I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 195 : If You Don't Accept It, Come And Hit Me!

"Sponsor Bai, you think that an apology can solve this matter."

"You are not afraid of the Eastern Martial King becoming Deva. When the imperial court wants to liquidate, your Yunhai faction will also be within the scope of liquidation."

Master Liaowu said unwillingly.

"If there is such a day, our Yunhai faction will bow our heads and surrender. But that day may not come, and no one is not so easy to break through."

As a Grand Great Master, White Cloud naturally knows how difficult it is to break through to Deva. It is obviously only one step away, but this step is like an invisible limit separating the way forward.

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a large group of strong men from the Yunhai faction appeared, and White Cloud left without hesitation at night with these strong men.

"No, it's not good, the temple is on fire, and the fire was set by people from the Holy Court.

At this time, the monks from the Great Buddha Temple rushed to report.


The powerhouses of the Great Buddha Temple looked back, and sure enough, they saw a scene of thick smoke rising into the sky in the direction of the Great Buddha Temple. With the amount of smoke, it was obvious that the fire was "273" and there was a feeling that it was out of control.

"Saint Lord, you,

Master Liao Wu and the others glared at Saint Lord.

"It's me, if you don't accept it, hit me!"

Huang Dongjie said with an extremely arrogant look.

"Baldy, you have no ability to stop us from leaving. If you continue to pester us, I'm afraid it will become a disaster for your Buddhist sect today."

"Hurry up and go back to fight the fire. Your house will be gone later."

Zhang Nine Heavens knows that Buddhism has a profound background, and the three Grand Great Masters teamed up to cause heavy casualties at the Great Buddha Temple. It is still a bit difficult to completely destroy the Great Buddha Temple.

Moreover, Dong Martial King has never shown up, and it is obvious that Dong Martial King also knows this, so he has been reluctant to come out for a long time.

Seeing that the powerhouses in the Great Buddha Temple also wanted to back down, he planned to hastily end this battle.

"Old Ancestor, we..."

Abbot Pu Yuan made an idea to Master Wu.

"Go back to fight the fire"

Master Liaowu knew that the moment White Cloud left at night, they lost the ability to kill Dong Martial King and his son.

Now the reverse is that their Great Buddha Temple is in a passive state. If they continue to entangle, their Great Buddha Temple's fortune may be lost here.

In addition, the Great Buddha Temple is currently on fire, and if they don't go back to fight the fire, their home may really be gone.

At this moment, he did not hesitate, and retreated with a large number of Buddhist experts, guarding against Saint Lord, Zhang Nine Heavens and the Eastern Martial King hiding in the dark from time to time.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, the surrounding people from the rivers and lakes dispersed one after another, and a small number of people stayed behind, wanting to see if the Eastern Martial King would show up.

As soon as the Buddhist strongman left, Huang Tianqi ran to the edge of the Yong'an Yangtze River, staring at the surging Yong'an Yangtze River in a daze.

"Take him away!"

Huang Dongjie used his original voice to secretly transmit to Zhang Nine Heavens.

“East Martial King...”

When Zhang Nine Heavens heard the sound transmission, he glanced around suspiciously, wondering why Dong Martial King still refused to show up until now, and asked him to take Huang Tianqi away.

"Dong Martial King sent me a voice transmission just now, asking you to take his son away. It seems that Dong Martial King really trusts your sect."

Huang Dongjie laughed.

"It stands to reason that he has awakened. He is very important to the imperial court. Why did the Eastern Martial King want me to take him away.

Zhang Nine Heavens asked Saint Lord suspiciously.

"I don't know Dong Martial King, and I don't know what he's thinking, but his son has very good qualifications. If he can be accepted as a disciple, it will definitely be a good thing for a lot of money."

Huang Dongjie said casually.

When Zhang Nine Heavens heard it, his eyes lit up, and he was tempted.

Not to mention that he has awakened the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, just because he is the son of the Eastern Martial King, accepting him as a disciple is a big deal for Taoists.

"What do you think of this world?"

Zhang Nine Heavens suddenly asked this Saint Lord whom he didn't know the details about.

"You are worrying about our Holy Court, so you are worrying too much, I have no ambitions, and I am not interested in this world.

"Okay, there's nothing else going on here, I should go."

Huang Dongjie was about to turn around and leave.

