I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 179: Why Can't I See Reality Clearly?

"The descendants of the blue dragon Deva will attract attention no matter where they go, it is not normal for our holy religion to have descendants of the blue dragon Deva.

Wu Qitian replied proudly.

"You look good, and you can activate the Canglong Sword to this extent, which means that the bloodline of the Canglong Deva in you is very pure."

"If you combine with me, maybe the child we give birth can awaken Martial Dao Artistic Conception and achieve greatness ~ Great Master."

"Come with me, and I'll spare your life!"-"

Wu Qitian saw Ren Yuner's beauty, so it was his idea.

Huang Tianqi, who was hiding in the dark, felt that he was so useless, letting his beloved woman rush to the front of the danger without saying anything. The woman he loves has been molested, and he still can't stand up and protect her.

For the first time, he felt that he was so useless, that he hated himself.

"Follow you, you are dreaming!"

Ren Yuner refused with a cold face.

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, then I can only take you back with my hands."

Wu Qitian also wants to have an excellent offspring in his heart, and a woman with Deva Bloodline is his best choice. Only an excellent Bloodline can cultivate a talented offspring.

Seeing that Ren Yuner has such a strong Deva Bloodline, he can't help but be tempted.

As soon as the thought came together, he started directly.

"Sword Rain"

Seeing Wu Qitian rushing towards him, Ren Yun'er swung countless slashes without thinking, trying to force Hao Qitian back.

Wu Qitian also knew that the slash from the Canglong Sword was not easy, so he didn't dare to be careless, he ran the Nine Cycles Demon God's body to the extreme, and just passed it head-on.

Seeing that the re-condensed true essence defense on his body was easily broken by Ren Yuner again, he ignored it and gave up the true essence defense directly.

Condensing the true essence defense also requires strength, and if it is broken too much, it will also consume a lot of true essence, so he decisively gave up the true essence defense and just passed by with a horizontally refined body.

The first thing to bear the brunt was that countless slashes collided with Wu Qitian's body. Seeing the countless white marks of slashes on his body, Wu Qitian's eyes were a little strange.

Seven or eight experts from the Tianbang cooperated to leave a small white spot on his body, but the slash from the Canglong Sword left countless white marks on his body.

Although none of these attacks broke his Nine Cycles demon body, it still made his skin ache. At this moment, he was more satisfied with the Canglong Sword.

Who doesn't like such a Divine Armament weapon.


Wu Qitian suddenly felt a hint of danger, and quickly turned sideways to avoid the dangerous Bai Mang, but it was Ren Yun who took the initiative to stab him.

Feeling something strange in his arm, he kicked Ren Yun'er.

Ren Yun'er blocked Wu Qitian's kick with the blade of her sword, but she was also pushed back by Wu Qitian's huge strength.

"It's so troublesome, it seems that I can't touch the edge of the Canglong Sword."

Wu Qitian saw a very shallow bloodstain on his arm, and a small amount of blood flowed out from the bloodstain.

This shocked him, he hurriedly shifted his gaze to the Canglong Sword in Ren Yuner's hand, and found that there was a faint white light on the surface of the Canglong Sword at this moment.

This weak white light is the key to breaking through his tempered body!

Wu Qitian is not stupid, he knows that this white light is the trace of power left by the blue dragon Deva, only the power of Deva level can break through his defense so easily.

Ren Yun'er didn't expect that she still murmured the damage of the Canglong Sword, and when it swiped slightly, it caused damage to the Grand Great Master's horizontally trained body.

Seeing the faint white light covering the surface of the Canglong Sword, Ren Yun'er's confidence returned a bit, but she still wanted to find a chance to escape.

She felt that the white light on the surface of the Canglong Sword was being consumed. Once the power left by her ancestors was exhausted, she would be in danger.

"The power at the Deva level is dangerous. It seems that it will take some time to catch you."

With a move, Wu Qitian took the Xingchen Sword, which is the third in the weapon list, in his hand. As for the original owner of the Xingchen Sword, he was lying dying and unable to move in the ruins.

Ren Yun'er took the initiative to attack, and she had to find a chance to escape before the white light on the surface of the Canglong Sword was exhausted.

