I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 141: Who Will Difficult With Money

Huang Dongjie led his troops slowly towards the Qinghua Grassland. During the three-day journey, under his intentional delay, the army did not reach the Qinghua Grassland after five days of walking.

The generals under his command asked him curiously why he was marching so slowly, and he always replied to recharge his batteries and take his time.

Cool the enemy for a while, let the enemy get irritable and talk.

"My lord, this is an urgent message sent by the imperial court, saying that a force called the Holy Court is secretly helping us.

"This holy court is powerful and mysterious, and we don't know if it is sincere to help us. The imperial court asked us to pay attention to this holy court."

"Before you are completely sure whether this Holy Court will be an enemy or a friend, you must be cautious about them.

Zhang Yiran gave the information to the prince and dictated it again.

Huang Dongjie looked at the information in his hands and found that the intelligence capability of the imperial court was a bit strong, and he had already confirmed the true identities of more than twenty Great Masters from the Holy Court.

Suspected to be the Great Master of all members, uniform uniforms, like two people to cooperate with each other,,, even two or three of the temporary footholds of the members of the Holy Court were found.

Huang Dongjie put aside the information about the Holy Court, looked at the map of Qingzhou for a while, and began to let people speed up the march.

One day later, he finally reached the edge of the green grassland.

"Report, East Martial King led the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armor Army to the edge of the Qinghua Grassland."

"It's just that the Eastern Martial King didn't bring his army into the Qinghua Grassland, but set up camp directly on the edge of the Qinghua Grassland."

The urgent scouts rushed into the joint army's general tent to report the situation.

"What a Martial King, the three-day journey was taken by him for six days, which cost us three days in vain, and made our soldiers restless and waiting for three days.

"Now that people are here, they don't enter the Qinghua Grassland but set up camps in the fringe areas, East Martial King, are you playing tricks with us, or be careful about us to this extent.

Feng Lanlei really wanted to lead an army to attack the enemy's camp, but he was not tired at all when he thought that the enemy was coming slowly.

Coupled with the East Martial King's many schemes, he was deeply afraid that this was the East Martial King's scheme, so he deliberately set up a trick to lure them out of the Qinghua Grassland.

"No matter what the Eastern Martial King does, we must not be rash and impulsive. We will stand still and wait for the Eastern Martial King to lead the army into the Qinghua Grassland."

Hou Dengfeng was also deeply afraid that the East Martial King was planning to lead them out of the Qinghua Grassland. In order to prevent them from falling into the trap, he decided to hold back and wait for the East Martial King to lead the army in.

"My lord, as you expected, not only did the enemy make no changes, but they also stood still and watched our next move.

Ding Zhengze replied respectfully.

"Boil the pot and make a meal, let the soldiers eat, drink, and rest well, and we will go to war tomorrow."

Ding Zhengze took the order and went down to make arrangements.

Demon Cult

"How could it be that, less than a day after more than a dozen Great Masters and more than 30 Innate masters entered Qingzhou, there was no news at all.

Wu Qitian couldn't believe it at this moment, when did Qingzhou become so dangerous, so many strong people entered within a day, and there was no news at all.

The news is all without exception, which means that the people he sent are all dead. What kind of power is this Holy Court, and how can it have such a powerful strength.

Could it be that the Holy Court has already secretly controlled Qingzhou, or is it that their Demon Cult has the secret operations of the Holy Court, so that the Holy Court can control the information and leave them so many strong men?

Wu Qitian was full of doubts in his heart, he wanted to go to Qingzhou to see what was going on, but he thought of adding a scheming East Martial King to the mysterious and unpredictable Holy Court.

He was afraid that this was the joint arrangement of the imperial court and the Holy Court to lure him into the bait. If he entered Qingzhou with his eyes darkened, he would be in danger.

"Check, find out for me the specific strength of the Holy Court and the masters behind them. If they dare to oppose the Holy Church and Buddhism at the same time, their strength must not be underestimated.

