I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 169: Birth Of The Canglong Sword

Lu Ganghong looked at his friend Kang Xiongzhan with a dark face. This Kang Xiongzhan had a thick skin and liked to make friends everywhere.

Kang Xiongzhan ranks 6th on the weapon list, the crescent knife in his hand is superb, the reason why he made friends with him is that Ruyi Scepter Flying Daggers are also knives, bladesman should be friends.

Meow your uncle's bladesman, daddy is the king of Flying Daggers, belongs to the category of assassins, not bladesman.

Who would have thought that Kang Xiongzhan would not care about it, he would think that the one with the word "knife" is a bladesman, and he insisted on being friends with him~.

After being entangled for a long time, the relationship between the two became friends.

Seeing Kang Xiongzhan smiling, as if he didn't see his black face, he sighed helplessly, it is really tiring to have a bad friend.

"That person should be the Half step Grand Great Master, only the Half step Grand Great Master can easily abduct me."

Lu Ganghong turned his face back and said.

"Half step Grand Great Master! Divine Armament has actually attracted people of this level. He is here to watch the excitement, or to compete.

"If they came to participate, then what will appear in the competition for places will not be a dark horse, but a deep-sea beast."

Kang Xiongzhan's expression froze when he heard that, although he had never fought against Half step Grand Great Master, those who were stronger than him were easily defeated by Half step Dazong.

Then the gap between him and Half step Grand Great Master is not so big, if Half step Grand Great Master is here to compete, then the ranking of the weapon ranking will have to be changed.

"I'm afraid his chances of participating in the competition are very low. This kind of people don't need weapons anymore. They will only look at them unless they are divine weapons."

Lu Ganghong shook his head and said.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether a strong player of this level comes to participate, and I don't care about the ranking so much."

"I'm just here to play, and the Cangbing Pavilion gives me a lot, so I just came here for a formality.

Kang Xiongzhan thought that he was only here for a formality, and he felt no pressure at once. I don't care about the purpose of the Half step Grand Great Master appearing here.

Lu Ganghong also knew that Kang Xiongzhan's personality was very detached, so he ignored him and continued to watch the following contestants fighting for places.

Two hours passed, and many contestants finally decided ten spots. Lu Ganghong was slightly relieved when he saw that the mysterious man in the hat was not among the ten contestants below.

"Congratulations, you have stood out from many strong players, which also means that you are candidates for the weapon ranking list."

"Now as long as you successfully challenge the strong players on the list, you will replace them in the ranking."

"But you only have one chance to challenge, who you want to challenge depends entirely on your choice."

"Even if you all choose the first place, it doesn't matter, as long as you succeed in the challenge, the first place will be yours."

"However, after each challenge, the top players have to rest for half an hour before accepting the challenge from the next player."

"Now you can choose."

Zhou Baifeng first congratulated the ten strong men who stood out, and without any nonsense, he directly asked them to choose against the people.

"I choose Lu Ganghong!"

When Lu Ganghong heard that someone below had chosen him, he moved his gaze over. It was a young man, and he had the impression that he was a good player at darts.

No wonder he was chosen, because it turned out that he was the one who output while standing.

"bring it on!"

Lu Ganghong didn't hesitate, he jumped onto the ring and waved to the young man. He liked the young man's eyes very much, which were very similar to his youth.

The young man jumped onto the ring, and he looked at Lu Ganghong with determination in his eyes, but there was still a complexity hidden deep in his eyes.

"Young man, although it's still too early for you to challenge me, it might be good for you to let you see the higher-level application of Hidden Weapons in advance."

"You are Junior, you make the first move!"

The more Lu Ganghong looked at this young man, the more he liked him. It was the same as when he was young. With guiding thoughts, he let this young man make the first move.

The young man suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, and a dozen darts flew out in an instant, but Lu Ganghong avoided them all with a phantom movement.

"What's the matter with you, why did you hesitate all of a sudden?"

"You don't know that once you hesitate in your heart, the projected Hidden Weapons are like children throwing small stones.

Lu Ganghong didn't understand. This young man had performed very well before, so why did he hesitate when he met him.

Could it be because of nervousness, or being frightened by his fame.

The young man took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became firm, and flashed for a moment, ninety-nine eighty-one darts shot out to the limit and rushed towards Lu Ganghong.


Lu Ganghong yelled in his heart, and saw his true breath coming out through his body, forming a qi shield and flying all the nine-nine-eighty-one darts out.

A red line also appeared on the young man's neck, Lu Ganghong made a move, and in an instant, a Flying Daggers had lightly drawn across the young man's neck.

Although the young man couldn't see how Lu Ganghong made the move, he could already feel the chill on his neck, and Lu Ganghong showed mercy.

Only a red line was left on his neck, and his neck was not cut open.

At this time, a round jade fell out from the young man's body and rolled towards Lu Ganghong.

As soon as the young man saw Yuanyu, he knew that the Yuanyu hanging around his neck was cut off by Lu Ganghong's Flying Daggers and the rope fell out.

...asking for flowers......

"This is,


When Lu Ganghong saw Yuanyu who had rolled to his feet and stopped [his eyes froze.

"I lost!"

Seeing the change in Lu Ganghong's face, the young man panicked and immediately conceded defeat. He quickly stepped forward to pick up Yuanyu, jumped off the ring and ran into the crowd.

Lu Ganghong wanted to stop the young man, but the young man ran into the crowd and disappeared.

The audience didn't see how Lu Ganghong made the shot, they only saw that Lu Ganghong knocked away a lot of darts, and the young man gave up.

They don't look exciting, it's just a matter of fact, they are very depressed.

"So strong, and his Flying Daggers are so fast!"

Ren Yuner said with serious eyes.

Huang Tianqi next to him couldn't talk to him, he didn't see how Lu Ganghong made the knife, so he was really embarrassed to say anything.


"Is he your illegitimate child outside?"

Seeing Lu Ganghong come back, the bad friend Kang Xiongzhan asked with a smile.

"Why do you ask that?"

Lu Ganghong was shocked in his heart, he was so obvious that one could guess what he was thinking.

"You were very flamboyant when you were young, and with the drama in the ring, it's hard to guess.

Kang Xiongzhan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Ganghong turned his head and looked away, he didn't want to talk to Kang Xiongzhan anymore.

Kang Xiongzhan didn't say anything when he saw this, and continued to watch the commotion below.

With Lu Ganghong at the beginning, the next thing is easy. The remaining nine candidates have chosen their opponents.

The confident candidate directly chose Fang Zhiyuan who was the first.

As a result, no surprises, he was defeated by Fang Zhiyuan's men in one move.

Another hour passed, and the Candidate Challenge was over.

Except for the eighth and tenth place who were successfully replaced by the challenge, the others remained motionless.

"Now we are entering the much-anticipated part, the weapon rankings are reshuffled. As long as the strong players on the list are dissatisfied with their current rankings, they can challenge the strong ones at the top."


Before Zhou Baifeng could finish his words, a beam of light piercing the sky shot up from Dongxing Lake, and the tide of Dongxing Lake rolled up instantly.

Those who held the sword at the scene found that the own sword trembled as if it was alive, as if it was welcoming the coming of the emperor in the sword.

This sudden change caused the audience of Divine Armament to look at the change of Dongxing Lake in horror.

Seeing this scene, the two of Huang Tianqi showed a bit of bitterness at the corners of their mouths, Canglongjian really chose this time to be born. .

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