I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 163: The Hidden Door

"Senior, what do you want from us?"

Huang Tianzhen knew that it was almost impossible to escape in front of such a top powerhouse, so this top powerhouse didn't attack them immediately.

It shows that this top powerhouse doesn't necessarily have any malice towards them, and there is still a possibility of communication between them and the top powerhouse.

So, he took Chen Yuling off the horse and came to the old lady respectfully and asked politely.

"Little girl, are you just out of the rivers and lakes? Why did you leave clothes and food for the old woman?"

The old woman ignored Huang Tianzhen and asked, looking at Chen Yuchen.

"Yes, senior, I don't have much contact with the Jianghu, today is my first day in the Jianghu with my husband."

"The reason why I left warm clothes and food for you just now is because you look too much like an old lady who treats me like a mother."

"I feel the weather is cold, and I see you wearing thin clothes, auntie, so I can't help but act like that."

"If the behavior of the little girl makes you unhappy, the senior, please forgive me, and forgive the little girl for not knowing the rules when she first came out of the rivers and lakes."

Chen Yuling knew that top powerhouses had weird personalities, and she didn't know if her previous behavior offended this top powerhouse.

Whether there is or not, smart people first carry all the mistakes and talk.

She hoped that this top powerhouse would not be the kind of person who is unreasonable and does things all by himself.

Otherwise, regardless of whether she is wrong or not, if this top powerhouse is unreasonable, then the two of them may be in trouble today.

"I've met thousands of passers-by. Other passers-by don't care about me. It's not you who care about me. I'm afraid it's fate and God's will."

"Little girl, let me ask you, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

The old woman looked at Chen Yuling with satisfaction and said.

"You want to take me in as an apprentice?"

Chen Yuling was surprised at first, and then hesitated. She didn't know the details of the old woman, nor did she know whether the old woman was a good person or a bad person.

If the old woman is practicing magic skills, she doesn't want to practice magic skills to harm others.

"Dare to ask, where does the senior come from?"

Huang Tianzhen knew that if he refused directly, he might anger the old lady, so he decided to get to know the details of the old lady first.

If there is no problem with the old lady's details, it is not impossible for Chen Yuling to worship her as a teacher.

"My surname is Zhao, and my name is Nianlan. You can call me Granny Zhao."

"My old body comes from the Yinmen. You may not have heard of the Yinmen. Not to mention you, there may not be many people in the world who know, because the Yinmen are passed down through a single line."

"I am the descendant of this generation, Half step Grand Great Master Cultivation Base, my lifespan is coming to an end, so I have to come out to find the next generation. 17

"As for you, little girl, I have taken a fancy to you, and you will be the next generation descendant of the hidden door (bhbb)."

Zhao Nianlan also knew what the two young people were worried about, so she didn't hide it, and told the whole story about own.

She didn't believe that this little girl would refuse the temptation of a Half step Grand Great Master to be her master.

"Hidden Door? Half step Grand Great Master?"

The two of Huang Tianzhen were shocked, there were only three Half step Grand Great Masters on the celestial list, which already proved how rare Half step Grand Great Masters are.

Who would have thought that they would meet a reclusive Half step Grand Great Master here, the key point is that this Half step Grand Great Master will accept Chen Yuling as his apprentice, which is definitely a good thing.

"Grandma Zhao, I don't know what is the obligation to become the next generation successor of the Yinmen, or what rules to follow?"

Chen Yuling is still very calm, she has a Half step Grand Great Master as the Master, of course she is tempted, but she has to understand the meaning of the hidden door.

If there were rules in Yinmen that she couldn't follow, she would also refuse to worship Zhao Nianlan as her teacher.

"The rule is that you just pass on the hidden door."

"Of course, it would be the best if you can become a Grand Great Master, or if you can cultivate a Grand Great Master.

Granny Zhao replied.

"Disciple Chen Yuling pays respects to Master!"

As soon as Chen Yuling heard the rules, she knelt down and bowed to the teacher with excitement.

"Okay, good disciple, get up quickly."

Zhao Nianlan also showed joy and helped Chen Yuling up.

"Adore me as your teacher, just follow me, but your man can't follow us."

Zhao Nianlan looked at Huang Tianzhen at the side and said.

