I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 174: You Are At This Level

The Elders no longer hesitated when they heard the Pavilion Master's order. The Grand Great Master is really inhuman, and if they don't go all out, they will all fall here.


All the Elders shouted loudly, and they used the particularity of the formation to transfer their power to the big Elder Sun Bozheng alone.

"Accept the move, open to all rivers!"

Sun Bozheng, who gathered more than fifty Great Masters in one body, suddenly slammed his palm at Wu Qitian.

It is worthy of the palm that bears the power of more than 50 Great Masters. As soon as the palm print is released, the wind rages, the surrounding air is quiet, and the boundless air pressure suddenly opens and envelopes the body.

"Well done!"

Wu Qitian would not stand stupidly to bear this strike, he clenched his fist and blasted towards the palm print of Shrouding the Heavens.


The loud noise caused the small rocks and sand on the ground to vibrate and jump, and the invisible air explosion exploded, almost disintegrating the formation of the Elder regiment in an instant.

The huge rebound made Wu Qitian take two or three steps back, which made Hao Qitian a little unbelievable.

"Interesting, gathering the power of more than fifty Great Masters can make me take two or three steps back, and you guys are enough to be proud.

"It's not enough to break my true essence defense. If you have no other means, then you can only sleep here forever."

Wu Qitian said with a smile.

Seeing that the power of the formation only made Wu Qitian take two or three steps back, the faces of Zhou Baifeng and the others became heavy.

More than 50 Great Masters can't break through Wu Qitian's defense, how can they fight.

"Pavilion Master Zhou, can your Elder regiment deliver the attack just now?"

Fang Zhiyuan's eyes were solemn and thoughtful for a moment, and he secretly asked Zhou Baifeng through voice transmission.

"you think,,,?"

Zhou Baifeng went back via sound transmission curiously, and asked Fang Zhiyuan what he wanted to do.

Fang Zhiyuan did not hesitate, and told Zhou Baifeng his thoughts.

"Good idea, just do as you say."

After Zhou Baifeng listened, he directly agreed with Fang Zhiyuan's proposal, and sent the sound transmission to the others to make preparations.

The elders received the order from the pavilion master, and once again poured all their remaining power into the elder, Sun Bozheng.

Sun Bozheng also tried his best this time, and the Elders gave him all their remaining strength. If it doesn't work again this time, their more than fifty Elders will have to leave.

With the belief that he must win, he pointed to Wu Qitian, and he wanted to break through Haoqitian's true essence defense with fingering.

Because this time he was reckless and issued his strongest fingering ever, which made Wu Qitian look squarely in the eye.

Wu Qitian obviously felt that the fingering was not simple.


Seeing the ferocious fingering approaching towards him, he also punched him with a fist. Who would have thought that his fist prints would be directly disintegrated by the fingering, and the fingering bombarded him unstoppably.

This scene made Wu Qitian's eyes a little more serious, and he saw the real energy defense covering his whole body, ready to hit this strike hard.


Under this strike, Wu Qitian glides directly for four or five meters. During the glide process, his feet directly pull out two slideways a few centimeters deep on the ground.

His zhenyuan defense is still not broken, but it's not over yet, Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng are following the fingering.

"The broken gun is extremely infinite"

"Speed ​​Lesson"

Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng didn't give Wu Qitian any chance to catch his breath. As soon as the fingering hit Wu Qitian's body, their sudden blow had already arrived.

Although there is an element of a sneak attack, as long as there is an effect, they will not care so much. A sneak attack is a full blow.


Wu Qitian's zhenyuan defense was broken, first he was hit by fingering, and then he was attacked by Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng in an emergency.

Wu Qitian's eyes changed slightly, he didn't expect these prey to break through his real essence defense in such a way.

But he didn't panic at all, because he saw that Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng broke through his real essence defense, and he had no follow-up power.

It seems that breaking through the true essence defense has consumed all their energy.

Wu Qitian smiled lightly, and clapped his hands, Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng were sent flying by him.

But the moment he photographed Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng, a pair of Flying Daggers appeared in front of him.

This made his eyes startled. It turned out that the real killing move of these ants was that the sneak attack of Fingering and Fang Zhixuan was just to break through his real essence defense.

Flying Daggers are the real killer move.

The Flying Daggers are absolutely stunning, and the timing is perfect.

The moment he slapped Fang Zhiyuan and Zhou Baifeng flying with both hands, before he recovered his strength, the Flying Daggers had already entered his eyes.

Zhou Baifeng and the other Great Masters who flew upside down held their breaths and watched the Flying Daggers, and the Flying Daggers that sent their hopes flew towards Wu Qitian.


When Flying Daggers touched Wu Qitian's neck, they bounced off with a metallic sound.

……… Ask for flowers…

This scene made everyone dumbfounded!

Even Lu Ganghong, who shot Flying Daggers, couldn't believe that he missed it.

"What a perfect fit, I admit I underestimated you."

If it's another Grand Great Master, if they face you carelessly, they might have been recruited early. "

"Unfortunately, you are facing me."

"I am very afraid of death, so I practice a magical skill called: Nine Cycles Demon God Body."

"You thought it would be over if you took great pains to break my true essence defense, but you didn't expect that I still have a body that has been tempered.

Don't mention how proud Wu Qitian is on his face, he just likes to watch the moment when other people's hopes are crushed by him.

Hearing Wu Qitian's words, fear gradually appeared in the eyes of many Great Master powerhouses. They took great pains to break through the true essence defense. Who would have thought that Wu Qitian has a body that is more powerful than the true essence defense.

This made them fight, more than 50 Elders were exhausted and out of breath by using formation to make big moves.

And Wu Qitian was still alive and kicking, with almost no consumption.

In this comparison, all fools know that they have fallen into an extremely disadvantaged situation.

Zhou Baifeng's expression turned ugly, he thought that with the Canglong Sword boosting his strength, he would be sure to contend with the Grand Great Master.

But now it seems that all this is just his personal fantasy.

In the sneak attack just now, he poured all his strength into it, and whoever wants to break Wu Qitian's true energy defense will have no follow-up force.

His full blow was only enough to break Wu Qitian's true essence defense, which made him a little unacceptable.

"It's really a pity, you are afraid, you can no longer please me."

"Then, go to hell."

Wu Qitian saw the look of fear in the eyes of many strong men, and was a little disappointed. The toy is already broken, so there is no need for it.

In an instant, he rushed into the crowd of Great Masters and swiped his hands in the air. Before seven or eight Great Masters could react, their heads exploded into watermelon juice.

Seeing the watermelon juice sprinkled all over the sky, Wu Qitian's smile became even more distorted and crazy, but his movements did not stop.

In the blink of an eye, he dug out the hearts of several other Great Masters.

He opened his mouth to bite a heart and swallowed it, and the blood on his body boiled even more. When he ate four or five hearts, his aura obviously rose a bit.

Magic power, he is using the great master's efforts to increase his strength. .

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