I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 139: The Enemy's Strategy

"With the heavy armored cavalry set, we now need ten thousand good horses and ten thousand real warriors.

"The horses are fine. The warriors who charge into the battle must be carefully selected. Let the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armored Army be prepared. We will strive to select 10,000 warriors in the past two days."

Huang Dongjie gave an order, and both the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armor Army began to operate. The soldiers were full of enthusiasm and wanted to be one of the 10,000 warriors.

Instructed by the Devil's Cult and Buddhism, Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng ~ met each other.

"I really didn't expect that we would have a day of cooperation."

Feng Lanlei had nothing to say, the relationship between Buddhism and the Demon Sect behind him was very tense.

Who would have thought that because of an Eastern Martial King, Buddhism and the Demon Cult would reach a consensus to let the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army jointly deal with the Eastern Martial King.

"I don't want to cooperate with you either, but you and I both know that Martial King is terrible. It's the form that forces us to come together."

Hou Dengfeng also hated cooperating with the Tianxiong Army in his heart, but facing the threat of the Eastern Martial King, he had to cooperate with the Tianxiong Army no matter how unwilling he was.

Because he wants to survive.

"Let's stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point, how do we deal with Dong Martial King."

Feng Lanlei asked straight to the point.

"The Zhenwu Army recruited new recruits, and we arranged a lot of people to sneak in to seek information. Who would have thought that Martial King used some method to pull out all the chess pieces we arranged."

"As a result, we are now blind to the situation of the Zhenwu Army. We don't know what preparations Huang Dongjie has made."

"Unable to grasp the situation of the Zhenwu Army, we have to be more cautious next, because our opponent is the Martial King of the East.

Hou Dengfeng paused for a moment, then answered again.

"Eastern Martial King is very knowledgeable. He is good at using terrain and weather. The Heavenly God Army was defeated by East Martial King with the help of southeast wind and heavy rain."

"Facing the knowledgeable and scheming East Martial King, we must take the initiative to take the lead. The Celestial Army is a lesson from the past."

"It was because they were seized by the Eastern Martial King that they were trapped everywhere by the Eastern Martial King, so the Eastern Martial King buried an army of 400,000 troops with floods."

"We have to choose the battlefield. In order to prevent the Eastern Martial King from using the time to plot against us, this battlefield must restrain the Eastern Martial King.

Hou Dengfeng took out the map of Qingzhou, drew a circle on the map with his finger, and pointed to the circled place to show Feng Lanlei.

"Qinghua Grassland?"

"That's right, our battlefield is in Qinghua Grassland. Qinghua Grassland is the largest grassland in Qingzhou, and it is a plain for a hundred miles."

"There are no valleys, no forests, and no large rivers, etc., which greatly restricts the Eastern Martial King from using these terrains to calculate us.

"In order to take the lead, we have to set up camp in the Qinghua Grassland one step ahead of the Eastern Martial King."

"As long as we are well prepared and the terrain greatly restricts the Eastern Martial King's tricks, the Eastern Martial King can only be forced to face us head-on."

"The Zhenwu Army has recently added a lot of new recruits, but leaving behind the necessary defenders, they can send up to 200,000 troops to go out, and with the addition of 200,000 black armor troops, they have a total of 400,000 troops."

"The combined strength of our two sides must be more than 200,000 horses more than theirs. As long as the Eastern Martial King can't use tricks and tricks, and head-to-head in terms of strength, we will definitely win.

Hou Dengfeng—analyzed.

"How can you be sure that Dong Martial King will definitely compete with us in the Qinghua Grassland? You are not afraid that if he does not come to the Qinghua Grassland, or he will directly sneak around and attack our rear."

Feng Lanlei questioned.

"So we're going to give the Eastern Martial King a fight and send someone to keep an eye on their large army."

Hou Dengfeng said confidently.

"Afternoon? Are you so sure that East Martial King will accept?"

