I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 199: The Arrival Of The King Father

"The breakthrough contract is always by your side?"

Huang Tianqi is thinking about what things around him can make him realize.

"Master, how did other Grand Great Masters break through."

Huang Tianqi thought for a while, but he didn't understand what his breakthrough contract was. He wanted to refer to the breakthrough process of other Grand Great Masters, and wanted to know how other Grand Great Masters broke through.

"Mo Wusheng's breakthrough is related to fish. Mo Wusheng was originally a child of an ordinary fisherman. He was either fishing or on the way to fish all year round."

"One day, an unfortunate thing happened. A group of robbers bloodied their fishing village. At that time, he went out to fish and just skipped one or two."

"In order to avenge the gangsters, he took the initiative to find the killer organization. He found the killer organization, but the killer has to pay."

"He didn't have any money, so he took the initiative to join the killer organization. He learned a lot of skills, and he took revenge easily, but he also offended the people behind the gangsters."

"When he kills the people behind him, he provokes the people behind him."

"The nepotism of people in Jianghu is complicated. Whenever he solves a group of people, another group of people will always jump out to provoke him. y

"In the end, he provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, and his killer organization abandoned him, and instead hunted him down."

"When he was desperate, he was rescued by an Elder from our Taoist sect who traveled the world, so he owes our Taoist sect a favor."

"Because he provokes the wrong people, he wisely hides."

"It took him more than 50 years to hide. For more than 50 years, he has been hiding in a remote seaside, and he practiced on the sea every day."

"This is the case in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and his way of cultivation is also very strange, that is, chopping fish."

"He stood quietly on the sea with his eyes closed, and once he sensed the fish he wanted passing by, he would slash it with his sword.

"He has been chopping fish for decades, and he has gradually learned a skill, that is, when he chops the fish he wants, that fish will not die on the spot."

"The fish don't know that they are dead, and they only find out that they are dead after a night of parade."

"If a person focuses on one thing day after day, he will achieve unimaginable success in this area. Thanks to decades of accumulation, Mo Wusheng has greatly increased his Cultivation Base and improved his swordsmanship."

"Before breaking through the Grand Great Master, he was able to let a fish move for three days and three nights before he found himself dead.

"When he was unable to advance, a super typhoon came, and this super typhoon also made him a Grand Great Master."

"He saw the ruthlessness of the sea and the deprivation of life by the sea. Just when he couldn't bear the impact of the rough sea water, he saw the fish jumping over the dragon's gate."

"I don't know what the scene of the fish jumping over the dragon's gate made him feel, he just broke through on the spot."

"After that, things were simple. He was born and killed all those who opposed him, and even his former killer organization directly surrendered to him.

"The demon sect Zheng Tianjue realized some kind of breakthrough in the process of killing people."

"The ancestors of your royal family traveled the world and saw the people's suffering and breakthrough.

"That Buddhist bald donkey broke through by himself while sitting."

"Every Grand Great Master is a legend, everyone has a detailed file, you want to know their experience.

"Go to our intelligence department, there is something you want to know."

Zhang Nine Heavens gave Huang Tianqi a lot of authority, and Huang Tianqi could go to many secret places in Tianshi Dao. He obviously trained Huang Tianqi as Dao Child.

"Break through things slowly, don't rush, not everyone is as perverted as your father, if you talk about a breakthrough, you will make a breakthrough."

"It's a matter of time before you break through the Grand Great Master. Even if you can't break through ahead of time, you can break through naturally after decades of accumulation."

"Don't be in a hurry to get revenge, the Great Buddha Temple is there, they can't escape."

Seeing Huang Tianqi's silence, Zhang Nine Heavens still wanted to persuade him.

"Master, I know, but I just want to break through and close the door earlier."

When Huang Tianqi talked about Buddhism, his eyes were filled with endless hatred.

"Master, Yun'er's body,,,"

"I can't find it. After so many days, your woman's body either rotted or was eaten by the special fish that lived in the Yangtze River."

Zhang Nine Heavens shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Huang Tianqi's body trembled, and the hatred for Buddhism came up in his heart.

"Don't ignore the people around you who treat you well because of hatred."

"Look at that girl, she has been by your side all the time, and she has been telling you with her actions that you still have her.

Zhang Nine Heavens glanced at Yang Lulu. Yang Lulu had been here for a long time, and she had been standing not far away quietly waiting for Huang Tianqi, not intending to disturb Huang Tianqi.

The girl's heart has always been there, and he doesn't want his apprentice to live up to this love like this.

"Master, I just want revenge and don't think about anything else."

……… Ask for flowers……

Huang Tianqi treats Yang Lulu with a complicated heart, and he can't bear the girl's gentleness, but he doesn't want to be distracted by this and delay his becoming stronger.

Zhang Nine Heavens shook his head slightly, said nothing more, and led Huang Tianqi to the next lesson.

One day later, Huang Dongjie came!

The Tianshi Dao was boiling up and down, and they all wanted to take a look at this legendary figure, but they were all suppressed by the Elders, and they honestly did what they should do.

"Father is here!"

Huang Tianqi was stunned for a moment, then returned to normal and continued to practice.


Two big guys sitting face to face

What's more, Zhang Nine Heavens has been looking at Huang Dongjie, but Huang Dongjie seems to have not seen Zhang Nine Heavens' sight, drinking tea casually [occasionally raised his head to look at the surrounding environment.


"I can't see through you!"

Zhang Nine Heavens was silent for a while and said.

"It's normal not to see through, I'm better than you."

Huang Dongjie said casually.

Zhang Nine Heavens was taken aback when he heard the words, and in an instant he exuded a strong fighting intent, but in the next second he withdrew his fighting intent.

He was actually disturbed by the words of a latecomer. It seemed that he was really old.

"I really want to fight with you, but thinking about it, it seems unnecessary. To be honest, your existence is really surprising."

Zhang Nine Heavens recalled Huang Dongjie's deeds and wondered how there could be such a perfect person in this world.

The wisdom is superb, the force is the strongest in the world, God really allows such a person to exist!

"I was just an accident. If it wasn't for fate that brought me to Qingzhou, I would still be the prince who is idle and doing nothing."

"Hahaha... idle prince, there are already enough such princes in the court, but you still want to pretend to be weak and fish in troubled waters every day, your mentality is really interesting.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Nine Heavens burst out laughing.

"What's wrong with fishing in troubled waters? My goal in life is that I don't cause trouble. Please don't come to me."

"Eat and drink every day, don't have to work, and have money to spend. The court doesn't know how many such a prince has been raised. I'm very happy to have one more.

"Unfortunately, I accidentally exposed it!"

"Otherwise, I don't know how happy my life is."

"It's like now, a group of mad dogs are staring at me, and there are a lot of people who want me to die, completely ruining the beautiful days I imagined."

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