"Master, why?"

Chen Yuling asked in confusion.

"The Yinmen's ancestral site prohibits outsiders from entering. This is the rule set by the first generation of ancestors. As disciples and grandchildren, we must abide by this rule."

Zhao Nianlan replied with a smile.

When Chen Yuling heard this, she couldn't bear to look at Huang Tianzhen.

"Go, learn your skills well, and when you succeed in your studies, you may be able to rely on you to protect me in the future."

Although Huang Tianzhen is also reluctant, but this is the rule, and it's okay not to abide by it. I think the main thing is to let Chen Yuling have the ability to protect himself.

"What's the reluctance? You haven't been separated for a long time. You can get together in at least three months, at most half a year."

Zhao Nianlan said with a smile.


Chen Yuling couldn't believe how much she could learn in such a short period of time, the Master dared to release her.

"Didn't I tell you just now that my lifespan is nearing the end of your Master, and I asked you to return to the clan site with me to let you learn the secret art of the hidden door."

"The Hidden Door still has a final secret, young man, you should avoid it first."

Huang Tianzhen didn't hesitate, and walked away directly.

"The Hidden Gate has an ultimate method, that is, empowering Dafa. Other strong people who give their own Cultivation Base empowerment to the next generation are flawed."

"After all, it is not your own Cultivation Base. Even if the inheritor's physique is good, it is impossible to perfectly preserve the Cultivation Base from the previous generation's empowerment."

"Consumption of consumption, dissipation of dissipation, it would be good to keep one percent, one thousandth of the amount in the end."

"Our Hidden Gate's Enlightenment Dafa is the best Good Fortune, which can effectively allow the inheritors to perfectly absorb 60 to 70% of the Cultivation Base of the previous generation."

"The 60% to 70% Cultivation Base is a perfect inheritance without any defects and side effects."

"After being passed down from generation to generation in the Yinmen, and accumulated from generation to generation, it has been transferred to you, Master, and I, your Master, have possessed the True Qi power for more than 800 years."

"It can be said that the Grand Great Master will not come out. You Master, I am invincible in the world. Even if you meet a strong person who has just broken through the Grand Great Master, you will dare to fight."

"It's a pity that the lifespan of a Great Master is 180-200 years old. You Master, I have already exceeded the limit and lived to 232 years old. This may be the benefit of True Qi's large volume.

"But the Great Master is a Great Master after all, but a Grand Great Master aloof. Your Master, I probably have six or seven months left in my lifespan."

"Let you go back to the ancestral site with the teacher, not only for you to learn the secret art of the hidden door, but also to empower you with the Cultivation Base of the teacher."

"Because our Yinmen's empowerment method has the ability to surpass the world's Good Fortune. Once the empowerment starts, you will immediately break through from an ordinary person to the Grandmaster realm without losing your wind power."

"And perfectly inherited the Cultivation Base of 60% to 70% of the teacher, which is also the Cultivation Base of five or six Hundred Years. This Cultivation Base is much stronger than the Great Master who can't live to be two hundred years old."

"It can be said that if you don't mess with the Grand Great Master, you can leave the world."

Zhao Nianlan proudly introduced their Yinmen Enlightenment Dafa.

"But what should I do if I accidentally provoke the Grand Great Master in the future.

After hearing this, Chen Yuling was shocked at first, and then said such a sentence out of nowhere.

"The True Qi of the Grand Great Master and the True Qi of the Great Master are not comparable in quantity, let alone the Grand Great Master can also have spiritual powers and Realm of True Qi,..."

"The Hidden Door has a lot of secrets to escape. If you can't beat the Grand Great Master, it's not a problem for you to have a jump distance of five or six hundred True Qi."

"If your Talent is shocked, it won't be a problem to fight against the strong who just broke through the Grand Great Master by relying on various secret techniques of the hidden door."

"The point is for those who have just broken through to the Grand Great Master. If you meet an experienced Grand Great Master, you can run as fast as you can."

Seeing that Tuer likes bars so much, the corners of Zhao Nianlan's mouth twitched slightly, but she is an own disciple after all, so I still have to say what I have to say.

Prevent disciples from provoking Grand Great Masters with arrogance based on Five or Six Hundred Year Great Master Cultivation Base in the future. .

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