I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 197: The Black Hand Behind The Scenes

Ren Yun'er, who had been lying down for an unknown amount of time, woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her consciousness was very chaotic, and her eyes were blank at first, and when her consciousness was fully awake, she herself was a little surprised, she didn't expect that she was still alive.

"He woke up so quickly, it seems that he is recovering well."

The moment Ren Yun'er woke up, Huang Dongjie's eyes moved, and he signaled the maid beside him to take care of her.

"It seems that I was rescued!"

Ren Yun'er observed the surrounding situation and found herself lying in a beautiful and luxurious attic room. She knew that she was rescued.

"I really didn't expect that I would have a chance to survive when I was involved in the vortex of the eternal darkness of the Yangtze River."

"Most of the injuries on my body have recovered. I don't know if the person who rescued me has good medical skills, or I lay down for a long time."

Ren Yun'er felt that she was the latter, and she must have slept for a long time before her injuries recovered to this extent.

Just when Ren Yuner was thinking wildly, suddenly Ren Yuner heard footsteps coming from outside, and she knew that the master was here.

Instead of lying down and pretending to be asleep, she sat and waited for her rescuer to arrive.


The door was gently opened, and a lovely waitress walked in respectfully with a bowl of porridge.

"Young Madam, are you hungry? This is the porridge that the master asked Bi Nu to bring. Please have a taste."

The waiter showed a sweet and amiable smile, and walked towards Ren Yuner with the porridge.

"Young Madam?"

Ren Yun'er fell into doubts for a while. She wondered if she was picked up by a certain landlord. Seeing that she was beautiful, the landlord happened to have a stupid son, so she decided on her own and forced her to marry his stupid son.

"Where is this place?"

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Who is your master?"

"Why do you call me young lady?"

Ren Yuner immediately asked the question she wanted to know.

"Young Madam, don't be in a hurry, Bi Nuhui--tell Young Madam what you want to know, Young Madam, you didn't sleep for a long time, you just slept for four or five days.

"This is Lin Zhongting, a mysterious stronghold of the Holy Court, and my master is Saint Lord, also known as the East Martial King."

"Young Madam, the relationship between you and Young Master is well known in the world, and there is nothing wrong with calling your daughter Young Master.

The waitress respectfully replied to Ren Yuner's question.

"Saint Lord is the East Martial King, "gate?"

Ren Yun'er was taken aback, she couldn't imagine that Saint Lord's real identity would be Dong Martial King, but when she thought of Dong Martial King's various legends, it seemed that it was not impossible for Dong Martial King to cultivate a transcendent force in a short period of time.

After figuring this out, she calmed down.

"I was knocked down in the Yangtze River of Eternal Darkness, what happened after that, what about Tianqi?"

At this moment, Ren Yun'er really wanted to know about Huang Tianqi's situation.

The waiter did not delay, and patiently explained what happened at the Great Buddha Temple that day.

"Apocalypse has awakened, and Master Chunyang has become a teacher."

Ren Yun'er had a premonition that everything that happened in the Great Buddha Temple had been arranged, and the mastermind behind the scenes was Dong Martial King.

Her being knocked down to the Yangtze River is also part of the East Martial King's plan, the purpose may be to stimulate Huang Tianqi and cultivate Huang Tianqi.

As soon as this thought came out, Ren Yun'er realized how terrifying the number one seeker in the ages is.

Buddhism and the Devil's Cult wanted to plot against the East Martial King, but they didn't know that the East Martial King had plotted against them instead.

They failed in their calculations, and foolishly thought that Heavenly Dao was unfair, preventing them from getting rid of Dong Martial King and his son.

I don't know if they are acting according to Dong Martial King's script.

"Is father in this stronghold?"

Ren Yuner asked.

"Yes, the master is fishing at the moment."

"Take me to see my father."

"Young Madam, don't worry. Once the master fishes, he will sit until the sun goes down to collect the pole. Young Madam, you should eat something and take care of it."

When Ren Yuner heard this, she nodded, ate something, and cooperated with the waitress to tidy up her clothes.


Ren Yuner, led by Bi Nu, came to the place where Huang Dongjie was fishing.

