals, Lu Yulong stood up and glared at them. After this massacre, he had already turned into Huang Dongjie's fanboy.

Think Huang Dongjie is the peerless counselor sent to them by God, now some people doubt Huang Dongjie, this is not a problem with him.

"Yes, that's right, General Ding Zhengze must have a good plan from the prince, otherwise, with the character of General Ding Zhengze."

"He will never reduce the defensive force of the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress, so many people have left the Zenith Cloud Cliff Fortress."

After being reminded by Lu Yulong, the other mid-level and high-level generals suddenly realized that they thought that the Eastern Martial King was so powerful, how could they not have a good plan for Ding Zhengze.

They were excited when they thought that Xing'an Mansion was about to be taken back by them. They have been in love for so many years, and today's scene has never made them feel so happy.

"General Lu Yulong led 20,000 elite soldiers and some experts to chase after Ma Niansheng and others, and the other generals each led 5,000 or 10,000 horses to recover the counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the Fuxing Prefecture..."

"After you complete the recovery work, remember to publicize locally how we defeated 150,000 rebels with zero death.

"The purpose of doing this is not only to make the local people have confidence in us, but also to recruit new soldiers."

"We have a life-and-death battle with the Tenjin Cult that is coming soon, and I need troops."

Huang Dongjie knew very well that there were 50,000 rebels defending Xing'an Mansion, and Ding Zhengze's capture of Xing (bhdg) An Mansion also meant clearing out these 50,000 rebels.

The 150,000 rebels slaughtered by Lu Yulong and the 50,000 rebels eliminated by Jiading Zhengze, within a relatively short period of time, 200,000 troops of the Celestial Army were massacred by the Zhenwu Army.

There are a total of more than 400,000 people in the Tianshen Sect-Tian Shen Army, but Huang Dongjie cut off half of them with a small plan, even though the regeneration ability of the Tian Shen Army is strong.

In such a state, either the vitality is seriously injured, or the muscles and bones are injured, so the beam can be regarded as a big knot.

Next, the Tenjin Sect must launch a devastating blow to the Zhenwu Army in order to wash away its shame.

This war will not come slowly, it will even come soon.

It is necessary to recruit new soldiers. What he is facing now is only the Tenjin Sect. When the Tianxiong Army and the Heping Shi Army participate, the vitality becomes extremely important.

Hearing Huang Dongjie's order, Lu Yulong and others took the order without any hesitation and set off with own personnel.

"I...how many of us are left?"

Ma Niansheng looked at the soldiers of the Heavenly God Army who were scattered and embarrassed all around him, his voice trembling slightly when he asked Hao Jiagong a question.

"No, less than three thousand people..."

Hao Jiagong replied tremblingly.

"Three, less than three thousand, and the one hundred and fifty thousand people who escaped with me in the end, not even one."

Ma Niansheng was trembling all over. After this battle, he really gave the army to the Zhenwu army for nothing, so how should he explain it when he goes back.

"Huh~, Flying Pigeon sent a letter to the leader, telling the leader about our situation."

"General Ma, you,"

Hao Jiagong is very clear that someone must be responsible for the burial of 150,000 soldiers and horses. If you tell the truth, Ma Niansheng has a good relationship with the leader, and he cannot escape punishment.

The punishment is so great that if you don't die, you will lose a layer of skin.

"Tell me the truth, I have to confess to the death penalty for burying so many people."

Hao Jiagong didn't say much after hearing the words.

"Where do we retreat?"

Ma Niansheng asked Hao Jiagong for his opinion.

"Xing'an Mansion, we will retreat to Xing'an Mansion.

Hao Jiagong thought for a moment and said.

"Why not the county town?"

Ma Niansheng didn't want to go to Xing'an Mansion, Fan Fuying, the general guarding the city of Xing'an Mansion, had something wrong with him, if he went to Xing'an Mansion, he would definitely be laughed to death by Fan Fuying.

"Now that the morale of the Zhenwu army is high, they will definitely take this opportunity to regain more lost ground. The county city cannot stop the town champion."

"In addition to this, there is another important reason, that is, the county city can't stop the masters behind the Zhenwu army!"

Hao Jiagong said with serious eyes.

"You mean that the Zhenwu Army has a great strategist."

Ma Niansheng's tone also raised.

"That's right, the Zhenwu Army must have a great strategist, and only a strategist will keep pointing at time."

"The Zhenwu army has such a trump card, why not use it in advance, and wait until we are within two hundred meters of them before using it."

"The most important thing is the wind direction. In the morning, the southeast wind is not blowing, and the wind speed can't reach seven eighth-level. But in the afternoon, it all changed."

"It's not good when the Zhenwu army will face us. If we insist on picking this time, it's not trying to plot against us."

"Choose the right time, the right place, and the best opportunity. If it is said that there are no top strategists behind the Zhenwu Army, I will not believe anything."

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