"What else do you need?"

Huang Dongjie stopped and asked Zhang Nine Heavens.

"Take my palm!"

Zhang Nine Heavens didn't care whether Saint Lord agreed or not, and flew forward, and directly slapped Saint Lord with his palm.

Huang Dongjie was helpless and had to spend the same time losing.

As soon as the two palms came into contact, an invisible repulsive force erupted violently, the ground sank, and numerous cracks and cracks appeared, all the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of 200 meters were plowed open, exposing the bare ground.

The fierce strength also allowed the two of them to retreat seven or eight steps at the same time.


Huang Dongjie knew that Zhang Nine Heavens was testing his moisture, and he was not dissatisfied. After speaking, he turned and left, leaving Zhang Nine Heavens who didn't know what he was thinking.

"Who the hell is he? His strength is no less than mine."

Zhang Nine Heavens is nothing on the surface, but he is extremely shocked in his heart. He has come to this day after two epiphanies about Martial Dao. The ordinary Grand Great Master is not his opponent at all.

But just now, with 70% to 80% of his strength, the Saint Lord actually took it down and made him take seven steps back.

The strength of this mysterious Saint Lord is obviously not inferior to him, which makes him very curious about the details of the Saint Lord, and which monster survived from which period.

"Sure enough, one mountain is still higher. I underestimated the old antiques hidden in the dark world..."

Zhang Nine Heavens didn't think too much about it, and after giving Saint Lord a clue in his heart, he walked towards Huang Tianqi who was in a daze.

"Zhang Nine Heavens tried my water, and he should have used most of his strength. My strength of two layers knocked him back. It seems that my strength is much stronger than Zhang Nine Heavens."

"Tianqi, don't blame your father for being ruthless, protecting your weaknesses and protecting your weaknesses, but you also need to be tempered to grow quickly. The entire Buddhist sect is qualified to be your sharpening stone."

After Huang Dongjie underestimated a few words, he rushed to a secret stronghold of the Holy Court.

"Just now your father sent me a voice transmission, asking me to take you away and accept you as a disciple."

Zhang Nine Heavens is also shameless, the last sentence was added by himself.

Huang Tianqi did not respond with tears streaming down his face, and continued to stare blankly at the Ever Dark Yangtze River.

"Do you want to take revenge? If you want to take revenge, you need strength. The old man is number one on the list. There is no one in the world who is more suitable to be your Master than me."

Zhang Nine Heavens didn't want to see Huang Tianqi continue to lose his mind, so he aroused Huang Tianqi's anger and motivated him.

"Revenge... yes, I want revenge!"

When Huang Tianqi thought of the scene where Ren Yun'er was shot down by a Buddhist strongman on the Yangtze River in eternal darkness, the anger and hatred in his heart were directly ignited.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's respect."

Huang Tianqi knew that Zhang Nine Heavens was the Master arranged for him by his father, he didn't hesitate, and directly knelt down to pay homage to his master.

"Good, good, good,,,"

Zhang Nine Heavens was so excited, he accepted Huang Tianqi as his apprentice, and the Taoist sect also benefited.

"Teacher, this place is very close to the Great Buddha Temple, in case the powerhouse of the Great Buddha Temple turns around and comes back at 0.4, we have to leave quickly.

Zhang Nine Heavens said.

"Master, can someone help me salvage Yun'er's body."

When Huang Tianqi mentioned Ren Yun'er, he had a heartbroken expression.

He also hoped that Ren Yun'er was still alive, but except for the Grand Great Master, anyone who was sucked into the vortex of the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River had only a narrow escape.

Not to mention that Ren Yun'er still gave up resistance and was hit face to face by a Buddhist strongman. This strike will definitely cause a serious injury to a Practitioner who does not resist.

Ren Yun'er, who was severely injured, was sucked into the eternal dark Yangtze River vortex, how could she still have a chance of surviving.

"The old Taoist will send people to salvage her body in the lower reaches of the Yongan Yangtze River, but you have to be mentally prepared."

"There are countless undercurrents in the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River, plus there are many diversions in the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River, it may not be possible to find your woman's body.

Zhang Nine Heavens said.

"I know, Master, you do your best.

Zhang Nine Heavens nodded, and led Huang Tianqi back to the Taoist gate. .

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