I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 134: The Inside Should Cooperate With The Outside

"Patriarch Xiao, tell me honestly, where is the underground passage leading to the outside of the city?"

Pan Wuzhuo didn't waste any time, and asked straight to the point where the underground passage was.

"You...what are you talking about, what kind of underground passage, how could our Xiao family have an underground passage leading to the outside of the city.

When Xiao Zhangyuan heard it, there was inevitably a slight fluctuation in his eyes, and his heart began to be confused.

It's a pity that he was hiding well on the surface, and Pan Wuzhuo and others were aware of the investigation.

Hearing Xiao Zhangyuan's heartbeat speeded up instantly, Pan Wuzhuo and others finally felt relieved. Their investigation was not wrong. The Xiao Mansion really has ten secret underground passages leading to the outside of the city.

"Patriarch Xiao, you really don't cry when you see the coffin. If we don't investigate clearly, you think we will come to your Xiao residence."

"Gao Hong Mansion has been in turmoil for decades, and has changed owners several times."

"Every new owner who occupies Gao Hong's mansion, the first task is generally to hit your local family's idea, because you have money and food.~"

"After so many years, many aristocratic families have been robbed or disappeared by rounds of rebels, but your Xiao family has survived in front of so many rebel robbers.

"Moreover, in our investigation, once before the crisis came in your Xiao Mansion, all the members of the manor disappeared overnight without a trace.

"Tell me, besides having a secret underground passage leading to the outside of the city in your Xiao Mansion, what other way do you have to make the people in your mansion disappear without a trace overnight?

"Palace Master Xiao, time is precious, you'd better tell me where the underground passage is, or don't blame me for using the butcher's knife."

After Pan Wuzhuo was sure that the Xiao Mansion had hidden an underground passage leading to the outside of the city, he didn't want to waste any more time.

The first opportunity is a fighter, and the Eastern Martial King and the Zhenwu Army are still waiting for his news.

"You are from the Zhenwu Army, and the Eastern Martial King sent you here?"

Xiao Zhangyuan saw that Pan Wuzhuo and the others were so urgent, Lenovo's Zhenwu army was outside the city, and it was the Zhenwu army who was most urgent to break through Gao Hong's mansion at this time.

Considering that the Zhenwu Army has the legendary East Martial King sitting in the town, the person who sent these strong men may be the Eastern Martial King.

Only the East Martial King would have guessed that their Xiao Mansion had an underground passage leading to the outside of the city. The East Martial King wanted to use the underground passage to transport troops and attack the city gate together from inside and outside.

"It seems that my guess is right, you are sent by the Eastern Martial King."

"I didn't expect that our Xiao Mansion would be fortunate enough to become a part of the East Martial King's strategy, and such a result is not unacceptable.

"I will cooperate with you, and for the sake of the Eastern Martial King, I will tell you where the underground passage leading to the outside of the city is.'

"But I also hope that you will not hurt my family. We only want to survive in the troubled times, and we have no other intentions to make trouble."

"Hope you guys look at this and don't hurt my family."

Xiao Zhangyuan looked at Pan Wuzhuo, hoping to get a reply from Pan Wuzhuo.

"You Xiao family have done a lot of bad things over the years, but it's a credit for you to cooperate with us.

"Your crimes will be mitigated as appropriate, but the final judgment depends on how the court judges."

Pan Wuzhuo didn't talk too much, after all, there are too many cannibals in the aristocratic family, and the people of the Xiao family have also done a lot of bad things.

The matter of the trial is not in his control, this matter has to be left to the court.

"plz follow me!"

When Xiao Zhangyuan heard this reply, he stopped pushing his feet and honestly led Pan Wuche and others to the underground wine cellar.

In the underground wine cellar, Xiao Zhangyuan asked people to drain the wine in the wine pool, pressed a square on the bottom of the pool, moved the position of the square, the mechanism turned, and the bottom of the pool was separated to two sides, revealing an underground passage

When Pan Wuzhuo saw the underground passage, he couldn't hide the joy on his face. He asked his subordinates to keep a close eye on the people of the Xiao family, and he took Xiao Zhangyuan to walk through the underground passage.

When he found that the underground passage really led to the outside of the city, he left Xiao Zhangyuan in the care of others, and he returned to the Zhenwu army camp with Xi.