"Father, thank you for your,,,"

"One family doesn't speak two different words, you don't blame me for using you."

Huang Dongjie didn't look back at Ren Yun'er behind him, raised his hand and shook, not realizing that Yun'er didn't need to be so polite.

"Father used me for Tianqi's benefit, how dare I blame my father."

Ren Yuner shook her head and said.

"Isn't that strange?"

"Although I rarely make mistakes in my calculations, there are risks."

"Don't talk about other factors, let's just say how dangerous it is to fall into the eternal dark Yangtze River. Nine deaths are easy to say. I'm taking your life to stimulate my stupid son [You really don't blame me]


Huang Dongjie asked calmly.

"No wonder, anyway, I am terminally ill and will die sooner or later. If I die early and let Huang Tianqi awaken Martial Dao Artistic Conception, I am willing."

Ren Yuner's eyes are very pure and sincere, but because of Huang Tianqi's awakening Martial Dao Artistic Conception, she showed a sweet smile.

"That kid is lucky to meet you."

"come in!"

Huang Dongjie said casually.

There was the sound of footsteps, Ren Yun turned her head and looked over, her eyes startled.

She saw two monks she was very familiar with coming out of the corner, one was Daobao who rescued her from the Great Buddha Temple, and the other was Guangwen who shot her down the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River.

At this moment, the two monks came to her side by side.

"Young Madam, I'm very sorry, I lied to you, I'm not a court official, I'm a member of the Holy Court, and I deliberately led you to escape to the south of the Yangtze River in the Eternal Darkness according to the plan

Dao Bao lowered his head and apologized.

"Young Madam, I am sincerely sorry. I am also a member of the Holy Court. It is not my wish to hurt you. Please forgive me.

Guangwen said apologetically.

'. "Father, I want to know how many people in the Great Buddha Temple belong to us?"

Now that Ren Yun'er knows why she fell into the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River, she will be fine, and she is acting according to the script inside and out.

The Great Buddha Temple was on fire, probably because of the cooperation of the undercover people of the Holy Court Society who were in the Great Buddha Temple.

Ren Yun'er suspected that not only the Great Buddha Temple had people from the Holy Court lurking in hiding, but even other supernatural forces also had people from the Holy Court, and there were quite a few of them.

"I don't know about it, and I haven't counted it specifically, but the number should be quite a lot."

"You two performed well, go down and receive the reward, what should you do?"

Huang Dongjie waved for the two monks to go out.

"Thank you Saint Lord, thank you Saint Lord..."

The two monks retreated excitedly.

"My Death is very stimulating to Tianqi, at this moment Tianqi should be in a state of madness, and he is determined to take revenge on Buddhism in order to practice and become stronger.

"This kind of mentality will easily lead Tianqi to go to extremes. Let Yang Lulu take care of him. Yang Lulu should be able to enlighten him instead of me."

Ren Yuner really wants to see Huang Tianqi, but she knows that all these arrangements are for Huang Tianqi's growth, she may have to be silent for a long time, and cannot (do Zhao) meet Huang Tianqi

In order to prevent Huang Tianqi from going crazy and going to extremes, she recommended Yang Lulu and asked her father to arrange Yang Lulu to take care of Huang Tianqi.

"already arranged."

Huang Dongjie replied calmly.

"Father, how long will it take for me to see Tianqi?"

Ren Yun'er was afraid that she would not have much time, and she was deeply afraid that the terminal illness would suddenly break out, and she would not be able to see Huang Tianqi until she died.

"It's very easy for you to see him, I will ventilate with Zhang Nine Heavens, and when you recover from your injury, I will turn you into a Taoist priest who repairs flowers and plants.

"To allow you to watch him from a distance, the premise is that you have to learn the art of camouflage. I will invite a master of camouflage to teach you in two days."

Huang Dongjie said.

"Thank you father, thank you,...

Ren Yuner was very excited, even if she couldn't get in touch with Huang Tianqi, she was satisfied just watching him from a distance.

"Another point is that I have cured your terminal illness, so you don't need to worry about your physical problems anymore.

Ren Yun'er was taken aback when she heard the words, instead of saying words of thanks, she bowed deeply to Huang Dongjie. .

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