I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 129: Rarely Seen In Thirty Years

"What did your lord arrange for you?"

After setting up camp, Zhang Haihua did not intervene in commanding the army, and he gave all the power of commanding the army to the Eastern Martial King.

He retreated to rest in the tent, although he retreated to the second line and ignored the army, it didn't mean he didn't pay attention to what the Eastern Martial King was doing.

So he sent someone to secretly summon Ding Zhengze and the two of them, hoping to know from their mouths what preparations Dong Martial King had made.

"Commander, my lord first asked us to make a hundred huge rolling stones as tall as a person."

"Let us line up these one hundred huge rolling stones on the defense line every seven or eight meters, and then we will not be allowed to go to the stone mountain to knock the giant rolling stones out."

"We were not allowed to shoot the projected javelins, and even the Lord of Bows and Arrows refused to let us prepare. It seems that these one hundred huge rolling stones were made and placed in front of the camp to frighten the enemy.

"Afterwards, what the lord asked us to do made us even more confused. The lord asked us to build a large number of rafts and boats, mainly rafts."

"The requirements are very strange, just use whatever you want, preferably disposable items."

"The above is the prince's arrangement. Apart from letting us build a one-time raft and boat, there is no other arrangement."

Although Ding Zhengze and the others didn't understand what the prince wanted to do, they didn't ask too many questions. They believed that the prince had his own reasons for doing so.

"Go, do what you have to do."

Zhang Haihua was also surprised when he heard the words, thinking that this might be the prince's scheme, he drove Ding Zhengze and the others away, and quickly looked at the map near the Staircase Valley in the tent.

"This,, this is the Yunli Dam, the prince wants to attack the Heavenly God Army with water!"

Zhang Haihua studied the map carefully, and finally let him discover that there is a large dam upstream of them.

This discovery made him look excited, he finally knew what the prince wanted to do.

Destroy the upstream dam and let the Taotao flood flood them. They are on the high ground, but the Taotao flood cannot flood them.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. If this strategy succeeds, it will be another Zero Death defeating the 400,000 Heavenly God Army.

No wonder the prince chose this highland, no wonder the prince wants to build rafts and ships, it turns out that the prince has already figured out the terrain here.

Excited, he began to check the information about the Yunli Dam, but after checking, he found a problem.

This froze his excited expression.

Yunli Dam doesn't have enough water!

It is true that the Yunli Dam is a large dam, but this season is dry and rainless, and the water level of the Yunli Dam has already dropped.

With the current water level of the Yunli Dam, even if the Yunli Dam is destroyed, the flood water will not be able to take away the god army in the low valley and flat ground.

I am afraid that the flood will rush here, and the flood will only reach the knee height of the Celestial Army.

Zhang Haihua was terrified by this discovery, and he ran to find Huang Dongjie in fright.

"You want to attack the Heavenly God Army with water?"

As soon as Zhang Haihua arrived at Huang Dongjie's tent, he asked questions directly.


Huang Dongjie replied calmly.

"It doesn't work, the water level of the Yunli Dam is too low in this season, and it is impossible for Tao Tiantian to submerge the Celestial Army.

Zhang Haihua thought that Huang Dongjie hadn't noticed this problem, so he hurriedly said it.

"You think I don't know that the water level is not enough."

Huang Dongjie asked back with a slight smile.

"You know? Then why did you let Ding Zhengze and the others build rafts and ships?"

Zhang Haihua was taken aback when he heard the words, the prince's reply really surprised him, he knew that the water level was not enough, why bother to build rafts and boats.

"Tomorrow, when the sun is about to set, the Celestial Army should also arrive. At night, you will know why I still need to build rafts and boats even though I know the water level is not enough."

Huang Dongjie said with a mysterious smile.

Seeing this, Zhang Haihua didn't ask any more questions, he chose to trust Huang Dongjie, and after chatting casually, he returned to the own tent to rest.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was the afternoon of the next day.

"Report, the Celestial Army is already fifty miles away!"

"Report, the Celestial Army is thirty miles away!"

"Report, the Celestial Army is twenty miles away!"

"Report, the Celestial Army is already in,,,

"Don't report it, I've seen it all."

Huang Dongjie stood on the high ground and watched the Celestial Army gradually appearing in the distance, and dismissed the emergency soldiers away.

"Sure enough, there are guards against us!"

Zhang Haihua and the others saw that all of the Celestial Army were wearing face scarves, so they knew that their previous trump card was useless.

The enemy has already made an antidote based on the properties of Angulanthus and Manjin Fritillaria.

"Damn it, the Eastern Martial King really has a favorable terrain waiting for us."

Dai Gaohang also saw the Zhenwu army waiting for them on the high ground, and looked at the huge rolling stones lined up one by one on the high ground.

Coupled with the height of the slope, Dai Gaohang clenched his fist slightly. If the huge rolling stone rolled down, it would definitely cause immeasurable losses to their side.

Such a big killer, the enemy can't just create this point, there must be a lot of huge rolling stones hidden in the rear that have not been revealed.

It must be waiting for them to attack before showing up and giving them a blow in the head. The damn thing Martial King knows how to use this method.

"Military division, what is the situation of the army, can we go now?"

Dai Gaohang was asking what Luo Libo meant.