"My lord, I found it. I found the underground passage connecting the outside of the city with the inside of the city."

Pan Wuzhuo reported to Huang Dongjie respectfully and happily.

"Just find it"

Seeing the excited and puzzled eyes of Zhang Haihua and the others, Huang Dongjie asked Pan Wuzhuo to explain it to them in a funny way.

"Sure enough, the aristocratic families living in the turbulent zone are not easy, in order to survive, they really do everything.

"Great, with this channel, we can transport our troops to the city, and when it dawns, we can attack Gao Hong Mansion together."

Not to mention how excited Zhang Haihua and the others were, when they thought that they would be able to destroy the Tenjin Sect tomorrow, their excitement could not be calmed down for a long time.

"My lord, let me come, let me sneak into Gao Hong's mansion with elite troops. When the siege begins tomorrow, I will lead the troops to snatch from the city and open the city gate to welcome the army into the city."

Ding Zhengze is aggressive, and he wants to take this opportunity to perform well.

"You have already cheated to open the gate of Xing'an Mansion. This time, I should be allowed to come. The blood in my whole body is boiling."

Lu Yulong is also fighting for this opportunity.

"How can you do this, the lord assigned me this task, and I also discovered the underground passage, so I should be allowed to rob the city gate.

Pan Wuzhuo was dissatisfied immediately, these two people both have records handed down from generation to generation, and now they want to come here to steal his work, is this something people do.

"Ahem...you are still young, you can't grasp this matter, let the old man do it."

……… Ask for flowers…………

Zhang Haihua doesn't want his old face anymore, he is old, but his blood is still hot, in order to brag in front of his great-great-grandson after retirement, he must show a decent record.

"Commander, how can you,,,"

"Commander, your injury hasn't healed yet, why bother you to do this kind of thing yourself."

In this way, the four of them fought.

"Okay, there is a beginning and an end to work. I originally assigned this task to Pan Wuzhuo. The next task will naturally be carried out by Pan Wuzhuo to the end."

"Pan Wuzhuo, I'll give you 7,000 elite troops to sneak into Gao Hong Mansion secretly, do you have the confidence to snatch the city gate from the inside?"

Huang Dongjie thought they were too noisy, so he directly handed over the matter to Pan Wuzhuo.

"Yes, I don't need seven thousand. I can take down the city gate with three thousand."


Pan Wuzhuo said excitedly when he heard Dong Martial King entrusted him with this task.

"There is no problem with 3,000 troops taking the city gate by surprise, but casualties are not something you can accept. 7,000 elite troops are better off. I don't want to have an accident tomorrow.

Hearing this, Pan Wuzhuo bowed his head in shame and didn't say anything, he almost got carried away and ignored the lives of his brothers.

"Go, seven thousand elite troops have already been prepared for you."

Pan Wuzhuo took the lead and led 7,000 elite troops to secretly sneak into Gaohongfu City through the underground passage.

In a blink of an eye, it's dawn!

After the soldiers had enough to eat and drink, Huang Jie began to lead the army to attack the city.


With a wave of Huang Dongjie's hand, the army directly attacked Gao Hong's mansion.


The moment the Zhenwu army made any movement, Dai Gaohang hurried to the high wall.

Seeing the massive attack by the Zhenwu army, he quickly commanded the army to shoot arrows and kill the soldiers who were close to the city wall.

But the Zhenwu army had been prepared for a long time. The vanguard troops all had shields, and they raised them up one by one to block the attack of the rain arrows. They were not to be outdone, and used more arrow rain to fight back.

As soon as they got close to the city wall, the ladders for attacking the wall were put on the high wall one by one, and all the soldiers who were not afraid of death rushed up.

"Stop them, don't let them climb up."


Seeing the high morale of the Zhenwu army attacking, the Tianshen army fell into a passive state for a while.

"It's time, signal!"

Huang Dongjie saw that the soldiers were all close to the city wall, so he asked his men to signal Pan Wuzhuo and the others to act.


A bunch of fireworks soared into the sky, and the beautiful red fireworks exploded in the sky instantly.


Pan Wuzhuo saw the signal, and excitedly led seven thousand elite troops to kill nine at the city gate. .

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