Feng Lanlei was very curious about where Hou Dengfeng's confidence came from.

"If I make the world know about the challenge, the Eastern Martial King is now the court's card, and the imperial court will definitely let the Eastern Martial King accept it for the sake of the people's hearts.

"If Dong Martial King is too timid to fight, there will be more rumors, and Dong Martial King's high reputation will collapse at this moment."

"Then we won without a fight."

Hou Dengfeng knew that it was unlikely to force Dong Martial King to fight, but he felt that a proud person like Dong Martial King would not be afraid to fight.

"According to what you said, we will immediately assemble the army and set up camp in the green grassland first."

Feng Lanlei thought about it and decided to follow Hou Dengfeng's plan.

"My lord, as you expected, the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army are completely united."

"The combined total of their two armies is 650,000 troops, and their destination is exactly the Qinghua Grassland that you expected, my lord.

"Oh, by the way, they also sent someone to send a challenge. 17

Ding Zhengze excitedly handed the challenge letter to Huang Dongjie.

Huang Dongjie took the challenge book and glanced at the contents of the challenge book.

The content is very simple. Three days later, we will compete with them in the Qinghua Grassland.

"It's really clever. It will take three days for our army to reach the Qinghua Grassland. They asked us to fight against them in three days."

"This is to let us fight them with exhausted bodies. I really dare to think, how could I follow their wishes."

Huang Dongjie shook his head with a chuckle and said.

"My lord, they have made the challenge book known to everyone in the world. If we don't make it to the Qinghua Grassland by the time, will we..."......... Begging for flowers...

Ding Zhengze and others said with a little worry.

"Does other people's opinions matter? Don't be in a hurry to fight a war. There will be trouble if you are in a hurry."

"The rebels want to use the people of the world to put pressure on me, but his little trick is really not very good. I will not joke about the lives of soldiers."

"If there are any orders from the imperial court, or any criticisms from the people of the world, don't pay attention, we will follow our steps and fight steadily.

"Our preparations are almost done, and it's time for the army to move out. We don't need to march fast, just slowly rush to Qinghua Grassland."

Huang Dongjie ignored the challenge letter sent by the enemy, and continued to follow the steps of own in a hurry. Soon, Huang Dongjie also set off with an army of 400,000.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Qinghua Grassland

"My lord, the astronomy scholars we invited judged that there will be no wind or rain in the past few days, and there will not be any heavy rain or solar eclipse."

"Our people have also checked out the surrounding terrain. There will be no underground rivers or tiankengs."

In order to guard against the East Martial King, Feng Lanlei also took pains to do this step, fearing that the East Martial King would use the weather and terrain to plot against them.

"Today is the third day, and it's time for the East Martial King to come with his army."

"As soon as they arrive, we will not give them any chance to rest, and attack them directly when they are tired and exhausted."

Hou Dengfeng didn't say anything when he saw that Feng Lanlei was so careful. Facing Dong Martial King, the former number one counselor in ancient times, he should be so careful.

When the appointment time came, Hou Dengfeng waited patiently.

Who would have thought that he waited from morning to noon, and from noon to sunset, but he couldn't see the shadow of the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armored Army.

He didn't come, he didn't come, he didn't come!

Both Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng's faces darkened suddenly. Dong Martial King didn't play cards according to common sense, didn't care about other people's opinions, and ignored their challenge letter.

"Let me find out if there are any shadows of the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armored Army nearby."

Just in case, Hou Dengfeng and the other two asked people to investigate the vicinity of the plain, fearing that the Eastern Martial King and his army would stay away and not show up.

"Report, there are no enemy shadows within a radius of twenty miles."

"Report, there are no enemy shadows within a radius of forty miles."

"Report, there are no enemy shadows within a radius of sixty miles."

It wasn't until the Qinghua Grassland was explored, and the imperial army was gone after crossing several hills, that Feng Lanlei and the others were sure that they were really doves by the Eastern Martial King. .

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