I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 145 : The First Seeker In Eternity

Dong Chaoqi didn't talk nonsense with Feng Lanlei, he was ready to take someone when he came up.

As for the safety of his master, he was not worried at all. The master was resourceful and resourceful, and he would definitely have a way to deal with the threat of the two transcendent forces.

Even if there is no way to hide in the palace, or stay in the army, the Grand Great Master can't do anything to the master.


Feng Lanlei still chose to resist, and led less than two hundred remnants of the defeated generals to meet the imperial army. As a result, he was captured without accident.

"take away"

Dong Chaoqi didn't care whether Feng Lanlei was alive or dead at all, because his master's order was not to let him escape back to Fucheng.

Fucheng without Feng Lanlei is like a sick cat with its teeth pulled out, ready to be slaughtered.

The Feng Lanlei he wants to live is just to satisfy a little vanity.

"Hou Dengfeng, you can't run away, quickly put down your troops and surrender."

Zhu Chengwen pursued Hou Dengfeng closely. He knew that there were friends from the Zhenwu Army in front of him to help stop Hou Dengfeng, but he still wanted to catch Hou Dengfeng "373" peak by himself.

For no reason, the Zhenwu Army has performed so well with the master, if he doesn't perform well, the Black Armor Army is not as good as the Zhenwu Army.

"Shoot 'em for me."

Zhu Chengwen chased and shot arrows in an attempt to force Hou Dengfeng to stop, but things backfired. Even though the number of soldiers around Hou Dengfeng kept decreasing, Hou Dengfeng had no intention of stopping.


Seeing Hou Dengfeng running non-stop into the forest ahead, Zhu Chengwen cursed angrily, and Pan Wuzhuo of the Zhenwu Army was in ambush in the forest, and his plan to capture Hou Dengfeng alive by himself was in vain.

"My lord, the enemy army didn't catch up, it seems to be waiting for us outside the forest."

A military officer found that the pursuers stayed outside the forest and did not come in. He felt that there was something unusual, and hurriedly reported to Hou Dengfeng in front.

When Hou Dengfeng heard this, he was also very surprised and turned his head to look at the situation behind him. When he found that there were no pursuers chasing up, he quickly stopped the team.

The enemy will not stop chasing for no reason, and he is vigilantly guarding his surroundings. There must be something wrong with this forest, otherwise how could the enemy not catch up.

“What does this taste like,,,”

"Yes, it's kerosene. These vegetation have been doused with kerosene."

As soon as Ping Shijun discovered the problem, they saw Taotao flames burning in front of them.

"No, the enemy wants to burn us to death!"

At this moment, Hou Dengfeng and the others panicked, they didn't expect the enemy to ambush them here one step ahead.

With such a dense vegetation, they were under the tuyere, and with the addition of kerosene, the raging fire burned extremely fast.

He's not making a decision, and they're about to be cremated.

"Back to the left!"

There is a raging fire in front, there are chasing soldiers behind, and the bottomless cliff is on the right, so he can only choose the left.

When they were about to rush out of the forest from the left, they were desperate. They saw Pan Wuzhuo who had been waiting outside the forest for a long time.

"My lord, what should we do? If we don't escape, we will be burned alive by the fire, and if we escape, we will face them directly."

Hou Dengfeng's subordinates were in a hurry, the fire spread quickly, and they would be cremated if they didn't leave the forest, but when they went out,

"Hou Dengfeng, come out and surrender. If you hesitate, you will be buried in the fire."

At this time, Zhu Chengwen also rushed over with his troops.

"Hey, let's go out and surrender."

He glanced at the raging flames that were rapidly spreading behind him, and then looked at the number of enemies outside.

He sighed directly, this breath seemed to sigh out all the bitterness of his life.

When the subordinates saw that the lord had chosen to surrender, they didn't say much. Things had come to this point, so they had no choice but to surrender.

They came out, and Pan Wuzhen and the others tied them up without any effort.

"My lord, we have brought back Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng."

Lu Yulong and the others escorted Feng Lanlei back and knelt down in front of Huang Dongjie.

