I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 156: Depends On Your Sincerity

"You can look for her for a few months, which shows that you care about her, but she has resistance in her heart, and she bluntly says she doesn't want to go with you.

"But she is a good girl, and I don't want to watch her suffer with me, ma'am."

"If you want to take her away, you must either let her go with you willingly, or let her elders in the family, preferably her parents, take her away."

"Otherwise, if you forcibly take her away, I won't agree, auntie."

Aunt Yang knew that the young man in front of her had spent several months looking for Chen Yuling, which showed that this young man had good moral character.

In addition, Chen Yuling is a good girl, and she shouldn't be suffering with an old woman like her. It would be best to persuade Chen Yuling to go home.

"How can she be willing to go with me?"

Huang Tianzhen thought for a while, but couldn't think of any solution, so he asked Aunt Yang for advice.

"That depends on your actions, if you want her to go with you, at least let her feel your intentions.

Aunt Yang said in the tone of someone who came here.

"Aunt Yang, are there any vacant houses in the village?"

Huang Tianzhen understood Aunt Yang's meaning, saw that Snail Village was quite quiet, and decided to live in Snail Village for 17 days.

"Yes, it happened that the neighbor's house next door was vacant, and their family moved to live in the county."

"If you want this house, you should go to the village head to communicate with him, and ask the village head to contact the owner of this house to see if it can be rented cheaply."

Aunt Yang smiled and pointed to the adjacent house on the left.

Huang Tianzhen looked in the direction Aunt Yang was pointing at. The adjacent houses were not too big or small, similar to Aunt Yang's house.

The important thing is that the house is less than five meters away from Aunt Yang's house. This distance is convenient for him to understand Chen Yuling's situation.

"Ms. Yang, that's all. I'll talk to him about how to get to the village chief's house."

Huang Tianzhen was very satisfied with the house, and knew that Aunt Yang was helping him, which made him even more grateful to Aunt Yang.

"When you entered the village, did you see the old man enjoying the shade under a big tree at the entrance of the village? He is the head of Snail Village. He should be there at this time."

Aunt Yang replied with a smile.

"It's him,"

Huang Tianzhen now knows that the uncle who guides him is the village chief.

"The village head is called Luo Qiang, and he doesn't like being called old, but prefers to be called Uncle Luo or the village head.

"You explain your situation to the village head, if he still doesn't trust you, you say I guarantee you.

Aunt Yang said.

Huang Tianzhen nodded, thanked Aunt Yang very much, and ran to find the village chief.

"Ma'am, what did he tell you?"

Seeing Huang Tianzhen leave, Chen Yuling came out of the house and asked Aunt Chen.

"He said that you are his fiancee, and his purpose is indeed to take you back."

Chen Yuling was stunned when she heard the word fiancee, but she didn't refute anything.

"I told him your wish, saying that you don't want to go with him."

"But he didn't give up, and he didn't want to force you to go with him. He saw that there was no one living in our neighbor's house.

"He ran to the village chief to rent out the vacant house next door to us. Not surprisingly, he will soon be our neighbor."

Aunt Yang left herself completely alone, and tried her best to say good things to Huang Tianzhen.

"He, how could he do this."

When Chen Yuling heard that Huang Tianzhen lived next door to her, she was upset.

"Yu Ling, Madam doesn't know why you ran away from home. You are a good girl, Madam can't bear to see you continue to suffer with Madam."

"Your fiancé has been looking for you outside for several months, just for this, it shows that he cares about you."

"He wants to take you away, but you don't want to go with him, he didn't force you, which means he respects you.

"In this day and age, few men respect women."

"Auntie doesn't know what you're thinking, but girls will find someone to rely on sooner or later, and he can do this for you, so why isn't he the best choice for you.

Aunt Yang persuaded.

"Auntie, he may be good, but the matter between me and him is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words."

Chen Yuling felt strange when she heard that Huang Tianzhen had been looking for her outside for several months, but she still didn't know how to face him, or she didn't want to accept him in her heart.

"Auntie asks you, is it because of him that you ran away from home?"

"You can say yes, or you can say no."

It was because her father used her to trick Martial King that she couldn't think of running away from home for a while, and Huang Tianzhen also had a little part in it.

"Do you hate him?"

"Not to mention annoying."

"do you like him?"


"Then how do you feel about him?"

"have no idea!"

The two asked and answered.

"Not to mention hate, it means you don't hate him. If you ask how you feel about him, if you say you don't know, it means your heart is messed up.

"It doesn't matter if you are upset, time will help you calm it down, he will live next door in the future, you can observe him slowly.

"You'll always find the answer in him."

Aunt Yang didn't say much, whether the young people's affairs can be done or not depends on each other's wishes.

"Village chief, can you rent me the vacant house next to Aunt Yang's house?"

When Huang Tianzhen came to the entrance of the village, he saw that the old man was still [ quickly stepped forward and said politely.

"You are crazy, and you will have trouble if you have a wrong idea about that girl."

When Luo Qiang heard this, his face turned serious, and he felt a little dislike for this young man who didn't listen to the old man.

"Village chief, you misunderstood. I blame me for not telling you clearly. In fact, I am the fiance of that girl. I came here to bring her back."

"But for some reason, she doesn't want to go back with me. I have no choice but to stay and see if I can persuade her."

"If you don't believe the village chief, you can go with me to Aunt Yang's house and ask, and you will know whether what I said is true.

Huang Tianzhen explained with a smile.

"You are her fiancé?"

Luo Qiang's expression softened when he heard this, and he asked with doubtful eyes.

"Fake Exchange"

Luo Qiang still didn't fully believe it, so he took Huang Tianzhen directly to Aunt Yang's house to verify.

"That's right, he is indeed Yu Ling's fiancé."

When Aunt Yang saw that the village head brought Huang Tianzhen to ask for confirmation, she replied directly.

Huang Tianzhen felt a little disappointed when he saw Chen Yuling hid in the house again.

"I didn't expect you to be her fiancé, are you sure you want to rent that house?"

Luo Qiang knew that the girl's identity was extremely difficult. As the girl's fiancé, the young man in front of him was definitely not worse than that girl, or even higher.

That girl was brought by Mrs. Yang, so it was easy to say, can this young man who is either rich or noble can live in such a poor small village.


Huang Tianzhen definitely replied.

"Originally, the village does not welcome outsiders, but you have Aunt Yang as a guarantee. Then I will rent it to you directly. It costs fifteen Wen per month. What do you think?"

Luo Qiang didn't bother to contact the owner of this house anymore. The owner of this house moved his whole family into the county and had no intention of coming back.

As the head of the village, he naturally has the right to deal with the abandoned houses.

"I don't know how long I'll live. If you contribute more to the village, if you don't, you can do whatever you want."

Knowing that the village head had given him the best price, Huang Tianzhen took out two taels and handed it over to the village head for the village head to decide on his own.

"Too much, I know you are not short of money, but money can't be wasted like this, I'll buy this house as if you were one or two.

Luo Qiang returned the one tael to Huangtian Town, and stopped renting it, and directly sold the house to Huang Tianzhen for one tael.

After the transaction was completed, Luo Qiang left.

As a result, Huang Tianzhen settled down in Snail Village. .

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