I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 176: You Can't Even Take My Move


At the moment when Lu Ganghong faced Death directly, with a whoosh, sparks appeared in front of Lu Ganghong's eyes, which were formed by metal collisions.

Lu Ganghong's eyes froze for a moment, he saw clearly just now, at the critical moment, a handful of Flying Daggers appeared and knocked the Flying Daggers projected by Wu Qitian into the air.

He is very familiar with the Flying Daggers, it is his own Flying Daggers, someone took his Flying Daggers and knocked the Flying Daggers projected by Wu Qitian into the air.

It was that person, the man in the bamboo hat who abducted him before and took a handful of Flying Daggers from his body without anyone knowing it. It was the man in the bamboo hat who saved him.

Lu Ganghong scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and found that there were many people wearing bamboo hats, and it was impossible to confirm which one was the one who saved him.

"Don't take advantage of you, just kidnap you once, and this will be repaid to you."

After Huang Dongjie muttered, he continued to count the petals while watching the play.

Unable to find a savior, Lu Ganghong drove away his illegitimate son, and he stayed behind to guard against Wu Qitian tightly.

He also wanted to escape, but he knew that the Great Masters here were all locked by Wu Qitian, and they all became Wu Qitian's prey, and there was little hope of escaping.

In addition, he didn't want to implicate his illegitimate son, so he could only be forced to stay and fight against Haotian.

"It turns out that there are still big fish. If you have the ability, stand up and don't sneak around."

Wu Qitian saw his own Flying Daggers being bounced away by another Flying Daggers, his eyes were slightly surprised, just now he added a little spiritual power to the Flying Daggers 17.

Even if there is only a trace of spiritual power, it is not something that ordinary Great Masters can contend with, so he guessed that there is a Half step Grand Great Master nearby.

Only the Half step Grand Great Master is capable of knocking out the Flying Daggers he projects, and he gets excited at the thought of a Half step Grand Great Master hiding nearby.

Half step Grand Great Master's painstaking effort is more precious than the top of the Tianbang, if he can use Half step Grand Great Master's heart to practice, it is equivalent to saving him twenty or thirty years of penance.

For a while, Wu Qitian wanted to find this Half step Grand Great Master hidden nearby, and wanted to dig out his heart to practice kung fu.

But his eyes searched for a long time among the nearby crowd, but he didn't find the figure suspected to be Half step Grand Great Master.

He suspects that this Half step Grand Great Master should practice extremely hidden Cultivation Technique, so that his mental power cannot be scanned.

"If you don't come out, then I will force you to come out!"

Wu Qitian shifted his gaze to Lu Ganghong, the Half step Grand Great Master who was hiding nearby just rescued Lu Ganghong, which meant that Half step Grand Great Master cared about Lu Ganghong's method.

As long as he continues to kill Lu Ganghong, he believes that the hidden Half step Grand Great Master will definitely show up.

"If you want to escape, you will seek death!"

Just when Wu Qitian continued to attack Lu Ganghong, Wu Qitian suddenly discovered that several Great Masters were secretly retreating and trying to escape.

Of course he doesn't allow it, these Great Master powerhouses are his nourishment.

He would feel distressed if one escaped, and he immediately gave up on Lu Ganghong and rushed towards those who wanted to escape.

He wasn't worried about Lu Ganghong running away, his aura had locked onto Lu Ganghong, waiting for him to deal with the few people who wanted to escape.

Finally, he used Lu Ganghong to force out the hidden Half step Grand Great Master.

In an instant, the hearts of several Great Masters who wanted to escape were already in his hands.


Some Great Masters were terrified, knowing that there was no hope of escape, they frantically rushed to Hao Qitian for medical treatment.

Wu Qitian dealt with the fleeing people, and was about to turn around to deal with Lu Ganghong, but the other Great Masters were driven mad by him, and attacked him recklessly.

Seeing this scene, Wu Qitian had a sneer and sneer on his face, he didn't hold back his hands, and rushed into the Great Master crowd.


"Evil, Devil

"Monster, die with me!"

After all, the lamb group couldn't bear the fierce beast's killing, one by one fell in a pool of blood, some were so frightened that they even wanted to blew themselves up and dragged Wu Qitian to die together.