"How are our casualties?"

Huang Dongjie glanced at Feng Lanlei and Feng Lanlei who were tied into zongzi. They were struggling and wanted to say something, but unfortunately their mouths were blocked.

Huang Dongjie didn't want to listen to their nonsense, so he ignored them and asked about the casualties of the soldiers.

"My lord, more than 2,000 of us were killed in battle, and more than 4,000 were injured in different sizes. We have more than 6,000 casualties in total."

"There were 650,000 enemies, more than 300,000 were killed, and more than 200,000 were captured. The remaining 20,000 to 30,000 fled into the wilderness. Our people are chasing and killing them."

Zhang Haihua's face was full of excitement. This was an unprecedented victory. In a head-to-head confrontation, more than 6,000 casualties killed more than 300,000 rebels on the opposite side.

If he and Cheng Gu hadn't come out to stop the red-eyed soldiers on the way, I'm afraid it would not have been as simple as killing more than 300,000 people.

In front of the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armor Army, the United Rebel Army is worth money, but it is the road to promotion, and they can't wait to kill more.

At that time, he and Cheng Gu stood up to stop them, and the soldiers still looked at them complainingly, as if the two of them prevented them from making money and getting promoted.

When Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng, who were kneeling on the ground, heard the result, their eyes widened, and they lost so badly.

They killed more than 300,000 people, and the enemy only killed more than 2,000 people. They couldn't believe why such a result happened. …

But when they remembered that the imperial army quickly engulfed their army like a tsunami, it seemed that such a result was not surprising.

Thinking that this has become a fact, their bodies collapsed to the ground as if they had lost all strength.

At the moment they were heavy and lifeless, as if they were alive with marionettes.

"The rebels who ran into the wilderness, find a way to find them, in case they become robbers and harm the local people."

Huang Dongjie understood the habits of the rebels, and let them be irresponsible to the local people, so he gave Ding Zhengze the task of finding them and killing them, or capturing them as labor.

"The next thing we have to do is to completely recover Qingzhou."

"Zhang Haihua, you led the Zhenwu Army to recover Feng Lanlei's territory, Cheng Ji, you brought the Black Armor Army to recover Hou Dengfeng's territory.

"The remaining six prefectures don't have many troops, and their leaders are all in our hands. They have no masters. Facing our army, they have no choice but to surrender in order to survive.

"You need to be quick, before the Devil's Sect and the Buddhist sect send someone in charge, quickly recover all the six prefectures.

Huang Dongjie ordered directly.

"Yes, my lord."

Zhang Haihua and Cheng Gu set off immediately with their respective armies.

During the recovery process, as Huang Dongjie said, facing the imperial army, without a lord, they opened the city gates and surrendered in order to survive.

Of course, there are also stubborn generals defending the city, who can face the 200,000 murderous imperial army.

An army of 10,000 to 20,000 defenders is useless, and the imperial army with more than ten times its strength can be captured in less than one round.

Not long after 4.9, the six prefectures were recovered.

At this point, the entire territory of Qingzhou has returned to the control of the imperial court.

When the news spread that East Martial King led an army of 400,000 to defeat 650,000 joint rebels and regained the entire territory of Qingzhou, the whole world exploded in an instant.

The Martial King of the East has only been in Qingzhou for more than a month, and he has recovered Qingzhou from decades of war.

Filed all the strategies used by the Eastern Martial King in Qingzhou, and everyone was convinced by the closely linked strategies of the Eastern Martial King.

Clever calculations, resourcefulness, cunning, unpredictable,,,, etc., are all people's evaluation of East Martial King.

So far, Jia Dongjie has completely confirmed his title as the number one seeker through the ages.

For this reason, with the authorization of the imperial court, the storyteller also used the title of the book as the title of the first seeker through the ages, and described the legendary deeds of the Eastern Martial King in Qingzhou.

Who would have thought that the book "The First Seeker of the Eternal Saints" would be such a hit that nothing was answered...

In this way, Huang Dongjie became the face of the imperial court and the embodiment of wisdom!.

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