Wu Qitian was still intimidated, he was afraid that what happened in Qingzhou was calculated by the enemy, the purpose was to lure him to Qingzhou Town to kill him.

The longer he lives, the more he fears death, Wu Qitian doesn't want to make fun of his own life. So he chose a half-wait-and-see state, and there was nothing missing from the food and grass support that should be given to Hou Dengfeng.


"What, our eight Vajras all died at the hands of the Holy Court, how is it possible, the eight Vajras are sure to defeat the Grand Great Master together.

"Why did you recruit the Holy Court to ambush you within less than a day after arriving in Qingzhou?"

"There are secret works, there are definitely secret works of the Holy Court Society in our Buddhist sect, and the status is not low.

The Buddhist sect was also shocked by the strength shown by the Holy Court. Although their eight Vajra were ambushed by the Holy Court, the Holy Court only sent eight people to ambush them.

Eight against eight, the result is that their eighth Vajra lost his life, which already shows how terrifying the strength of the Holy Court is.

"Investigate, whether it is a detailed operation problem or the situation of the Holy Court, we must investigate to find out the truth.

Knowing that the Holy Court would have the power to threaten their Buddhist sect, the Buddhist sect became serious.

At the time when the imperial court was confronting Buddhism and the Demon Sect, the sudden appearance of the Holy Court naturally attracted the attention of the world's forces.

When they learned that all the strong men sent to Qingzhou by the Demon Sect and Buddhism were cut off by the Holy Court, they were also shocked.

How can there be such a powerful force in the world, dare to provoke two supernatural forces at the same time.

All of a sudden, an undercurrent surged [All major forces in the world are investigating the situation of Sui Tingquan.

A new day has arrived!

Both the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armor Army began to function, and they were ready to go out early, waiting for the Eastern Martial King to speak before the battle.

When East Martial King moved to the high platform, the whole army held their breath, they knew that the exciting moment was coming.

"Soldiers, I know that you have been waiting for this day for a long time. I know that you are all longing for a real slaughter. Today I will satisfy you."




In order to let the whole army hear his voice, Huang Dongjie raised his true essence to his throat, and used secret techniques to expand his voice.

As soon as he stopped speaking, the word "kill" shouted out by the soldiers in unison was even more earth-shattering. The chilling intention condensed by the 400,000 troops seemed to break the entire sky at this moment.

"Damn it, what is Martial King doing? The sound is coming from such a long distance."

When Feng Lanlei and the others heard the determination of the word "kill" from the sky, they were shocked, and the killing air crushed 950.

"Get the whole army ready, our opponent Dong Martial King is going to make a move."

Feng Lanlei and others also realized that today is the day when the two armies will finally fight each other, and they are not slow to get the whole army ready.

Huang Dongjie raised his hand and pressed down, and the voices of the whole army stopped.

"This war is related to whether we can regain Qingzhou. This battle is very important."

"I don't ask you whether you have confidence, nor do you need any military certificates, I just list the following series of rewards.

"You will get one tael for killing one enemy, and two taels for killing two enemies. By analogy, as long as you kill more, you will get more."

"More than that, kill three enemies to advance to one rank, kill five enemies to advance to two ranks, kill seven enemies to advance to three ranks, and so on."

As long as you kill enough, it is not impossible for you to be promoted to general in one day.

Hearing this, the soldiers below were all excited.

Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. What are they joining the army for? Apart from defending their homes and foreign countries, no one wants to make contributions.

In the past, it was too difficult to be promoted to the first level. Not only credit was required, but qualifications were also required.

Now they only need to kill the enemy, and they can be promoted quickly. This kind of opportunity is probably the only one in this life. Can they not be excited?

At this moment, the crazy fighting spirit of the soldiers surged out. In their eyes, the 650,000 rebels were no longer just enemies, but also their pass for promotion.

What's more, the more you kill, the more money you get, and Wei Wei will have trouble with the money. .

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