I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 13: Your Majesty, Our Great Summer Is Saved

"No, I'm not here to find the murderer. I don't care who the murderer is. I'm here to solve this problem in a different way."

Huang Dongjie said unhurriedly.

"Oh, how does Uncle Wuhuang want to solve this?"

Huang Minglong didn't know what Uncle Wuhuang wanted to do, so he followed his will to ask.

"The purpose of the people behind this is to force me to rebel."

"They don't want to see the imperial court accepting the Black Armored Legion to increase its strength, and they don't want to see the internal stability of the Great Xia Empire, so they want to make trouble."

"I became the target of being fucked, but how could I follow their wishes."

"Azure Dragon Guard, I don't want it anymore, the imperial court will also take it away."

After Huang Dongjie finished speaking, the imperial study room was immediately quiet. Huang Minglong's body shook, and his eyes showed unconcealable surprise.

Chen Huaijiang was also fluctuating in his heart, but he was still calm on the surface without showing any emotion.

"East Martial King, are you sure you want to return the Azure Dragon guard right to the imperial court?"

Chen Huaijiang didn't ask why, and directly confirmed whether Dong Martial King was serious.

"There is nothing uncertain, but you have to treat and arrange those leaders well. If you are worried about those leaders, or those leaders don't hesitate to stay in the Azure Dragon Guard."

"Then let them come to my East Martial King's mansion, and the generals of the Black Armor Legion are the same. If they still want to follow me, let them come to the East Martial King's mansion."

"This small request, you should agree."

Huang Dongjie looked at Huang Minglong and Huang Minglong with a smile, and his tone seemed to be discussing, but in fact there was no discussion.

"East Martial King made this step, and I don't know how much he has contributed to the Great Xia Empire. How could His Majesty not agree to such a small request."

As soon as Chen Huaijiang said, Huang Minglong nodded consciously and cooperatively, he can take over the military power, this small request is nothing.

"What about Lei Ye?"

"It's simple, just find a death row prisoner to pay for the crime. As for Mingwu Kingdom, the dependent country should look like a dependent country, just find a reason to deal with it."

Chen Huaijiang decided the matter casually.

"Everything has been discussed, it's okay, then I'll take my leave first."

"Uncle Fifth Emperor, go slowly."

Withdrawing his soldiers, Huang Minglong was in a good mood, and said a farewell word.

Huang Dongjie, who had just walked to the door, stopped suddenly, turned his head and looked at Chen Huaijiang who was watching him leave with a smile.

"In-laws, the fifth day of May is coming soon, please make your lady ready."

"Your lady exchanged my 200,000 troops, but you figured it out behind the scenes, so you should spend more time on the marriage."

Chen Huaijiang's body was shocked. He never showed his emotions on the surface, and the surprise in his eyes was hard to hide. His expression management was out of order.

Huang Dongjie smiled slightly at Chen Huaijiang, stepped across the door and left.

"Old Chen, Uncle Wu Huang,,,"

Huang Minglong was also surprised. When did Uncle Wu Huang know about this? Did he know it before the negotiation or after the negotiation.

If he found out after the negotiation, why did Uncle Wu Huang let the court take over the Black Armored Army?

But if it is known before the negotiation, then things will be terrible.

Uncle Wuhuang played with them pretending to be stupid, and they happily took over the black armored army sent by Uncle Wuhuang. Still worried about Uncle Wuhuang, who is worried about Uncle Wuhuang, it seems that there is still a big conspiracy involving Uncle Wuhuang.


Chen Huaijiang suddenly laughed at himself.

"East Martial King is underestimated, and everyone in the world underestimates East Martial King."

"I thought Dong Martial King was on the first floor, and I was on the third floor. It turned around, but who would have thought that Dong Martial King was on the fifth floor."

"Convinced, completely convinced. Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, Dong Martial King's strategy is indeed superior to mine."

Chen Huaijiang admitted for the first time that he lost to others, but it was a bit uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, our Great Xia Empire is saved."

Suddenly, Chen Huaijiang had a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly became excited.

"Old Chen, you mean Uncle Wuhuang?"

Huang Minglong wasn't stupid either. Just now when Old Chen said that Uncle Wu Huang was superior to him in strategy, he guessed that what Old Chen said should be related to Uncle Wu Huang.

"Yes, it's East Martial King."

"Now I want to understand why the late emperor dared to give such a heavy military power to the Eastern Martial King. It turns out that the Eastern Martial King is the successor left by the late emperor to Your Majesty."

"Presumably the first emperor discovered the great wisdom of the East Martial King long ago, and worried that Your Majesty, you would be used by someone with a heart, so he handed over the heavy troops to the East Martial King early just in case."

"The ambition shown by Dong Martial King in the past was pretended to paralyze interested people and major forces."

"Otherwise, Edom Martial King's plan to rebel would have succeeded long ago."

Chen Huaijiang is becoming more and more sure of this guess, otherwise it would not be able to explain the recent major changes in East Martial King.

"Uncle Wuhuang is really the backhand left by my father. Why didn't Uncle Wuhuang tell me in secret? Now that Uncle Wuhuang has handed over the military power, what is the reason for it?"

Huang Minglong was dubious in his heart, because what Chen said made a lot of sense.

"I didn't speak to Your Majesty in secret, maybe Dong Martial King was afraid that Your Majesty would not be able to hide secrets when you were young."

"The Eastern Martial King has now handed over the military power. It may be that a certain plan of the Eastern Martial King has reached a critical moment."

"This plan is absolutely huge, otherwise the Eastern Martial King would not even give up its military power. This plan will definitely play a key role in the Great Xia Empire."

Chen Huaijiang's deep brain fills in...

"Then what do we need to do?"

Huang Minglong now believes most of it in his heart, if what Chen Lao said is correct, this matter will definitely be beneficial to the Great Xia Empire.

If Mr. Chen's guesses are all wrong, then it's fine, the Eastern Martial King no longer has military power, and nothing he can do will affect the overall situation.

Don't blame him for thinking this way, an emperor cannot have absolute trust in anything.

"Doing nothing, the more you do, the more mistakes you will make, and it may affect the East Martial King's plan. Whether we don't ask is the greatest support for East Martial King."

"Okay, just do what Old Chen said."


Huang Dongjie didn't expect that his casual words would make so much sense.

Fortunately, he didn't know what was going on here, otherwise he would have another headache.

The news spread that Huang Dongjie returned the Azure Dragon guard right to the imperial court, and there was another sensation in Kyoto.

"Have you heard that the Eastern Martial King has handed over the military power again, and now the Eastern Martial King has handed over all the military power under his control."

"This is such a puzzling miracle, if I heard someone say that the Eastern Martial King handed over his military power."

"I definitely said he was drinking too much, or talking in his sleep, but now I wonder if East Martial King is bewitched."

"It's so stupid. After handing over the military power, I thought I could be the prince of idleness, and I didn't even look at the chaos in this world."

"It's really stupid, I won't call him Dong Martial King anymore, I will call him the stupid prince,,,"

Unknowingly, Huang Dongjie gained the title of a stupid prince among the people. Gradually, Huang Dongjie also became the gossip of many people after dinner.

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