"No, we can't launch a general offensive now. We march day and night, and the army has long been exhausted."

"In contrast, the Zhenwu Army, which has adjusted its condition here earlier, is much better than us in terms of morale and spirit."

"In addition, the Zhenwu Army has made all sufficient preparations here, if we rush up now with a tired body, we will only let the soldiers lose their lives in vain."

"The most important point is that the sun is going down soon."

"In the dark night, it is very difficult for us to control and command the army. If the Eastern Martial King uses conspiracy and tricks against us in the dark night, we may not be able to resist."

"We have to rest for one night to allow the soldiers to adjust before launching an attack."

Luo Libo knew very well that an army with no horses and no men would lose even a single bit in the face of an energetic enemy, and that chaos would only lead to accidents.

"Set up camp in place, let the soldiers eat, drink, and rest well. Just in case, let the army divide into three shifts to take turns to rest at night."

Dai Gaohang knew that everything the military adviser said was correct, and he also knew how difficult it is to control and command the army in the dark. Facing an enemy like the Eastern Martial King, he had to be cautious.

Immediately, he asked the army to camp in place. In order to prevent the Eastern Martial King from using conspiracy and tricks to attack at night, he divided the army into three groups, and they took turns to exchange rest and watch the night.

"Your task is here, take your respective teams to take turns to harass them, you don't need to take too much risk, just disturb them on the periphery.

"You go when night falls."

When Huang Dongjie saw the Celestial Army set up camp, he gave Ding Zhengze and the others the task of harassing the Celestial Army.

As soon as night fell, Zhengze's tenth intrusion arrived.


"Enemy attack, enemy attack, the enemy is charging towards us, the number is unknown,

"Hurry up and take the shield, the enemy's arrow rain is attacking us again."

……… Ask for flowers

Taking advantage of the cover of night, Ding Zhengze led the team close to the enemy's range, and a few waves of arrow rain attacked them. When the enemy counterattacked, he led the team and ran away.

After a while, when the Celestial Army calmed down, it was Lu Yulong's turn to lead a team to harass them. The situation was exactly the same as that of Ding Zhengze.

They approached and attacked the enemy's patrol teams on the periphery, and then sent a few waves of arrow rain to the enemy's camp. When the enemy counterattacked, they ran away.

"Damn it, the Eastern Martial King is too despicable. This kind of intrusion has made the whole army panic. No soldier dares to sleep deeply. He is afraid that the 180,000 soldiers on the high ground will rush down directly."

Dai Gaohang kept gnashing his teeth, they were already exhausted, how could they rest in peace after being harassed by the Eastern Martial King's tactics.

"Master, Dong Martial King may be playing psychological warfare, or it may be a trick."

"The intrusion from time to time may be pure psychological warfare, trying to make our soldiers nervous and dare not rest."

"If it counts, Dong Martial King may make us mistakenly think that he is just a simple intrusion.

"But in fact, the Eastern Martial King wanted to take advantage of the darkness when our horses were exhausted, and suddenly lead the whole army to charge us in the dark."


"Either way, we're going to be passive.

"We can't be passive like this, our soldiers must rest, and we also have to be prepared for the Eastern Martial King to lead the whole army to attack us in the dark."

"I suggest that half of the army be rested and the other half be on night duty. They will be replaced alternately. Even if the Eastern Martial King leads the Zhenwu Army to attack, our 200,000 troops on night duty will be able to stop it."

Luo Libo gave a suggestion.

"Okay, do as you say.

tick tick tick

"It's raining!"

As soon as Dai Gaohang finished speaking, large drops of rain fell on his forehead.

He looked up at the night sky, and the downpour came directly.

After a few breaths, Dai Gaohang and others were directly drenched.

"It's troublesome, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, the sound is covered by the rain, if the Eastern Martial King takes advantage of the rainy night to attack us, it will be troublesome.

"The soldiers who ordered the night watch must be careful. I hope the rain will stop soon. I always feel that the rain is very disturbing."

Zhenwu Army Camp

The moment he heard the sound of rain, Zhang Haihua's body in the tent suddenly shook, and the next second, he ran out of the tent.

At this moment, he smiled, very excitedly.

"Hahaha, good rain, really good rain!"

"Why did I forget, the prince knows the sky, he knows even the southeast wind is blowing, how could he not know that it will rain heavily tonight."

Zhang Haihua didn't care at all that he was drenched by the heavy rain. Looking at the heavy rain, he only had endless excitement.

"This,, this is not an ordinary heavy rain, this is a rare torrential rain in Qingzhou in 30 years, hahaha... really God helped me to suppress the military army, this is an eye-opener for ascending the day after tomorrow.

"My lord, you are really a god-man, even the gods have given you such face."

As the heavy rain became heavier and heavier, Zhang Haihua finally discovered the rage of the heavy rain. He had only seen this amount of rain twice in his life.

This is not important, what is important is that this amount of rainfall can definitely raise the water level of the Yunli Dam to an exceptional level overnight.

"Great, at dawn is the natural disaster of the Celestial Army."

"No, just in case, Ding Zhengze and the others are not enough to attract the enemy's attention, so I have to go out in person.

"As long as the enemy sees me, they will still pay attention to the heavy rain."

With that said, Zhang Haihua ran to find Huang Dongjie for a while. .

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