Wu Qitian needed a heart, so he didn't give the Great Master in front of him a chance to blew himself up. He just pulled out his hand, and a bright red beating heart was in his hand.

"Hahaha... If you want my heart, go ahead and dream, I won't give it to you even if I die."

Some Great Masters knew that it would be futile to continue to resist, so they simply became more ruthless and refused to give Wu Qitian a chance to get his heart.

A palm slapped Own's heart hard, directly shattering Own's heart.

Wu Qitian saw that a heart was wasted like this, his eyes turned cold, he knew that he couldn't continue playing, he had to quickly collect the hearts of these Great Masters.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome for these Great Masters to smash their own hearts one by one.

As soon as the idea came out, Haoqi's hands became faster and more ruthless.

"Damn it, stop it!"

Zhou Baifeng saw one Elder after another dying in the hands of Wu Qitian, he was anxious and angry, causing his eyeballs to bleed.

The Great Master is the cornerstone of a power. If the Great Master is gone, the Cangbing Pavilion will no longer exist.

In order to keep the remaining Elder, Zhou Baifeng recklessly took medicine and used secret techniques to increase his own power again.

When the aura on his body reached its peak, he held the Canglong Sword and slashed towards Haoqitian.

Not only Zhou Baifeng went crazy, but the rest of the Great Masters also went crazy one by one, either taking medicine or using secret techniques to increase their combat power and smashed to Wu Qitian.


Wu Qitian's true essence defense was once again shattered by Zhou Baifeng and the others, but Wu Qitian didn't care at all, and pushed towards Zhou Baifeng and the others with his body that had been trained horizontally.


Seeing Zhou Baifeng and the others attacking him with another joint blow, Wu Qitian couldn't bear it anymore, and directly concentrated his strength to blast towards Zhou Baifeng and the others.


With a fierce blow, Zhou Baifeng and his group were directly sent flying.


Most of the Great Masters fell to the ground and vomited blood, while the tough ones knelt and gasped for breath, looking at Wu Qitian in disbelief.

"E, EZO!"

They couldn't figure out why Wu Qitian still had so much energy to spare.

"Congratulations, you finally let me warm up."

Wu Qitian's words made Zhou Baifeng and the others' complexions change drastically.

"You don't need to be so depressed, you have achieved a little bit. Breaking down my real energy defense several times in a row consumes a lot of my strength."

"That alone is enough for me to praise you."

"If I hadn't been able to use magic to absorb Blood Essence to speed up the recovery of the power consumed by you, I wouldn't dare to play with you until now."

"After all, the Grand Great Master is also afraid of being consumed!"

Wu Qitian looked at Zhou Baifeng and others in shock.

"Let's not talk about it, enough playing 340, it's time for you to play The Underworld.

After Wu Qitian finished speaking, he strangled Zhou Baifeng and others.


Wu Qitian stopped, he was forced to stop by an old man, and the old man appeared to block his blow and retreated five or six steps in a row.

"Half step Grand Great Master, you are finally willing to come out."

Wu Qitian regarded the Half step Grand Great Master who jumped out of the Cangbing Pavilion as the one who knocked out his Flying Daggers with Flying Daggers just now.

"The Great Elder,

"Pavilion Master, flee, dismiss all disciples immediately and flee, don't look back."

Taishang Elder Wanda Hao didn't know how many tricks he could hold against Wu Qitian, and now he could only do his best to take as many moves as he could.

"All the disciples obeyed the order, fled, and fled desperately."

Zhou Baifeng's heart was filled with a deep sense of powerlessness and unwillingness. It was such a shame to be forced to flee the entire Tibetan military pavilion by one person in his own territory.

But all of this cannot be controlled by him. In order to preserve the inheritance of the Cangbing Pavilion, he is not willing to let disciples jump to the death doctor.

When the disciples of the Cangbing Pavilion heard this order, they immediately dispersed. In the face of boundless fear, they still chose to live.

"Old man, you want to hold me back and let my prey escape?"

"Let me tell you, you can't do it, you can't even block my move."

Wu Qitian felt that the body of the Half step Grand Great Master in front of him was lifeless, obviously his life span was approaching, he was a person who was about to die.

How much combat power can such a dead wood old man retain!

In addition, it is impossible for Wu Qitian to let his own prey escape, just in case, he is going to be serious. .

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