I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 127: The Great Army Departs

"How many reinforcements have you requested from the imperial court, and when will they arrive?"

"What is the decision-making against the enemy?"

Zhang Haihua's face was filled with joy, and she couldn't wait to ask.

"The imperial court was stingy, so they sent me the 200,000 Black Armored Army that I once commanded. It will take at least half a month for the Black Armored Army to rush from Pingzhou to Qingzhou."

"By the time they arrive, our war with the Celestial Army will be over long ago."

"It's nothing. I didn't intend to use the Black Armored Army to deal with the Godless Army. I planned to use the Black Armored Army to deal with the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army.

"It's really hard to say what the enemy's decision-making is. It depends on the situation. There are too many factors that affect the war, so we have to adapt to the situation."

Huang Dongjie didn't go into too much detail, as he said, he fights and adapts accordingly, if an excellent opportunity arises, he may switch to a more favorable strategy in the next second.

"If no reinforcements arrive, we will only have hundreds of thousands of troops who can take the initiative to attack, except for the soldiers defending the city. The Tenjin Sect must have more than 300,000 troops if they spend their money."

"This disparity in strength, coupled with the fact that the enemy already has the means to guard against us, isn't it a little unwise for us to take the initiative to attack?"

Zhang Haihua knew that the morale of the Zhenwu Army was now high, and their combat power must have increased a lot, but the difference in strength was there.

"There are many cases of winning more with less. How do you know that I can't lead the Zhenwu Army to win this battle?"

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

"My lord, the Zhenwu Army will entrust you."

Zhang Haihua thought that Huang Dongjie could easily kill 200,000 Heavenly Gods in just six or seven days after he came to Qingzhou.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the more than 30 million troops of the Celestial Army's invasion this time will not be so stressful.

Huang Dongjie's terror knowledge and strategies are unparalleled. This time, he believes that Huang Dongjie can lead the Zhenwu Army to create another miracle.

"Don't worry, if on the battlefield, I make a mistake in my decision-making and cause the army to lose, I will use another form to turn things around."

"Anyway, I'm already famous, so it doesn't matter if I'm a little more famous."

Play for fun, fight for trouble, Huang Dongjie will not cause a large number of casualties on his side because of his own playfulness.

If an accident happened and his side was defeated, then he could only personally massacre all the high-level members of the Tenjin Sect.

With the high level gone, the Tenjin Sect would naturally cease to exist.

Seeing that Huang Dongjie seemed to have some hole cards, Zhang Haihua immediately felt more at ease.

"Tomorrow we will raise our troops and set out to occupy the powerful terrain first, and slowly wait for the arrival of the Celestial Army.

After chatting for half an hour, Huang Dongjie just found a reason to leave, and Zhang Haihua was also going to go for a walk to cheer up the soldiers.

Military Command

"Come out, you can escape layers of protection and come here, your strength is really extraordinary."

Huang Dongjie looked at the whole picture of the sand table deduction, without raising his head or taking any other actions, and said this sentence very calmly.

"See Your Highness"

Suddenly a Daoist figure emerged from the dark corner, just like a ghost, soundlessly.

This person was wearing a dark gold-patterned silk suit and an unknown beast mask. He appeared and only bowed slightly to the Eastern Martial King, and then did not move.

"Dark Dragon Guard? The emperor sent you here to protect me or supervise me."

Huang Dongjie looked away from the full picture of the sand table simulation, glanced at the visitor, and quickly confirmed the identity of the visitor.

"My lord, you are joking. We are only here to protect your lord. How can we supervise you, lord? Please don't think too much about it."

Zhang Yiran was also shocked, the stealth technique he was so proud of was discovered by the prince.

The strength of the prince is really unpredictable, no wonder the prince was able to block the life of the eighteenth sword king Zhong Xiongyuan in the previous day list.

Facing the fact that the prince can guess the missions that the emperor gave him, he didn't think it was strange, after all, where is the prince's enchanting IQ?

What really shocked him was that he always felt an inexplicable pressure from the prince.

Even the emperor didn't give him this feeling, but the prince has it. This made him directly judge that Dong Martial King is definitely a very dangerous person.

"My lord, my name is Zhang Yiran, and I am the deputy commander of the Dark Dragon Guard. I still have nine members outside the barracks. Can you send someone to bring them in.

Zhang Yiran sneaked into the Zhenwu Army alone, because he wanted to see how the Zhenwu Army's defense methods were. After observing for a while, he was quite satisfied.

Who would have thought that when he arrived at the headquarters, he would be discovered by the prince directly.

"Listen to your voice, you are only in your early thirties, and you became the deputy commander of the Dark Dragon Guard at the age of thirty, either because of your outstanding achievements, or because of your extraordinary status.

"You have this strength, and it's easy to accumulate achievements, but it's not enough to become the deputy commander of the Dark Dragon Guard at the age of thirty. Presumably your identity has added a lot of points to you."

Huang Dongjie summoned a soldier and asked him to bring in the other members of the Dark Dragon Guard. Then he observed Zhang Yiran for a while, and said in a very firm tone.

"My lord really sees everything very clearly. That's right, I was able to become the deputy commander because of the extra points of my status."

Zhang Yiran felt that Huang Dongjie was a bit scary, not to mention his age based on his voice, but also his identity was not easy.

If he stayed by Huang Dongjie's side for a long time, Huang Dongjie would have found out all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

It's scary to think about it. Seeing this, Zhang Yiran thought of a way, that is, not to speak, so that less information will be exposed.

". "I don't care about your identity, and I don't care whether you are here to protect me or supervise me. Don't disturb me when I am thinking about problems. This is my basic requirement for you."

Zhang Yiran nodded in agreement, and when he saw nine subordinates being led in by soldiers, he gave them some instructions, and then ten of them dispersed and hid around Huang Dongjie to protect Dong Dongjie.

the next day

Standing on the high platform, Huang Dongjie looked at the Zhenwu Army lined up neatly ready to go. Maybe he felt the morale of the Zhenwu Army was high, and a smile appeared on his face.

"My lord, the 180,000 troops have already been prepared, and we are waiting for your lord's order to march."

Ding Zhengze reported to Huang Dongjie with a solemn face.


All of a sudden, an army of 180,000 troops marched forward.

"what are you worried about?"

During the march, Huang Dongjie saw Zhang Haihua, who was hesitant to speak, and asked him what he was worried about.

"Aren't the troops we left behind defending the city a bit small? I'm worried that the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army will take the opportunity to attack our (Nuoqian's) rear."

Zhang Haihua always felt that Huang Dongjie arranged too few troops to stay behind, 30,000 soldiers in Xing'an Mansion, 30,000 soldiers in Tianding Yunya Fortress, Xiangkai Mansion and Wenrong Mansion each.

If the Tianxiong army and the Ping Shi army went around and attacked their rear, then they would be in danger.

"No, the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shijun can't wait to see us and the Tianshen Army lose both sides, so that they can stand up and take advantage of it."

"They don't dare to act rashly to interrupt our war with the Celestial Army. They know that we and the Celestial Sect are always watching them."

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

Zhang Haihua didn't understand why Huang Dongjie's tone was so sure, but Huang Dongjie's inexplicable self-confidence really made him feel less worried.

"Then what is our destination?"

"Stairway Valley"


"What, the Zhenwu Army developed the army two hours earlier than us!"

"How many people are there in their army? How dare they come out and confront us head-on.

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