I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 124: Uncle Wuhuang Is Dead

"How many of the 70,000 captives are willing to become ours?"

The 150,000 rebels captured 50,000, and the 50,000 defenders captured 20,000, a total of 70,000!

Huang Dongjie knows that the Celestial Army is composed of more than half of the believers, but many of them joined the Celestial Army because of life force or other reasons.

It is difficult for believers to betray Tenjinism, but it is different for those who are forced by Life or have other beliefs.

Huang Dongjie needs troops, and being able to recruit captives into their people is also a kind of use.

"My lord, only 20,000 of the 70,000 captives are willing to convert to us, and the remaining 50,000 people would rather die than follow, and their minds are full of the teachings of their atheism.

Ding Zhengze is very annoyed by the brainwashing methods of Tianshen Cult, and he doesn't treat the common people as human beings at all.

Brainwashed believers still have no humanity. They are all like puppets, and their minds are full of Tenjinism. These people are hopeless.

"My lord, keeping the remaining 50,000 captives will not only waste a lot of food, but also a hidden danger. Why don't we kill them all~"

Lu Yulong has no mercy at all, he slaughtered 100,000 of the 150,000 rebels, and he doesn't care about 50,000 more.

He had such an idea that the fifty thousand captives did not cooperate with them at all, forgetting life and death one by one.

Whenever there is a chance, they will riot and hurt the soldiers guarding them. If they do not cooperate with them, it means that they have no other use, and they need to keep these captives in vain.

This is too much consumption for the Zhenwu army, it is better to kill them all, once and for all.

"Believers are also human beings. As human beings, we are afraid of death. It is impossible for fifty thousand people to be brainwashed to forget about life and death, and forget about human nature. They dare to be so stubborn because their system is still there.

"Find out all their officers above the rank of commander-in-chief, and kill them all in front of them."

"Without the support of the system, they have to be honest even if they are dishonest. If they cooperate, they will be coolies. If they don't, you should watch.

Huang Dongjie saw it very clearly and knew that there were still many big fish making trouble among the 50,000 captives. If these big fish were slaughtered, the remaining small fish would be easy to manage.

Hearing this, the generals in the headquarters looked at Huang Dongjie with even more admiration.

The problems they couldn't solve were always easily solved by the prince in a few sentences.

This is the feeling of being led by a great god!

With the prince here, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

All of a sudden, the generals in the headquarters became more confident and looking forward to the upcoming war.

Confidence comes from the prince, they believe that the next war, the prince will definitely lead them to victory.

Looking forward to it, they all want to see what kind of shocking decision the prince will use next to shock the world.

Without Huang Dongjie saying much, all the generals stepped out of one to salute Huang Dongjie respectfully, and went down to clean up the many big fish hidden by the 50,000 captives.

"Except for the 20,000 people who were converted, how many new recruits have we recruited?"

Huang Dongjie continued to ask.

"My lord, we publicized our achievements in Wenrong Mansion to Tian Mansion and Xing'an Mansion according to your instructions, which made the people more enthusiastic and more confident in us.

"As of today, we have recruited 50,000 new recruits, and there are still many people coming to join us."

Ding Zhengze's tone of voice was a little excited. Of course he wanted to see the Zhenwu Army getting stronger and stronger. It was very difficult to recruit new recruits in the past, but there is such a heaven-defying record.

The ideas of the local people changed instantly. Although they raised the salaries of recruits, many of them came here just because of their fame.

They all want to take a look at the East Martial King who decides the universe and life and death.

Yes, Huang Dongjie has become a legend in the hearts of the locals under the slightly exaggerated publicity of Ding Zhengze and others.

"Special period, special approach, disperse new recruits into the veteran team, let the veteran lead them, let them grow into a qualified soldier as soon as possible."

"The more than 2,000 brothers who died in the Xing'an Prefecture will triple their pensions to their families. Those who are injured and those who have made meritorious service will be rewarded and rewarded."

"These aftermath work must be done well, so as not to chill the hearts of the brothers."

Huang Dongjie thought for a while and said.

"Yes, my lord."

All the generals were moved by Huang Dongjie's words that they could not chill the hearts of the brothers, and they looked at Huang Dongjie gratefully.

"We caused heavy losses to the Tenjin Cult, and the Tenjin Cult must not be able to swallow this breath. Not surprisingly, they are already gathering an army, and they will attack us soon.

"Their army may number more than 300,000. I want to ask you, do you want to defend the city gates to avoid the edge of the Deity Cult, or choose to take the initiative to fight them.

Huang Dongjie looked at the generals calmly, wanting to see how they would choose.

"Of course we took the initiative to attack. Our morale is high now, and all the soldiers are eager for another big victory."

……… Ask for flowers…

"War, even if the enemy develops a means to defend against our trump card, the enemy is definitely not as good as us in one point.

"That is, their military advisers are far less than one ten-thousandth of your lord's, and they can be defeated by any random trick.

"Son of a bitch, daddy will of course choose to take the initiative to attack. In the past, he used to guard the high wall every day, and daddy was about to die."

"What is a three hundred thousand army? I believe that the brothers will definitely be able to defeat them steadily with one against two or one against three."

If it was before, they would definitely be nervous when they heard that there were 300,000 troops, but now, with the backbone of Dong Martial King, they believed that Dong Martial King would lead them to victory.


"It's not a good thing to trust me too much, but you have all made choices, so I will definitely reply to you.

"Let the brothers prepare for everything, this time we will take the initiative!"

Hearing the affirmative answer from the prince and seeing the smile on the prince's face, they were excited.

If there is a smile, it means that the prince has already made a shocking decision in his mind. At this moment, they knew that the balance of victory was on them.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

All the generals were extremely excited, one by one hurriedly ran out to prepare, they couldn't wait to start the battle with the Celestial Army.

Huang Dongjie also smiled when he saw the anxious looks of the generals. This is a good thing, and the excitement will spread.

Seeing the excitement on the faces of the high-level generals, the Zhenwu Army, which already has high soldiers, will become more confident in the upcoming war.

"It's okay to deal with the Tianshen army, but the Tianxiong army and the Ping Shi army are a bit more difficult. Alas~, I will lose a few more hairs."

Huang Dongjie looked at the map of Qingzhou, and was a little annoyed. He didn't like to use his brain very much, and it was easy to lose his hair.

But now he is excited to play, and he is not willing to stop. He has no choice but to sacrifice a few hairs and continue playing for a while.


"Haha,,, this is the best news I got this year, Uncle Wu Huang is dead!"

Huang Minglong is very happy at the moment, there is no other news that makes him happier than recovering the lost land.

At first, he couldn't believe it when he received the news, but after various confirmations, his face was full of smiles. .

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