If she wants a chance, she has to take the initiative to attack, who can't afford her state.

"Well done!"

Wu Qitian covered the Xingchen sword with a thick layer of real yuan to prevent the Xingchen sword from being cut off by the Canglong sword.


The two sharp swords collided instantly.


Wu Qitian was overjoyed, he was still worried that his Stardust Sword with thick real energy could not block the edge of the Canglong Sword, now it seems that his worries were unnecessary.

His true essence is constantly flowing, how could it be possible that the Canglong Sword can compare with a little bit of strength and a little bit less strength.

However, the faint white light on the Canglong Sword is the power of Deva level after all, a single impact consumes a lot of real energy on his body.

"Woman, let me see how long you can carry it!"

Wu Qitian also saw that Ren Yuner's state would not last long, and the last thing he was afraid of was exhaustion.

He had devoured the hearts and minds of dozens of Great Master powerhouses before, but now his body is full of surging power emperors.

Even if most of the power is consumed, there are still more than a dozen dying Great Masters on the scene, and they will use their efforts to restore their power at that time.

Compared to Wu Qitian's madness, Ren Yun'er fell into a passive position. Every time the Canglong Sword collided with the Xingchen Sword, it could defeat the thick true essence on the Xingchen Sword.

But Wu Qitian's true essence seems to be endless, adding blood to Xingchen Sword again and again, her Canglong Sword will be in trouble.

……… Ask for flowers…

Every time there is a collision, the white light on the Canglong Sword will become dimmer, and her current state cannot be maintained for too long, if she can't find a chance to escape, then she will be in danger.

Knowing that there is no capital and Wu Qitian to consume, Ren Yuner did not dare to consume it, and immediately raised her own power to the limit.

"Do you want to work hard, then come!"

Feeling that the aura on Ren Yuner's body exploded again, the strength of Wu Qitian's body also soared, directly colliding with Ren Yuner.

"Yun'er, you can definitely do it..."

Huang Tianqi kept praying that Yun'er would find a chance to escape. Once Yun'er was defeated, the fate would be beyond his imagination.

Ren Yun'er launched the strongest blow.

A simple cut, full of the gentleness of the rain, the tolerance of the rain, the loneliness of the rain, the ruthlessness of the rain,,, makes people linger and forget to return.


A dangerous blow was approaching, allowing Wu Qitian to hide, holding the Stardust Sword in his hand to block it, and the Stardust Sword burst into pieces in an instant.

"Blackwater Realm"

Wu Qitian finally used the trump card of Grand Great Master. In an instant, the world seemed to be covered and distorted by endless black water.

When Ren Yuner's rain touched the endless black water, it was like raindrops falling into the sea, unable to stir up a layer of waves.

"you lose!"

Wu Qitian saw the white light on the Canglong Sword dissipate, Ren Yuner's aura plummeted, and she directly retreated to the Great Master middle stage.

He knew that Ren Yun'er had put all her hopes on that move just now.

Ren Yun'er didn't reply. After taking a few breaths, she rushed towards Wu Qitian with extremely firm eyes, as if begging for death.

"Why can't I see reality clearly!"

Wu Qitian slapped his backhand, Ren Yun'er flew upside down, and the Canglong Sword was also thrown out of his hand, but he didn't know where it went again.


Seeing that Ren Yun'er was knocked flying and vomiting blood, Huang Tianqi couldn't help running out from behind the scenes to check on Ren Yunwu's situation.

"You, cough cough, what are you doing out here, go, go quickly."

Seeing Huang Tianqi running out, Ren Yun'er's pale face was extremely tense.

"Son of the East Martial King, hahaha, I didn't expect to meet the son of the East Martial King here. This is really a great thing."

When Wu Qitian saw Huang Tianqi, he smiled.

What happened today, there are a lot of Great Master powerhouses as nourishment, there are Divine Armament Canglong Sword, there are women who nurture offspring, and now the son of the Tobu Lord has also emerged.

It is not easy to capture Dong Martial King's son and force Dong Martial King out.

Why did all the good things happen to him.

Could it be that today is a day of great luck for him.

Will there be other surprises to come Mt. .

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